3. Transcript Example

Universal accessibility and usability of digital libraries research meeting (AP14-OL)-20230630_135503-Meeting Recording

June 30, 2023, 6:55PM

45m 47s

RA started transcription

RA   0:09

AP14-OL   0:10

RA   0:12
Ohm ohm, before we begin, are you able to use the chat function?

AP14-OL   0:18
On my phone.
Let’s see, you know, this is the first time I’m using teams on Android phones.

RA   0:20

AP14-OL   0:25
Honestly, but let.

RA   0:26

AP14-OL   0:27
Let me just click around and I should be able to find it.
All righty.
OK Chad, I have found the button.
OK, so the edit box is now available.
I can type in.

RA   0:52
Oh, OK.
So our first library will be the.
OER and I will send you the link to the oil Commons and you can access through this.

AP14-OL   1:08
All righty, let’s give it a try.

RA   1:19
Can you reroll, load the chat again?

AP14-OL   1:34
Ohh let’s see.
But can you see my screen?

RA   1:44
Yes, I can.

AP14-OL   1:46

RA   1:49
It’s just that I sent the messages, but it it’s not showing up in your side so.

AP14-OL   1:56
Let’s see.

RA   2:01

AP14-OL   2:28
Yeah, I’m clicking on the chat button, but it’s just showing me the.
Chat box.

RA   2:33
OK Ohh it’s now it’s sent.

AP14-OL   2:37
Ohh OK, let’s see.
That’s good.
OK, this is tricky.
I am activating this ohh.

RA   3:10

AP14-OL   3:21
Often left.

RA   3:28

AP14-OL   3:31
So brave is the browser that I’m using in case that helps.

RA   3:36
OK. Thank you.
That helps a lot.
Ohh OK, so we will first begin with this OR comments and the first task for this digital library is the orientation task.
So for this task you will have 10 minutes to explore the features and functions of.
This digital library and while we’re doing that, please talk continuously about your thoughts and actions during this task.
And I will remind you, when you have two minutes left for this, tops, Are you ready to start?

AP14-OL   4:10

RA   4:11
Then I will start the timer.


AP14-OL   4:14
Alrighty. Ohh search form OK.

RA   4:51
So you could speak freely about what you’re doing, how you’re doing, what your thoughts are on doing the activity.

AP14-OL   4:58
Ohh yeah, So what I’m doing is so talk back is telling me for some of the links or.
You know collapsible expandable items and then if it says collapse then I have to expand it so that I could see more features.
Umm So what happens when you are using?
It’s aside if it’s properly designed, is it detects that you are using a mobile device and then you know some of the menus can be collapsed, so you have to expand them.

RA   5:36

AP14-OL   5:38
Ohh yeah, I I’m just flicking right.
Currently I’m not doing anything, just flicking right and sometimes left, just if I wanna make sure you know trying to understand the relationship of the layout.
You know the links, the buttons and what have you, so just trying to understand how they are grouped.

RA   6:02

AP14-OL   6:11
OK. OK, some of the I the cursor is.
I’m not sure whether it’s visible on the screen on your side, but I have found a video here which talks about the OCR.
Ohh yeah, our website I believe. So what?
I’m noticing is it’s a little bit verbose, so it’s not properly tagged.
So it’s it’s telling me and, you know, a bunch of numbers and what have you.
It doesn’t really make sense from a screen reader point of view.

RA   7:40

AP14-OL   7:41
So, OK, it’s telling me that there is a video thumbnail.
OK, there is a button for play clip.
Alright, so there is a slider A6 slider.
I’m not sure if that works or not, but I’ll just flick past that.
OK, let’s see.
OK, it’s back to the top.
Umm, so This is why I don’t like, you know, navigating using Android phones you.
Something is accessible.
Does not necessarily mean something is usable, so this.
Site, you know, 90 whatever percent appears to be designed properly.
So far we are on the home page, but from you know when I compare my use with uh, the Windows operating system or even the iPhone, I find myself more productive, more efficient when using those.

RA   10:01

AP14-OL   10:02
So this this doesn’t.
This doesn’t have necessarily to be.
It’s not.
It’s not the issue of this website, Percy.
It’s it’s a, you know, the the issue is a Google issue, all the gestures and whatever they have assigned.

RA   10:18

AP14-OL   10:19
Did not really make you. Yeah. The thing is, there are a lot of Android phones out there.

RA   10:26

AP14-OL   10:26
Something Huawei, LG and what have you and the fact that the Android system is open for tweaking so that you know all these manufacturers make tweaks, whatever tweaks, and then also add bloatware and what have you that interferes with the entire system.
But when it comes to iPhone, it’s just Apple.
It gives you Apple gives you a voice over and it’s quite universal everywhere.

RA   10:56

AP14-OL   10:59
Sorry, just a minute.

RA   11:01

AP14-OL   11:02
All right, I’m back.
Sorry I dropped something.

RA   11:05
No, that’s OK.

AP14-OL   11:08
OK, so one thing I also find if I’m if I have to use a mobile device and if I have to type, you know many things.

RA   11:19

AP14-OL   11:20
I usually prefer connecting an external keyboard I have, yet I I haven’t.

RA   11:24

AP14-OL   11:26
I haven’t connected to anything just for purpose of this of this device, but that’s probably I’m I’m highlighting what I do so that you know, in case you wanna include that in your research or whatever.

RA   11:33
Oh, OK.
But we don’t have participant who use external keyboards which was defined it interesting because it’s a mobile device.
You are able to carry it around but.

AP14-OL   11:50
Right. OK.

RA   11:55
Umm, thank you for the input you’re interested with that findings as well.
We weren’t sure why people are connecting their keyboards to mobile devices because through it’s made for you to carry them.

AP14-OL   12:10
I mean, if you have to type, you know, we find it easier using external keyboards and you know, we can, we can type fast if we are using external keyboard, if it if it’s just, you know typing on the phone, then what happens is you have to 1st hear the letter and then you know input that letter and then find another letter and then input that again.

RA   12:13

AP14-OL   12:35
But if it’s on the keyboard, it’s quite intuitive and you know our brain is tuned to the the way the keyboard, you know, the just the way we we type on the computer.

RA   12:40

AP14-OL   12:47
So not a problem.

RA   12:47

AP14-OL   12:49
We don’t.
You don’t really have to think of, you know which letter is where.

RA   12:54
Umm, so when you said Ohh even though the website structure itself is accessible it doesn’t mean usable.
Can you explain further on that?

AP14-OL   13:08
Yes, so.
Sometimes you know some of the buttons appear to be properly labeled, but when you try to activate those buttons or those edit boxes, these screen readers are not able to to get the right information on the screen, and that you know you’re not able to interact with with the web elements. And that.

RA   13:15
So it doesn’t.
Oh, sorry, yeah.

AP14-OL   13:40
So yeah.
So with regards to this specific website, we have yet to try it.
We’re not sure how these things work, but that’s that’s something you know I usually experience.
You know that that actually happened to me when I try to log in earlier with the Microsoft Teams, some of the buttons where unlabeled.

RA   14:02
Ohh even in teams.

AP14-OL   14:05
In. Yes, it is. Yeah. So OK, actually, let’s see. I’m I’m confused.
I’m trying to join both from from the PC and from.
Yeah, some of the buttons on the PC where unlabeled, yes.

RA   14:16
Oh, OK. Interesting. Who?

AP14-OL   14:19
Yeah, yeah, that that can happen.
Even this measure companies stay, they also make there are some bugs that they need to fix.

RA   14:30
Umm ohh I am.
I was so focused on what you’re saying, I forgot.
I have to tell you, you have two minutes left for this task.
Actually it we passed the 10 minute time for the orientation so.

AP14-OL   14:42
Yeah, but that’s fine. Yeah.

RA   14:46
I’m sorry I ohh.

AP14-OL   14:49
No, it’s OK.
I I I give rained from the main discussion probably.

RA   14:55
OK, now we can start on our main task.

AP14-OL   14:59

RA   14:59
So let’s task you will have 15 minutes and I will hopefully remind you when we have two minutes left.

AP14-OL   15:06

RA   15:07
So yeah, so I will send you 2 messages through chat box, one will be the task and the other will be the OR your comments link again.

AP14-OL   15:23
So are we coming back to this side or I can just, we are. OK.

RA   15:27
Yes, we are, yeah.

AP14-OL   15:31
Alrighty, let’s see.

RA   16:12
Are you done with reading the task?

AP14-OL   16:16
Let. Let’s see.
Ohh no I’m.

RA   16:18

AP14-OL   16:18
I’m just saying I’m.
I’m trying to understand what this thing is.

RA   16:22

AP14-OL   16:23
Alright, let’s see.
OK so I need.
I need your help in this regard, so we’re trying to find, you know, MIT course, but what are we?

RA   16:48

AP14-OL   16:52
I think I have said talk back.
OK, let me change the Talkback setting first.

RA   16:59

AP14-OL   17:00
Get to slow it down, I think.

