How to read the mDLAUG


This is a definition for ACC1. Bolded and underlined term in the definition or elsewhere indicate a pop-up. Pop-ups give the definition of the term.

Factors Leading to the Situation

  • Inadequate features/functions: indirect file access
  • Inadequate support: ineffective semantic markup (text with tooltip) A way that codes or structures HTML elements on a website to clearly describe their meaning or purpose in a way that is both human-readable and machine-readable.
  • Incompatibility: incompatible with browsers and devices
  • Lack of features/functions/items/information: lack of descriptive information
  • Unclear instruction: file access


This is the guideline numbering system. For instance, a guideline could be numbered 1, with its technique 1.1, features 1.1.1 and example 1.1.1.a.

Rationale for Suggesting the above Guidelines

BVI (text with tooltip) The acronym for Blind and Visually Impaired. It refers to BVI users who rely on screen readers to interact with digital libraries (DLs). users may struggle to access files when only links of files are provided on a page. These guidelines ensure that BVI users can efficiently access linked files and attachments on a page. By displaying files directly on a page and providing appropriate file specifications (e.g., descriptive titles that can be understood by BVI users) and instructions for accessing files, DLs allow BVI users to better access and understand linked or downloadable files. These guidelines prioritize inclusivity and ease of use for all DL users.

Techniques and Methods to Comply with a Specific Design Guideline

1.1. Integrate a file viewer (text with tooltip) A software application that allows you to open, view, and sometimes edit different types of files on your computer or device. These viewers can handle various file formats, such as documents, images, videos, and more.  to open file directly.
1.2. If applicable, use <iframe> (text with tooltip) An HTML tag that embeds a separate HTML document within another, creating nested browsing content for user interaction.  in HTML with <iframe title> or in JavaScript code with <iframe.title> to include the file content within the webpage.
2.1. Assign a meaningful title and specify the type and size of the file.
2.2. Present specific descriptions (e.g. links, pop-up windows) for all the options to access files.

Features Suggested for Users

These are internal links to show related examples. These links are embedded in labels such as "See example  1.1.1a.,  1.2.1.a." etc.

Examples of Best Practice

1.1.1.a./1.2.1.a. Using <iframe> on JavaScript

This is an example with a button labelled "view and copy code" to view and copy an example of a code.

JavaScript and iframe codes to dynamically load the content into an HTML element upon user interaction. ACC1 Figure a1. Example code for using <iframe>

2.1.1.a. Use a <a> tag and provide additional information of file.

This allows users to navigate to another webpage, file, or a specific section within a webpage. The primary attribute of the <a> tag is href, which specifies the URL of the destination. A target attribute could be added to indicate opening the link in a new tab or window. Source: Orange digital accessibility guidelines. (n.d.).

View and Copy code
<p>Here is an example of a link with the necessary information:</p> 
<p>Download the <a href="#">complete review 2020 (PDF, 1.5 MB)</a>.</p>

Examples of Poor Practice

1.1.1.b. Difficulty accessing downloading link “What is the any image or any other girl or a description of the setup? So that’s uh, those are that’s meant. So they’re not they for unpermitted to open.” (AT18-OL) This image highlights the unclickable link for downloading materials.
ACC1 Figure b1. Screenshot of difficulty directly accessing files


See also:

This is a 'see also' section at the end of each situation. It provides a link to a related situation or the main category under which the situation falls.