RA   17:02
Would you prefer me to say it out?
The question for you?

AP14-OL   17:06
Ohh yes, yes that helps.

RA   17:08
Ohh yeah, it’s just that I’m not.
Ah, what native speaker?
So we’re kind of thinking that having you read the question would be much easier, but for this one I will read it out for you.

AP14-OL   17:22

RA   17:26
So all we are task one, find Apple course on global warming provided by MIT in 2012.
Which department offer this course?
Find the trend of I’ll find the trend of land surface temperature from one figure in lecture 3.
Milio climate one.
Said that arrived.

AP14-OL   17:52
Alright, I’ll, I’ll ask you again once the web.

RA   17:55
Ohh yeah, we were kind of afraid that people won’t be able to understand what we’re saying so.

AP14-OL   17:58
Alright, let’s see.

RA   18:09
If, oh, before we begin, I need to ask you one thing.

AP14-OL   18:14

RA   18:15
No, to what extent are you familiar with this search topic?
This will be one not familiar at all to 7 being extremely familiar.

AP14-OL   18:28
Between one and seven.

RA   18:35

AP14-OL   18:36
I’m just an ordinary reader when it comes to global warming or climate.
Well, I I I’m not a professional.
I’m not a I have some idea, but I I would rate myself probably 3.

RA   18:50
OK, good.
So Are you ready to start the task?

AP14-OL   18:55
Yes, let’s see. OK.

RA   18:56
Then I will start the timer now.
Uh, would you be using the keyboard or just type in my hand?

AP14-OL   19:11
Are you?
I’m I’m not using ohh.
Let me let me connect a keyboard.
I think that helps.
Let’s see.

RA   21:12
Is it connected?

AP14-OL   21:14
Yes it is.

RA   21:15
OK, so make sure you use that only on typing.

AP14-OL   21:21
Yes, yes.

RA   21:23
Thank you.
Ohh can start now.
Make sure to keep talking while you’re doing this task.



AP14-OL   21:53
OK. So OK, I I have double tapped on the.
I think it’s the second uh search edit box that says keyword I’m.
I’m oops, I’m I’m typing global warming. OK, now I am using my phone.
Let’s see. OK, it’s asking me for subject. Let me expand subject here.
So I’m swiping right trying to understand, you know, the uh, all the options under subject, there are thirteen options.

RA   22:49

AP14-OL   22:51
So I’m trying to find the right fit for global warming.
Hmm, this is tricky. Applied science. Life science. Physical science. Let’s turn up.
OK, Al, Select applied science. I’m not sure, but I will.
I’ll go with that and then continue my search.
OK, so I have double tapped on applied signs.
So now subject is collapsed and now I’ll expand education.
OK, so it’s telling me that there are 11 items.
I’ll keep swiping right preschool.
Well, I I forgot what was the level in the question or it just said MIT.

RA   24:34
A whole course on global warming provided by MIT in 2012.

AP14-OL   24:42
What? What’s the first word? Sorry. What course?

RA   24:46
All course.

AP14-OL   24:48
Full course if Lok well, it doesn’t tell whether it’s undergrad or graduate class, right?

RA   24:49
Yes. Full yes, IFUL. No, it doesn’t say.

AP14-OL   25:00
It doesn’t say OK. Hello. OK.
Ohh I have selected graduate slash professional and then OK standard.
Ohh my God, there are 62 options here under standard.
So this is a climate course, right?

RA   25:41
Yes, on global warming.

AP14-OL   25:43
Yeah. OK. OK, I don’t see MIT here.
I’ll just pick next generation science standards.
This is I guess work.
I’m I’m visiting this site for the first for the first time so.
OK, now I have the search button and then OK alright.
I feel like I have to go back in the search area and then put MIT global warming.
I seems like I’m not getting any MIT results here.
Ohh OK Ohh OK now I can activate advanced search results.
OK, good. Also, here is a link for that.
Ohh I hate this cookies.
They’re afraid to interfere with your navigation, and there are pain in the neck, OK.
OK, I’m.
I’m starting afresh. I could be, I don’t know.
I’m not sure. If I’m within time, that’s.
Yeah, let’s see if this makes sense, OK.

RA   29:25
And you have two minutes left for this task.

AP14-OL   29:29
Alright, OK.

RA   29:50
Oh, sorry 5 minutes.
Sorry, sorry about that.

AP14-OL   30:54

RA   32:12
So what are you experiencing currently?

AP14-OL   32:15
Yeah, this is OK.
This is tricky.
I it’s it’s really hard to tell.
You know, it takes a lot of time to understand this database.
It’s not intuitive. That’s what I’m inferring.
You know this same thing happened to me.
It’s it’s not just because I’m using a mobile phone, but I am a graduate student at Northeastern Illinois University.
I really hate the library database.
It’s not intuitive, so this is I think this is an issue with, you know, the way it’s designed decides are designed.
Right. So I couldn’t find anything that relates to MIT global warming training.
Uh, but I’m. I’m just.

RA   33:18
OK, now you have two minutes left for this task.
Sorry about the previous note.

AP14-OL   33:21
OK. Hi.
Activity assignments, class guides, courseware.
Instructor materials.
So it was OK in lecture 3, right?
I think that’s what the question was saying.

RA   33:47

AP14-OL   33:50

RA   33:52
Also, which department offer this course and land surface temperature from one figure from Lecture 3?

AP14-OL   34:02
OK, instructor materials.

RA   36:00
And umm, that was our task one.

AP14-OL   36:05
OK, it without success alright.

RA   36:09
Oh oh.

AP14-OL   36:14

RA   36:15
Fortunately, it’s time to begin task too.

AP14-OL   36:20
Yeah. Alrighty.

RA   36:22
Well, that’s question is quite long.
So I want to let you know my chat so that you could take time to read it by yourself.

AP14-OL   36:34
Oh, gosh, sorry, sorry, let.

RA   36:59
OK, so I sent it through teams.
Message you’re able to hear the message, right?

AP14-OL   37:03
OK, well.
Just a second, some I don’t know.
I got a scam call and then the speaker is muted.
Let me turn it on.
Ohh no.
Ohh my I did.
I didn’t have luck with the first one.
OK, I’ll try so I should continue searching and look.

RA   38:49
Ohh, before we actually go into the question.
So, to what extent are you familiar with this search topic?
So once again, one being not familiar at all to 7 being extremely familiar.

AP14-OL   39:04
Ohh I’m not an applied science student.
I’m not really good at that.
I would say one.

RA   39:11
Uh-huh. Good.

AP14-OL   39:13
Or probably too, I don’t know.
Well, alright, let’s see.

RA   39:26
We start from the first page.

AP14-OL   39:31
Call from the first page.

RA   39:32

AP14-OL   39:33
Alrighty, let’s see.

RA   39:49
If you’re ready to start, so for this one, you’re finding as many items as you can within 15 minutes.
So yeah, please tell me whenever you find the relevant item and explain why this item is relevant.

AP14-OL   40:08
Alright, OK.

RA   40:35
And remember to talk about your thoughts and action in progress within the task.

AP14-OL   40:54
Alright, OK. Umm.

RA   41:32
So the question was to find items or graphic related to relationship between position, velocity and acceleration.

AP14-OL   41:41
Oh, sorry.

RA   41:43
Did you?
Did you hear the different task?

AP14-OL   41:51
Oh no.
I was thinking that I have to continue working on that first and then find the relationship between velocity and.

RA   41:57
Ohh no no no.
Start fresh for task 2, yes.

AP14-OL   41:59
It’s OK.
Ohh, that’s a separate task.
Alright, my alright.


RA   42:12
We start from 15, so I will count them from now.

AP14-OL   42:12
So OK, can you repeat the question relationship between velocity?

RA   42:23
OK, so the question was find interactive items or graphics related to relationship between position, velocity and acceleration.
Please find as many items as you can within 15 minutes.
Each should represent different formats, such as interactive items, image, text, etcetera or content.
For example, the relationship between velocity and acceleration, the relationship between position and velocity, etcetera.
Ohh these search topics.

AP14-OL   43:01
So position, right?

RA   43:03
Yes, position, velocity and acceleration.

AP14-OL   43:14
All right.
Sorry, can you can you just give me a minute?

RA   43:33
Yeah, sure.

AP14-OL   43:34
Yeah. OK.
Alright, what’s happening here?
Oh my God.
They are fixing the the top the pipes here and my kitchen is flooded.

RA   45:11
Oh no.


Universal accessibility and usability of digital libraries research meeting (AP14-OL)-20230706_151115-Meeting Recording

July 6, 2023, 8:11PM

2h 21m 45s

RA started transcription

RA   0:09
Can you use the keyboard only when you type in the search query?

Tedros PC (Guest)   0:15
Yes, yes, I’m not.

RA   0:15
Once we want to see.

Tedros PC (Guest)   0:16
I’m not.
I’m not gonna use it for, for for other purposes.

RA   0:19
OK, good.
So our second cause for this OR comments is oops, I should have sent you the uh task through.

Tedros PC (Guest)   0:31
Have a question?
Well, let me.
That keyboard is not working too.
Let me quickly I think let me just put it there.

RA   0:38

Tedros PC (Guest)   0:44
Asking like back home. Thank you for calling. I thought I.
OK, one device connected. OK Ohh it’s working. Yeah.
Alright, let me go back. Text. Watch this about this. Wanted to ask what type but no you have. So I don’t see teams.

RA   1:46
Are you able to swipe this into? Yeah.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:51
Let’s see what happened.

RA   1:52
No, that you’re in the center.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:59
Thank you.
Open screen.

RA   2:04
Hmm, yeah, this you would have to get out of this setting.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:09
What happened?
Lock this up the last options.

RA   2:11
No, no.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:20
I don’t know.

RA   2:20
Oh no.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:21
I don’t really know what this is, PowerShell and.
Can you still see my phone?

RA   2:33

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:33
This train, OK, uh.
Ohh teams.
OK, sorry.

RA   2:41
No, no problem.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:42
Alright, OK.

RA   2:42
So I will send the task information.
For this I just want to send it because it would be kind of complex.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:49

RA   2:54
Yep, I sent the message.

Tedros PC (Guest)   3:01
I thank you. I don’t know how much, OK. Like this? OK last.
Wait, wait. I just got this one.

RA   3:36
OK. Are you Don the reading the task OK so.

Tedros PC (Guest)   3:41
Yes, I I’m.
I’m just searching for the.

RA   3:46
Before we start, I need to ask you one question.
So, to what extent are you familiar with the search topics?

Tedros PC (Guest)   3:49

RA   3:53
So one being not familiar to 7 being extremely familiar.

Tedros PC (Guest)   3:57
Uh, no, I don’t know.
I would probably say either one or two.

RA   4:04
Umm would it be close to two or one?

Tedros PC (Guest)   4:05
Yes, let’s, let’s say too, yeah.

RA   4:09
OK, good.
So for this task you have, uh, 15 minutes for this task and I’ll remind you, when you have two minutes left, OK.

Tedros PC (Guest)   4:19
Yes, OK.

RA   4:21
And also please tell me whenever you find the relevant item and explain why this item is relevant.
Also remember to please keep talking continuously about your thoughts and actions.

Tedros PC (Guest)   4:35
OK, alright.

RA   4:36
All I will start the timer now.



Tedros PC (Guest)   4:39
All right. Yeah, Xbox One. Xbox My father and.
Alright, so now OK, I am going to type. Let’s see.
Nothing, OK? Uh. Oops. It’s it felt one. OK. I’ll.
I’ll just a general search this time because last time it took me a lot of time trying to filter. I just wanna see what the results will will be. No.
OK, between the lost city. Ohh I don’t know of Belgium. Open, open, open.
I like party. Nothing happening. Uh, like I I’ll talk to you.
OK. Let me just first. OK.
Uh, I’m assuming now there is some results.
Are some results here and I will use the heading navigation on Talkback.
Let me do that.
Search resources.
OK, it’s telling me that there are 15 results now.
I’ll swipe right to see what the results are.

RA   6:16
Is there a reason why you said like previously you are not sure that you will have results or no? What was the reason?

Tedros PC (Guest)   6:25
Ohh no. So it took me a lot of time.
Actually I’ll do general search.
I was, you know, I spent a lot of time filtering.

RA   6:34
Alright, he went the last time, right? Umm.

Tedros PC (Guest)   6:35
So yes, now what I’m trying to do is I’m just drawing general search irrespective of its level or subject matter.

RA   6:42
Umm. Mm-hmm.

Tedros PC (Guest)   6:47
So I just I just key in you know I just type in the keyword and then hit enter for search.

RA   6:56
Ohh, so that’s why you just mentioned that you’re assuming that you have.
There will be some result.
It’s because you did general search.

Tedros PC (Guest)   7:05
Yes, but I’m I’m not really sure with regards to its you know.

RA   7:06
Uh, OK.

Tedros PC (Guest)   7:12
To its category, to its level or whatever.

RA   7:14

Tedros PC (Guest)   7:16
So I’ll have to look at the results.

RA   7:19

Tedros PC (Guest)   7:20
All right, let’s see next time.
OK, it’s still showing me some filtering. Options, but I’ll skip that. I’ll. I’ll keep swiping right. OK.
Ohh my OK acceleration with Android.
The gateway to acceleration and so.
Difficult, awesome.
Talk to him.
Just testing accelerometer.
OK accelerometer just.
Forces and motion.
OK, this one makes sense I think.
How many items were able to find right?
That’s what is that one of the questions.

RA   8:26
Uh, it will be fine as many items as you can within 15 minutes, but it should represent different formats or contents.

Tedros PC (Guest)   8:36
OK. So OK, I I I don’t really have an in depth knowledge about this thing, but I am assuming do I need to open the results or just have a look?
It’s just gonna be a cursory look on the.

RA   8:50
Umm, it would be good if you access and verify if this is relevant to the search topic that we’re looking at.

Tedros PC (Guest)   8:59
All right.
OK, let me first have a look at the results and then.

RA   9:03

Tedros PC (Guest)   9:06
OK. Next, why are we now?
Forces in motion.
OK, this is good.
1 newtons architecture.
Blunt force. OK. Three like. Motion on the ground.

RA   9:42
So one thing to note, sorry to interrupt you with your screen reader is off for this question.

Tedros PC (Guest)   9:45

RA   9:48
You need to find interactive items or graphics related to this topic.
So whether you could interact with the items that they provide is one of the key things that we want you to look at.

Tedros PC (Guest)   10:01
Yeah. OK. Well, I’ll try, OK. Motion on around.
Measuring G. Conceptual physics making waves I it’s like.
So OK. Metrics for measuring chilly. Let me check this one first.
It’s not that button. We need everything. Like OK.
What you’re asking? Yeah. Middle school?
Are we OK? Is there any level that we are aiming for?

RA   12:03
Ohh no.

Tedros PC (Guest)   12:05
OK, I can’t.OK, great. So activity map.
Like different, different. Yeah.
Text Ashley ML I don’t.
But ten, but.
OK, some buttons are unlabeled.
It’s really hard to tell what they are meant for.
Let me see what this is.
So ohh no.
OK, let me go back.
It’s watch.
Awesome, I’m talking.
I just want to, OK.
About the.
Ohh I was I now ohh.
I just want.
I just want.

RA   14:12
What kind of problem are you having here?

Tedros PC (Guest)   14:14
Ah. OK.
So the problem with Android phones is you really find it hard to find a dedicated back or forward button when you are in the browser.
So if I do back so at the bottom of the screen, there are three buttons, right?
One for recent the middle one is home and the other one is back.
If I hit that, what’s going to happen is it’s going to close the browser and I don’t want that to happen, so I’m trying to find a back button within the browser.

RA   14:53
Ohh right.

Tedros PC (Guest)   15:06
Uh, sorry I wasn’t explaining what was going on.

RA   15:10
I just want to wait till you figure it out. What?

Tedros PC (Guest)   15:13
Uh oops, we don’t.

RA   15:19
Oops, you.

Tedros PC (Guest)   15:20
Screen sharing stopped.
OK, alright.
Ohh wait.
OK, keep keep.
Can you see my screen?

RA   15:45
Not yet.

Tedros PC (Guest)   15:46
Oh, OK.
Yeah, it was saying screen sharing stopped.
So let me find the share button, yeah.

RA   15:55
Thank you.

Tedros PC (Guest)   16:07
I think I thought something like uh-huh comma.

RA   16:24
OK, now I can see.

Tedros PC (Guest)   16:26
OK, good. All right. Let me find first. OK, alright.
So let me go back to the previous OK cost no.
Com. OK, I couldn’t. I couldn’t find any interactive material here.
Let me check the other results so. And then. Next anyway.
Let me check this one, OK.

Ah. Difficult based on the toxic.
I think it’s something different. It’s.
Activities, yeah. Yeah. OK and. Someone.
Yeah, they’re like they’re asking.
Thank you so. All right.
Next, it’s they’re just like.

RA   19:07
So what are your thoughts on the result list and the items that you have looked so far?

Tedros PC (Guest)   19:15
Sorry, just one minute.

RA   19:18

Tedros PC (Guest)   19:21
OK, sorry.
What was?
What was your question?

RA   19:45
First thing, you have two minutes left for this task and the second thing is just I wanna know your overall thoughts on the search list and the items that you have looked into.

Tedros PC (Guest)   19:48
OK. I I it seems to me that some of them are relevant.
The thing is, they do not have any interactive material so.
So, uh ah, whether this limited time I’m, I’m just thinking of finding some something simple, because if I dive into the filter so I’m looks like there is some kind of time constraint that’s kind of limiting me and because I have never used this this.

RA   20:17

Tedros PC (Guest)   20:35
What do you call this? This search engine or whatever.
So I’m I’m trying to familiarize myself at the same time, so I I think I I wish I had known better about this side.

RA   20:49

Tedros PC (Guest)   20:49
So that you know it simplifies the the process.
But anyway, because this is a test, when you know on how.
To become kind of.
Well, first, you know on a new site that someone has never used with a screen reader.

RA   21:11

Tedros PC (Guest)   21:12
So uh, I’m doing my best trying to understand the results and everything. It’s.
In my.
So this appears to be the most relevant of all the the results that I have checked so far because it checks about position, the lost city acceleration and what have you.

RA   21:40

Tedros PC (Guest)   21:46
The thing is, let me see if I can.
OK, simulation body you wanna.
Yeah, like button.
Yeah, absolutely.
Do like.
On it was.
But OK, thank you.
Yeah, I think that that’s alright, uh.
But OK, let me check this button.
I don’t really know because it’s not labeled.

RA   22:56
Ohh God.

Tedros PC (Guest)   23:01
I don’t. I don’t really know what it’s meant for, so OK, there is a list box here.
Let me double tap here and.

RA   23:10
We actually ran out of time for this task and OK.

Tedros PC (Guest)   23:13
OK, alright.
I I didn’t have luck, OK?

RA   23:21
Which is fine.
We want to make digital library as accessible even if they enter it for the first time.
So not actually testing how you could though.

Tedros PC (Guest)   23:30

RA   23:33
You said like fluently, but as long as you’re able to interact with them, it’s just fine.

Tedros PC (Guest)   23:35
Alright, let me go.

RA   23:41
And since we’re done with this specific digital library, I will will ask you a few questions based on your experience on using this digital library.

Tedros PC (Guest)   23:51
Oh, OK, OK.

RA   23:52
Before we actually move into our next one, so I have quite a lot of questions to go.

Tedros PC (Guest)   23:56
All right.

RA   23:59
It takes about like 15 minutes to go over this.
Let’s begin.
So our first section is from question one to question 18, OK, all the scale of 1 to 7, one being not at all to 7 being extremely, to what extent were you able to identify this digital library structure elements such as headings or links?

Tedros PC (Guest)   24:26
Headings or links I I would say I cannot read it seven, I would say 5.

RA   24:39
On a scale of 1 to 7, one being not at all to 7 being extremely, to what extent were you able to identify this digital libraries features?

Tedros PC (Guest)   24:54
This is where the tricky part is AH, I was able to identify the web page elements, but I wasn’t able to find all the search tools.
So this is tricky.
I’m I’m not really sure whether there’s there is a manual or I’m I’m I’m explaining, but you’re asking of course to rate it, but you know, had I had I gotten a manual, probably that would have been better just based on the experience of other sites.
So in this case I would.
I would probably say 3.

RA   25:32
When you say you got the manual, would that be like a help feature at front or?

Tedros PC (Guest)   25:39
So yeah, in in the case of our your my universities library, there is a manual on what you know what each database does.

RA   25:45

Tedros PC (Guest)   25:49
Like you know, I’m for example, a counseling student.

RA   25:53
Ah, so it’s explanation on how to use this database.

Tedros PC (Guest)   25:55
So it it tells you what kind of content to find where.

RA   26:03

Tedros PC (Guest)   26:04
So, uh, if you simply, Sir, if you simply do a general search, you might not have, you know, good results.
So for there are some videos, actually some tutorials on YouTube and what have you.

RA   26:13

Tedros PC (Guest)   26:19
So it tells you, you know, based on your uh placement and what have you, it tells you what to find where.

RA   26:27
Oh, OK.
Thank you.
Now that our next question on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to identify this digital libraries items?

Tedros PC (Guest)   26:39
Digital libraries items.
What are those items?

RA   26:44
Will be one of the individual ones that you try to look into.

Tedros PC (Guest)   26:48
You mean the search results or?

RA   26:50
Yes, search results and the individual ones you try to enter, click onto it and then see the overview.

Tedros PC (Guest)   26:56
Oh, oh, what?
Yeah, most web page elements are labeled.
There are some that you’re really find it hard to understand why they are there.
Umm, I I I would give it 5.

RA   27:15
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to infer that this digital library allowed you to activate its structural elements?

Tedros PC (Guest)   27:24
Links are activatable headings with links are activatable.
I uh based on on the cursory look.
Uh, search.
Your edit fields are also accessible so far.

RA   27:45

Tedros PC (Guest)   27:46
Uh, but there there was a button that was unlabeled.
I didn’t know what what I I would still.
OK, I would stick with five.

RA   27:56
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to infer that this is your library allowed you to activate its features?

Tedros PC (Guest)   28:06
Umm 3.

RA   28:11
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to infer that this digital library allowed you to access its items?

Tedros PC (Guest)   28:22
To infer.
So are we talking about the results again or just everything up including the web page elements?

RA   28:34
Umm, including the web page elements.

Tedros PC (Guest)   28:39

RA   28:39
Our web page elements ohh two.
Which elements are you talking about?

Tedros PC (Guest)   28:44
Ohh, what page elements are headings?
Links, buttons and what happen or graphic?

RA   28:50
More focus on the search results or the.

Tedros PC (Guest)   28:56
Ohh search results.

RA   28:59
The collection items that it has.

Tedros PC (Guest)   29:01
Can you repeat the question, sorry.

RA   29:04
Ohh yes, on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to infer that the standard library allowed you to access its items?

Tedros PC (Guest)   29:14
It allowed me to access its items.
I can give it 7.

RA   29:21

Tedros PC (Guest)   29:23
The question is where are they relevant or not?
And did they include the necessary interactive items or not?
But I mean, I was able to access it to access them.

RA   29:35
Ah, no scale of 1 to 7.
To what extent were you able to activate this digital library structure elements when needed?

Tedros PC (Guest)   29:47
The structural elements when needed.
Yeah, I I I did not have any issue with that.
All right.
I I I think I should give it six.
As I said earlier, there is an and there are some unlabeled elements.

RA   30:05
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to activate this digital libraries features when needed?

Tedros PC (Guest)   30:17
Ah 3.

RA   30:20
All on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to access this digital libraries items when needed?

Tedros PC (Guest)   30:32
What are those items again?

RA   30:34
Will be more related to the image or collections or documentation that they have.

Tedros PC (Guest)   30:41
The you know the The thing is OK.
I’m not allowed to explain, alright.

RA   31:00
And you’re gonna explain we all.
We all going to transcribe this and use it in the data.

Tedros PC (Guest)   31:04
No, you know, I I don’t want to mislead the research results.
The thing is, I I I didn’t have previous experience with this site and I didn’t do any accessibility check before.
So if I simply say, you know, but I mean, of course we are someplace.
So yeah, based on the sample.

RA   31:28
Most of our participant does not actually have previous experience in using digital library.

Tedros PC (Guest)   31:33

RA   31:33
So we want those kind of perspective.

Tedros PC (Guest)   31:35
Yeah, that’s that’s give it 5.

RA   31:41
And on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent visual find the schedule library structure elements be compatible with your mobile device?

Tedros PC (Guest)   31:51
Yeah, most of it.
We are compatible so far 6.

RA   31:59
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find the schedule library structure elements to be compatible with your screen reader?

Tedros PC (Guest)   32:08
Let’s try Carl elements are 6.

RA   32:12
And on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find this digital library structure elements compatible with your web browser?

Tedros PC (Guest)   32:22
Compatible with my web browser.
Uh, yeah, I didn’t have any issue with the web browser.
Umm, I’m just repeating this, so I’m using brave.
I I like brave cause it’s distraction free.
So yeah, I didn’t have any issue with what the browser, so I would write it 7.

RA   32:45
On the scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find the serial libraries features compatible with your mobile device?

Tedros PC (Guest)   32:55
I think that’s that’s seven.
The issue is not whether I’m using a mobile device or a computer.
It seems to me this is related.
You know, the one that, like I said earlier, you know they some some buttons are labeled unlabeled and some there are some numbers that I didn’t understand from one to five or whatever.

RA   33:19

Tedros PC (Guest)   33:26
So this has to do with the web design, not with the uh, uh, feature or whatever.

RA   33:26

Tedros PC (Guest)   33:33
It appears to be the the mobile device does not have any issue or accessing through the mobile device is not an issue.
The issue is the HTML elements they used when designing the web page.

RA   33:48
So then our next Russia.

Tedros PC (Guest)   33:51
If I’m making sense, yeah.

RA   33:53
Ohh yes, yes.
Uh, so next one.
Same format on a scale of 1 to 7.
To what extent did you find this?
Did your libraries features compatible with your screen reader?

Tedros PC (Guest)   34:07
Yeah, they are.
They are compatible II6.

RA   34:11
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find this digital libraries features compatible with your web browser?

Tedros PC (Guest)   34:21
Pictures with a browser?
Yeah, the features are seven, that’s seven.

RA   34:27
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find that’s your libraries items compatible with your mobile device?

Tedros PC (Guest)   34:38
Umm 6.

RA   34:45
And on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find this digital libraries items compatible with your screen reader?
So this will be whether the items can be read by the screen reader.

Tedros PC (Guest)   34:58
Yes, well, that includes the web page elements and everything.
So yeah, I would say 6.

RA   35:05
And on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find this digitalize items compatible with your web browser?

Tedros PC (Guest)   35:19
Hi no compatibility issues with the browser so it’s 7.

RA   35:25
And we have our next set, question 19 to question 34.

Tedros PC (Guest)   35:33

RA   35:34
On a scale of 1 to 7, one being not at all to 7 being extremely, to what extent was it easy for you to learn to use this digital library structure to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   35:48
I would rate it too.

RA   35:55
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent was it easy for you to learn to use this digital libraries features to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   36:06
OK, this one is digital libraries features.
What was the first one?

RA   36:11
First one was the structure.

Tedros PC (Guest)   36:14
Ohh structure ah OK so I didn’t have any issue with the structure.
Sorry so that that needs to be 7.

RA   36:19
Oh, OK.

Tedros PC (Guest)   36:24
Uh, with regards to features?

RA   36:27

Tedros PC (Guest)   36:31
OK, I don’t want to be mean.
I’ll I’ll give them three.

RA   36:39
OK and.

Tedros PC (Guest)   36:42
I’m I’m becoming moderately mean, OK.

RA   36:48
Ohh, on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent wasn’t easy for you to learn to interact with this digital libraries items to complete the search task.

Tedros PC (Guest)   36:58
He that’s right. OK.

RA   37:11
Ohh it’ll be digital library.

Tedros PC (Guest)   37:14
Other did you tell them?

RA   37:14
It wasn’t easy for you to learn to interact with the items.

Tedros PC (Guest)   37:20
Ah, so this includes everything I would I would stick with three.

RA   37:27
And on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent was it easy for you to learn to use this digital library as a whole to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   37:43

RA   37:48
On the scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you pleased with the design of this digital library structure to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   38:00
No, I am not happy.

RA   38:05

Tedros PC (Guest)   38:05
I like sites when they are intuitive.

RA   38:08

Tedros PC (Guest)   38:10
You know a website if a site is user friendly, it doesn’t mean it is intuitive.

RA   38:18

Tedros PC (Guest)   38:18
Yes, you know.
Yes, I can.
I can.
I can read all web page elements.
I can read what the features are meant for, but they’re not intuitive.

RA   38:27

Tedros PC (Guest)   38:28
So I’m not happy about that.
I would.
I would.
I would give them four.

RA   38:35
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you pleased with the design of this digital libraries features to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   38:47
Again, I’m not.
I’m not happy 3.

RA   38:53
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you pleased with the design of this digital libraries items to complete the search task person?

Tedros PC (Guest)   39:03
Thank you.
Ah sorry this search.
No, no, I’m.
I’m I’m not happy so as as I’m telling you this numbers, I’m also thinking in my head.
I’m comparing, you know, databases from different universities such as, you know, University of Illinois at Chicago.

RA   39:22

Tedros PC (Guest)   39:29
I had access to that library which was quite simple and intuitive.

RA   39:30

Tedros PC (Guest)   39:36
Uh, my university’s database is very convoluted.
I don’t like it, but it’s usable because I spent a lot of time with that trying to under.

RA   39:44
Ohh so you got used to it.

Tedros PC (Guest)   39:45
Yeah, I’m used to it, so.
Ah 4.

RA   39:55
Who, on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent are you pleased with the overall design of this digital library to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   40:05
Overall design 4.

RA   40:10
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent they should find this, find the design of this digital library structure to be useful to complete the search task.

Tedros PC (Guest)   40:21
They’re getting four.
OK, I’m trying to be a little over the 50%.

RA   40:34
On a scale of 1 to 7.
To what extent did you find the design of test?
Libraries features to be useful to complete the search task.

Tedros PC (Guest)   40:46
You should.
This is the library features.
Yeah 3.

RA   40:50
Scale of 1 to 7.
To what extent they should find the design of this, that your libraries items to be useful to complete the search task.

Tedros PC (Guest)   41:01
Yeah, 3.

RA   41:04
On a scale of 123I I mean 1 to 7.

Tedros PC (Guest)   41:07

RA   41:07
To what extent did you find this digital library as a whole the useful to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   41:14
Uh, repeat this please.

RA   41:16
Yes, on a scale of 1 to 7.
To what extent did you find this digital library as a whole to be useful to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   41:28
They can be useful.
It’s The thing is.
Uh, far?

RA   41:42
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent is it easy for you to use this digital library structure to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   41:52

RA   41:54
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent is it easy for you to use this digital libraries features to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   42:02

RA   42:04
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent is it easy for you to use this digital libraries items to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   42:15
Digital libraries items to complete the task.
Yeah, 3.

RA   42:23
And on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent is easy for you to use this digital library as a whole to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   42:35
Say that again please.

RA   42:37
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent is it easy for you to use this digital ibrary library as a whole to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   42:48
Umm A3.

RA   42:52
All uh, we have another set of question, Question 35 to question 39 on a scale of 1 to 7.

Tedros PC (Guest)   43:01

RA   43:03
To what extent did you perceive that they content in the studio library relates well to your needs?

Tedros PC (Guest)   43:11
To what extent out of 15, I got probably four or three, so that was 1/5 or whatever of the results that someone to, umm true.

RA   43:28
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to acquire sufficient help when using this digital library?

Tedros PC (Guest)   43:38
Sufficient help from home.
From the website itself.

RA   43:45
Uh, talk such a yes for system help or the website help.

Tedros PC (Guest)   43:51
Well, I’m.
I’m not really sure about this question because I didn’t dig into the side and then check for reference materials or whatever.
Uh but.
From from the point of intuition, I would say it’s not very intuitive, so I would give it 3.

RA   44:23
Think on a scale of 1 to 7 to what extent they should find using this digital library to be fun and enjoyable.

Tedros PC (Guest)   44:32
Fun and enjoyable.

RA   44:34

Tedros PC (Guest)   44:38
OK, three.

RA   44:40
OK, all those yellow 1 to 7.
To what extent are you?

Tedros PC (Guest)   44:43
If you just trust me out, OK?

RA   44:49

Tedros PC (Guest)   44:51

RA   44:53
Next question on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent are you confident in your ability to use this digital library?

Tedros PC (Guest)   45:08
So this is based on the experience thus far, right?

RA   45:12

Tedros PC (Guest)   45:16

RA   45:20
On a scale of 1 to 7, how likely are you to continue using this digital library in the future?

Tedros PC (Guest)   45:28
I am a die hard geeky guy, so I would probably.

RA   45:35

Tedros PC (Guest)   45:41
You know this, this site can still be useful.
I don’t want to negate that, that that possibility I would.
I would rate this 6.

RA   45:52
Ohh and then we have all settled interview question for you.

Tedros PC (Guest)   45:58

RA   45:59
So our first one, what was your overall experience in using this digital library, one of the major problems that you encountered and using the studio library when you’re trying to complete your search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   46:12
OK, so this is the the first thing is. This is Android and.
When it comes to efficiency, Android phones do not really make you very efficient as opposed to other uh to other devices such as you know the Windows device or iPhone.
So I’m more efficient when it comes to Windows computers or iPhones or even in my computer for that matter.

RA   46:46

Tedros PC (Guest)   46:59
So there are some limitations when it comes to there.
You know there are advanced gesture concepts when you are using Talkback.
Umm so this advance gestures are very common when you are using an iPhone or a Mac computer.

RA   47:09

Tedros PC (Guest)   47:18
But there are not available in the Android phone.
There are some advanced gesture features in the Android phones in the latest Android phones, but they are not universally available, so that’s the problem with Android phones.
I’m now using S8, which is probably four or five years old or probably more, so I would say when it comes to efficiency, I could have done better with other devices.
Am I making sense?

RA   47:52
Yes, yes.

Tedros PC (Guest)   47:53
I hope my voice is very clear to you.

RA   47:58
Yes, it is very clear.
So your so one of the major problems that you face will be the efficiency in your case.

Tedros PC (Guest)   48:09
Yes, the issue I feel efficiency.
Yes, a screen reader can be usable, but it might not necessarily make you efficient.
Yeah, we have.

RA   48:19


Tedros PC (Guest)   48:20
We have a number of screen readers when it comes to like 444 Windows computers, there are or or five measures screen readers, but you still can pick the best ones out of those.

RA   48:27

Tedros PC (Guest)   48:37
They’re both in terms of responsiveness in terms of efficiency, in terms of customizability and what hardly.

RA   48:44

Tedros PC (Guest)   48:46
Some are more advanced, some are still in the process of getting better.
And uh, somehow some, some are.
I don’t know how to phrase this properly, but you know there are advanced, but they lack a number of customizability features.
So you know some some applications can still be very good, but the experience, the mileage might still vary from one screen reader to the other.

RA   49:27

Tedros PC (Guest)   49:27
So yeah, so is the case with Android phones.
So there are other screen readers that I have never had any experience before, but I mean, we’re now talking about talk back, but Talkback is not the only screen reader for Android phones.

RA   49:30
Hmm, right.

Tedros PC (Guest)   49:46
There are other androids, Android Android screen readers.

RA   49:53
Umm is there any other problems that is more related to the design of this digital library?

Tedros PC (Guest)   50:00
Well, yeah.
I’m I’m probably over repeating this, but yes, there are some web page elements that I didn’t understand why they were there.

RA   50:11

Tedros PC (Guest)   50:12
Uh, there.
There were also some Web page elements that weren’t properly labeled.
Part of the accessibility standards.

RA   50:23

Tedros PC (Guest)   50:23
So even if I try to interact with those unlabeled buttons, I wasn’t able to infer any.
You know anything like as to what they are there, what they are meant for.

RA   50:38

Tedros PC (Guest)   50:45
And I wasn’t also able to find.
I’m not really sure whether there were some interactive elements.
It appeared to be some of the results had some interactive elements, but I wasn’t able to find them.
I’m not really sure whether they were still there or whether they needed special access to, you know.

RA   51:02
Thank think this will.

Tedros PC (Guest)   51:14

RA   51:15
Ohh sorry you’re saying.

Tedros PC (Guest)   51:16
No, I mean it wasn’t.
Wasn’t on indicated on the website as to how to, you know, take advantage of those interactive elements.

RA   51:27
Ohh OK, so it didn’t say you should go somewhere to use this or any other indication.

Tedros PC (Guest)   51:31
Yes, yes, based on the description, you can tell there is something that students need to, you know, with the G Force result with the uh, you know the relationship.

RA   51:37

Tedros PC (Guest)   51:46
Uh, there was a result that indicated the relationship between physician velocity and acceleration, and you can tell that there is some interactive material, but you don’t really know how to get there.

RA   51:53
Well, that’s kinda goes on to our next question is uh, quite hard, just solve these problems and if not, what types of does your library features do you desire to have to help you solve the problem that you have?

Tedros PC (Guest)   52:19
Yeah, this is this is a tricky question.
I mean, if the interactive elements are, you know things that include such as, you know, like flash videos or uh, I actually the there used to be something like flash something I forgot like Adobe Flash or whatever.

RA   52:42
All right, it used to.

Tedros PC (Guest)   52:42
It’s also, yeah, it’s it’s obsolete now, but I mean some some sites might still this time I don’t know.

RA   52:46

Tedros PC (Guest)   52:50
But I mean they are deprecated even by browser developers.
Now you know.

RA   52:55

Tedros PC (Guest)   52:56
So they’re not supposed to be there anyway.
Anyway, The thing is, this is also very common with, you know, uh, web based games and what have you.

RA   52:59

Tedros PC (Guest)   53:09
The concept more or less is the same, so they’re not designed in such a way that, AH, security reader readers can use them, so they do not take accessibility into account.
That’s the measure of thing.
That’s why most of this web based or offline game apps are not accessible.

RA   53:37

Tedros PC (Guest)   53:37
And yeah, we’re we’re we’re talking about interactive elements, but there are there are more or less the same as games.
You know, we’re based games, so.

RA   53:43
Umm yeah.
Yeah, that’s that’s this is out of topic, but that’s that will be an interesting topic too do quite hard how to make your game accessible?
Just well.

Tedros PC (Guest)   53:56
I mean, there are there are accessible games, there are accessible games that include, you know, instead of just using a mouse, they will tell you, you know what to do with the keyboard.

RA   54:06

Tedros PC (Guest)   54:09
Uh, they would.
They would include some kind of audio guidance on how to play the game or what to do using the keyboard.

RA   54:18

Tedros PC (Guest)   54:19
UM, that’s that’s the problem with most of these interactive, you know, interactive elements on the side.
You don’t really find them to be, uh, accessible from a keyboard user.
Quite a few.

RA   54:32
And that leads to our last question.
Do you have any other desired features you would like to recommend for this digital library?

Tedros PC (Guest)   54:46
Umm yeah, I.
I would say this, you know, based on the experience of other digital libraries, it’s either a good to have things organized according to different databases so that you know where to search, where you know where to search what.

RA   55:11

Tedros PC (Guest)   55:13
Or just focus on the search advanced search features and you know less filtering elements.
You know the filter categories overwhelmed.

RA   55:30

Tedros PC (Guest)   55:31
It’s really overwhelming and if you have to go through all those filtering.
Ah, categories.
Some of them, you know, last time I had like 80 or more inter items.

RA   55:41
Right. Umm.

Tedros PC (Guest)   55:46
You know.
It it was, it was accessible, but it wasn’t intuitive.
As I said earlier, so who cares to go through all this 80 filter elements?
So I mean, I would if I were a designer, I would probably think of, you know, coming up with a better search, advanced search feature, you know, in instead of having like 80 or whatever filter elements, I would reduce it down to 10 between 10 and 20 or whatever.

RA   56:12
Umm, so leave only ones that is most effective in your first search.

Tedros PC (Guest)   56:26
Yes, yes, that that makes you.
It doesn’t mean that everything that’s in the in the advanced search filter.
It doesn’t mean that you know everybody uses them, but I mean when the need arises, you should be able to use them.

RA   56:45

Tedros PC (Guest)   56:49
So not like, you know, for example, I wasn’t able to find, you know the and slash or teachers like, you know, uh, plus or minus features in the search.

RA   56:59
Ohh mm-hmm.

Tedros PC (Guest)   57:03
So you know that that would narrow down the results.

RA   57:06

Tedros PC (Guest)   57:07
Yeah, there, there weren’t.

RA   57:11
Well, thank you.
So that was end of our first set of survey.
So we will now begin our second, does your library do you need like a 5 minute break before we working on the next one or you could with proceed?

Tedros PC (Guest)   57:27
How umm I I think we can.
We can continue no problem.

RA   57:32

Tedros PC (Guest)   57:35

RA   57:36
OK. So our next one is the Library of Congress digital collections.
And I just sent you the link right now.

Tedros PC (Guest)   57:47
I don’t think. Ohh I don’t have I can. Ohh OK.

RA   58:06
OK, so our first task for this one and yes, yes.

Tedros PC (Guest)   58:09
Yeah, I I don’t wanna lie to you.
I have been to the Congress Library before, but it’s been, I don’t know, several years, I don’t know or or probably not several years, but it can be two years ago, 18 months ago or so.

RA   58:15

Tedros PC (Guest)   58:28
Yeah. OK.

RA   58:30
Now, OK, we’ll just, I guess this is good.
So so our first task for this one, you’ll get to see the just overview of the Central Library.

Tedros PC (Guest)   58:35

RA   58:41
So our orientation task like we did last time we’ll have 10 minutes to explore the features and functions.

Tedros PC (Guest)   58:44

RA   58:48
And remember to talk continuously about your thoughts and actions during this task.
And also I remember remind you if you have two minutes left.

Tedros PC (Guest)   58:55
I’ll try.
Yes, OK.

RA   59:00
Ohh then go.



Tedros PC (Guest)   59:14
Test OK.

RA   59:40
So for this digital library, sorry to interrupt.
We want you to stay in the digital collection only.
So for your initial search, you want to start with the digital collection.
In this mode.

Tedros PC (Guest)   59:53

RA   59:54
Thank yeah.

Tedros PC (Guest)   59:54
Yeah, I’m.
I’m just trying to understand the structure.

RA   59:57
Yeah, just making sure.

Tedros PC (Guest)   59:59
You lucky.
It was like, so talking.
I think we have.
OK, that’s actually what’s selected by default. OK.
OK. Alright. I was not talking.
That was better because it was like to be I.
Asking. OK, this is tricky.
Let’s see, that’s not high.
But I.

RA   1:01:26
So why do you think it was tricky?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:01:32
OK, 2525.
The picture in picture was interfering somehow.
Again, I I don’t really know how to get rid of that.

RA   1:01:47

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:01:49
Probably I had to reboot my computer and my my phone.
Uh, but I don’t wanna do that now.
It’s OK because I will need to sign in again.
I think so that like teams.

RA   1:02:00
Umm OK.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:02:06
Or let’s see the question.
Refine your results.
There are appears to be some redundancy I don’t know.
Let me go back and that could be my fault.
Let’s see.
Ohh. OK alright.
So OK, it’s taking me to the other side.
So when I did back alright, let me.
I OK different I so we can anything people, yeah.
Talking about, I OK, yeah.
So it’s directly taking me to the digital collections by default and this link we’re taking me there.

RA   1:04:28

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:04:31
OK. Uh, let me see quickly.
Ohh OK, so alright. So that wasn’t my fault, alright.
So the moment I land on this page, what’s happening is it’s showing me some results that it thinks are relevant.

RA   1:04:49

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:04:56
OK, I am ready for the task.

RA   1:04:59
Oh, OK.
Ohh, can I say you’re ready?
I guess we could jump into our first task, then.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:05:05

RA   1:05:10
So for this one umm, I will once again send you the task info.
So teams, would that be OK? OK.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:05:23
Ah, how much?

RA   1:05:35

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:05:40
Yeah, that’s fine.
Like narration of independence, cancel and.
Best Buy.

RA   1:06:15
OK, so to what extent are you familiar with the search topics?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:06:31
Yes. I mean. And like. OK.
I didn’t know it was called unanimous. Whatever.

RA   1:06:58
OK, so to what it’s done for you familiar with the search topics 1 being not familiar at all to 7 being extremely familiar.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:07:06
Ohh I’d say 6.

RA   1:07:08
OK, so for this task also you will have 15 minutes and I will remind you when you have two minutes left, yes.



Tedros PC (Guest)   1:07:17
OK. Like you’re asking, OK.

RA   1:07:48
And remember to keep talking continuously about your thoughts and actions during the task.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:07:52
Stop. Sure. At a time sort by different.
Refine your results. We can’t talk about if.
OK. Yeah, but it’s hot.
Alright, so yeah, I was.
I was trying to find the search button I had to interact with so that it can show up, you know?
Uh, so, OK
Do you think of that of that that uh Declaration of Independence, OK.
Uh, OK, let me see. So I’ll talk to, yeah. Oops.
OK, so it’s showing me there are two results here based on my search string.
OK after customer. Yeah. OK.OK. OK. 2000 something results.
Obviously. OK.

RA   1:11:12
So what are your thoughts on these results so far?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:11:17
I think I’m on the right track.
Alright, OK, so ohh my God, this includes a lot of documents.
I think from 1774 to 1789.
OK. Public house. OK. Umm.
Can you help me the let’s see anonymous.
That, that, that was it declaration.

RA   1:12:14
It yes.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:12:21
All the 13 united what?

RA   1:12:24
States of America.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:12:26
Thank you. Thank you. This could probably yield a better result.
It’s going to try. Yeah, that’s same results.
OK, I have. Last time, no, and I don’t.
So sweet. I. OK. OK so. So. So OK, the first question is July 4th, 1776.

RA   1:14:21

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:14:34
I think. OK, this appears to be a scanned document.
Am I correct?

RA   1:14:47

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:14:48
OK. OK, I’m.
I’m I’m trying to still stick with within the.
Library of Congress collection, whatever.
So I’m not trying to find an HTML version of this, so this appears to be probably the original document and at the same time it says scanned paper.

RA   1:15:42

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:15:54
So I haven’t been able to find the rights that include, you know, the inalienable not that not all right, uh.

RA   1:16:04
Umm the.
So you still have 6 minutes of this task.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:16:14
Any other, every OK?
Nothing. Nothing. I’m going. I mean, I mean, I mean. OK.
So the options that I have are either online text or image.
That means this thing is scanned.
All right, so the this affects the other question which says, you know, how many in in alienable rights there are.

RA   1:16:50
Ohh what?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:16:50
So I I could E what were their rights?

RA   1:16:51
What were the right?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:16:54
Yes. So I can go to the online version, but I’m not really sure whether that’s gonna be within the collections.

RA   1:16:58
Umm. OK.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:17:04
Umm I can try let me try. Online text.
OK, nothing is happening, I mean.
OK, let me try this talk, talk, talk, talk.
OK, it’s taking me to Library of Congress catalog.
That’s not what we want.

RA   1:17:35
Ah, OK yeah.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:17:37
Yes, let me go back. Alright. I will try another search string.
OK, that make that make that title I need to my my happy I can tell you I.
I lots of customers at.
No results.
Ohh I think I made a mistake in the spelling.
You don’t have any.
And maybe I and thank.
And then I I no, no, no. So.
But but.
It Helen, no.
So I am using the keyboard to just type edit what I’m writing.

RA   1:19:31
Yeah, just go.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:19:49
I can’t.
I was like.
Ohh let me check my spelling.

RA   1:20:14
OK, you have two minutes left for this task.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:20:17
Oh, not good, OK.

RA   1:22:34
That was our and our first task.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:22:37
OK, alrighty.

RA   1:22:39
No, let’s move on to our second task, which is also gonna be 15 minute task, where I’ll be reminding you, when you have two minutes left, well, I send you the task information on teams chat box.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:22:53
I don’t.
Like like.
You don’t want to.

RA   1:24:15
Hey, if you’re done reading the task for this one again, to what extent are you familiar with the search topic?
So one being not familiar at all to 7 being extremely familiar.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:24:34
This is a very good question.
I was.
I have been a social science student for the most part.
I would say I have a fairly.
OK, you knowledge.

RA   1:24:50

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:24:53
Probably four or five five.

RA   1:24:57
Then if you could travel back to the first page of the digital library, anything from there we could start.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:25:06
Hey, let me you think of a search through here.
So this is just about World War 2, right?

RA   1:25:24
Yeah, if you could first travel to the first page, help digital collection.
Currently you’re at the page where you have searched.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:25:37
Oh, OK.
Let’s see.


RA   1:25:45
OK, so if you’re ready, I will just start the timer.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:25:47
Thank you.
So this is the first page, right? Yeah.

RA   1:25:56
OK, so I will start the timer now.



Tedros PC (Guest)   1:26:00
Alrighty. Uh, OK. Yeah.
Like I’m just I am I.
Yeah. Ohh, shouldn’t have that space.
Something like I don’t know.
Talking. OK. No results. It’s. Yeah. Just.

RA   1:27:48
So remember to keep talking about your thoughts and actions.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:27:52
OK. I don’t like so my first search string didn’t yield any results, so I’m trying another one. No. And I wanna see.
OK, OK. OK, let’s see. I don’t know. And. World War One, no. No.

RA   1:30:35
So what’s your overall thoughts on also so far?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:30:42
Ohh. So OK, I was searching for World War Two.
No. Uh. Tools. Military hardware and what have you.
The results are coming for World War One.
So now.
Uh have, like, have like, let me try it this way not.
Right. Ohh no I don’t know type but.
It’s just like just.
OK, relevant result more right?
All right.
DARY at times like.
I want I want I want now I can talk channel I just.
Like you know, right I talk.

RA   1:32:44
So are you moving through headings probably early?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:32:46
Yeah, I’m.
I’m moving beheadings.
Does it show you the cursor when it jumps OK?

RA   1:32:53

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:32:59
No, I know. Last time. OK, OK.
Alright, this is really frustrating.
Uh, OK, let me do this, I would say. But.

RA   1:33:48
In what way is it frustrating?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:33:53
You have to use a very general term to find.
I’m I’m not getting any World War 2 results.
It’s I. So what I have to do is. Like. OK.
I’ll just search for World War Two here so.
This should pop up 10 million results.
I don’t know, OK.
OK, 77 results now.
Microsoft. Ohh. OK. And then like. OK.
OK. My manuscript. What kind of items are we? Are we searching for?
Is it like military hardware?

RA   1:35:26
Ohh, makeup me anything so in diverse format such as image tests or different contents such as different battles, maps or anything.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:35:36
I can be like newspapers or whatever.

RA   1:35:38
Right, right. Yes.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:35:39
Scripts. Well, OK, right. World War Two. Military situation maps.
OK, so sorry. Well, we’re the questions, can you repeat?

RA   1:35:59
Oh yes, so find items related to the battles in World War Two and the digital collections.
Please find as many items you can within 15 minutes, so it should represent different formats or content of the search topic.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:36:16
All right. OK. Well, it’s showing me 77 results.
Of course, all of them are not relevant, but like yeah.
I’ll have to no. Obviously. Ohh no, this is World War One, OK?
OK, do I need to open the results or?

RA   1:37:21
Yes, you should find individual items in the digital collection.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:37:26
Ohh individual items OK.
It’s not. OK, sounds like but. Obviously. OK, the customer.
How I don’t. Just call back. OK, the this some of these pictures appear to be properly labeled.

RA   1:38:47

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:38:48
Uh, obviously. Yeah, they are captioned.
The problem is the title of those pictures is not the it’s.

RA   1:39:08

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:39:09
It’s like, you know, let’s see, once this is just a number and nonsense number, you know, for screen reader users the best would have been for them to properly use alt text.

RA   1:39:18

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:39:25
Uh, let me check the other one.
OK, that’s.
Yes, the same thing with the 1st result.

RA   1:39:38
Uh, sort of picture it has this just number in as an alternative text.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:39:44
So what they are doing is they are putting a caption instead of using alt text.

RA   1:39:49

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:39:50
They are using a caption, so for the for the photo title, what they are doing is just.

RA   1:39:52
Oh, OK.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:39:55
I don’t know.
It can be some kind of code that they are using, but there are numbers and there are not many people.

RA   1:39:59
And you have sorry about that.
One minute left for this task.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:40:09
OK, let me go back. I just.

Interment newspapers OK.
That’s. OK. Again, this is scanned uh newspaper.

RA   1:41:14

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:41:15
Is that right?

RA   1:41:17

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:41:18
Because I don’t see text here, it’s showing me to zoom in or out or whatever.
And this happens only when it’s scanned.

RA   1:41:23
Uh, OK, that was end of our second task.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:41:27
OK, well better results.

RA   1:41:33
Can I ask you one thing before we actually move on?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:41:38

RA   1:41:39
So for the image that you have identified, the scanned document.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:41:43

RA   1:41:44
So although we’re options called image, image with text and PDF, uh, I think I heard your screen reader say that.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:41:53

RA   1:41:55
Is though, a reason you haven’t looked into the image with text option.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:42:02
Yes, that’s yeah, that’s what I have.
Why should what I should have done actually PDF can be just the PDF version of the image, not necessarily.

RA   1:42:12
Umm, right.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:42:13
Uh, well, yeah, yeah.
I can.
I can cook.
I can quickly try.

RA   1:42:19
No, I was just wondering if.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:42:22

RA   1:42:24
Of your perception on the label of that option.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:42:30
OK, what you thinking?

RA   1:42:32
Umm, but if you see that, would you think that it’s accessible or just passing by option so.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:42:38
We talked, obviously.
I think we so was that I’ll talk to you.
That’s 365 5,000,000 to 10. OK.
So this image it’s showing with our eight image.
Here they could be scanned image or I don’t know page, but the Talkback is saying there are images, it’s not reading anything.

RA   1:43:34
OK. Uh-huh.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:43:45
Uh, I think you are able to see when I selected text image with text.

RA   1:43:50

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:43:50
Uh, let me go back.
But no, I I don’t know.
I don’t.
Obviously it’s like so image with text is selected but I cannot find.

RA   1:44:25
OK. Yeah.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:44:26
I cannot find text.

RA   1:44:28
Ohh OK.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:44:29
Can you see where the cursor is?

RA   1:44:31

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:44:32
Does it show you that image was texting selected out of those three? OK.

RA   1:44:35
Yes, yes.
And I can see the image has changed into text.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:44:41
OK, let’s see.
OK, now it’s just saying image here block is not reading it.

RA   1:44:45

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:44:49
I think that’s where the cursor is, right?

RA   1:44:51
Yes, that will be one of the options there where you could just.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:44:56
Click and yeah.

RA   1:45:00
That’s for the whole page options that you could go.
So which image you want to go?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:45:18
Alright, so OK, this is not accessible.
So what I what I usually do is even with my previous experiences, I download the PDF versions of these things and then I also see all of them.

RA   1:45:21

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:45:32
That’s what I do.

RA   1:45:34
Right. OK.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:45:34
After this, in this case they are not accessible.

RA   1:45:37
Umm, well that’s just interesting.
I thought in the web environment I think it’s easier to identify that it already switched into text and you have different separate section where you could actually they actually provide you with text written on this scanned document.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:45:56
Yeah, I it looks.

RA   1:45:56
So yeah, I think this is our insightful with umm.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:45:59
Looks like it’s not.
Also, they haven’t.
They haven’t done any OCR with this with this materials.

RA   1:46:06
I think maybe the design itself is making it difficult for users to reach.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:46:11
There could be, yes.

RA   1:46:12
Umm, OK.
Well, thank you.
That was just a lot of the scope, but I was curious as to not much of our participant, however selected that options.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:46:25
Yeah, this is this is really tricky.
Even in the past, umm yeah, that was that was just the experience was to say.

RA   1:46:28
OK, so we are done with this digital library and we are ready to go back to our questions.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:46:40

RA   1:46:41
OK, so our first set question 1/2 question, 18 Question one, a scale of 1 to 7, one being not at all to 7 being extremely, to what extent were you able to identify this digital library structure elements?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:47:01

RA   1:47:03
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to identify this digital libraries features?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:47:13
Was able to identify the features, yes 7.

RA   1:47:17
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to identify this digital libraries items?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:47:25
What are those items?
Sorry again.

RA   1:47:30
What would be the one that you have looked at?
Things like this or the search results, individual items.
I do quite identify, yes.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:47:38
All all OK like the search results.

RA   1:47:42
And the individual items that you could then?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:47:45
Uh, no, I I I’m not.

RA   1:47:50
Were you able to detect them?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:47:54
I’m not happy with that I.
How’s find?
I was able to find search results but I was not able to interact with them.
I was not able to extract the information that I needed, so I would say 3.

RA   1:48:04
Think ah.
Umm question 4 on a scale of 1 to 7.
To what extent were you able to infer that this digital library allowed you to activate its structural elements?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:48:29
Ah, uh, seven.
I was able to activate all elements.

RA   1:48:33
And on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to infer that this?
Does your library allowed you to activate its features?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:48:43
Activated features 7.

RA   1:48:46
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to infer that this digital library allowed you to access its items?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:48:54

RA   1:48:55
Thank on a scale of 1 to 7.
To what extent were you able to activate this digital library structure elements when needed?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:49:03

RA   1:49:05
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to activate this digital libraries features when needed?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:49:13
Umm I shares?
Yeah, I didn’t.
I didn’t actually go deep into the advanced search elements, but uh, they appear to be usable.
They were properly labeled.
Com I I would say something.

RA   1:49:35
On a scale of 1-2 seven, to what extent were you able to access this digital libraries items when needed?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:49:44
Access this digital libraries items.
I wasn’t able to access, you know.
For some of them, yeah, but not not OK.
Unfortunately, the things that I picked were newspapers and whatever from old age.
So OK.

RA   1:50:04

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:50:04
Umm M3.

RA   1:50:08
On a scale of 1-2 seven, let’s you to what extent did you find the Central Library structure elements compatible with your mobile device?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:50:16

RA   1:50:18
On a scale of 1 to 720 extent, did you?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:50:20
Oh, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait.

RA   1:50:21
Oh, oh, yes, yes, yes.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:50:23
I I take it back?

RA   1:50:25

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:50:26
Take it back.
It cannot be 7.
I I’ll I’ll say 4.

RA   1:50:42
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find the digital library structure elements to be compatible with your screen reader?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:50:52
Uh structural elements again.
Yeah, this is a tricky question.
I mean.
So what page elements are accessible?
The results were not.
That’s the tricky.
So if we are referring to the results as items, I I can say the structural elements are accessible.

RA   1:51:21

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:51:24
So umm, if we are on the same page then web page elements are accessible.
Uh, they are fully accessible, so that’s seven.

RA   1:51:35

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:51:37
But items are not accessible.

RA   1:51:41
And on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find this digital library structure elements compatible with your web browser?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:51:50

RA   1:51:51
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find this?
Does your libraries features compatible with your mobile device?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:51:59
Always compatible 7.

RA   1:52:02
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find this digital libraries features compatible with your screen reader?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:52:09

RA   1:52:12
On a scale of 1 to 720.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:52:13
How did you see?
Did you say items or structure alignments?

RA   1:52:17

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:52:18
Ohh features yes features 7 yes.

RA   1:52:19
On a scale of 1-2 seven, to what extent did you find this digital libraries features compatible with your web browser?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:52:32
With the browser?

RA   1:52:33

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:52:34
Yeah, that’s seven.

RA   1:52:36
Money on a scale of 1 to 7.
To what extent did you find this digital libraries items compatible with your mobile device?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:52:46
Items 3.

RA   1:52:50
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find this digital libraries items compatible with your screen reader?
So it’ll be whether an item can be read by the screen reader.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:53:02
Unfortunately, the results were not.
Uh, you know those results that I picked?
They were not readable, but it doesn’t mean there weren’t.

RA   1:53:10

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:53:13
Uh, yeah, that, that’s that’s the problem with Congress library.

RA   1:53:18

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:53:18
You can find some good results and you can find some just images.
Uh umm?
Well, I’ll, I’ll.
I’ll give them three.

RA   1:53:31
Thank on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent they should find the surgical libraries items compatible with your web browser.
So it’ll be whether an item can be opened in the browser.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:53:43
Yeah, I was able to open, but I wasn’t able to access the information there.
That’s the thing.
So anyway.
Yeah, that’s that’s seven.

RA   1:54:04

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:54:05
Accessing these different opening is different.

RA   1:54:09
So our next set question 19th to question 34 on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent was it easy for you to learn to use this digital library structure to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:54:23
Umm uh, it was very easy.
Uh, I would say.
Ah yeah, it deserves 7.

RA   1:54:32
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent was it easy for you to learn to use this digital libraries features to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:54:41

RA   1:54:45
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent was it easy for you to learn to interact with this digital libraries items to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:54:56
Interact items.
I was able to interact, but I wasn’t able to.
No. So.

RA   1:55:06
It’s me more about easy to learn to interact.

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:55:14
It you know the word interaction is borrowed.
That’s that’s the thing.
But I based on the search results, I will say 4.

RA   1:55:26
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent was it easy for you to learn to use this digital library as a whole to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:55:39
Ohh 5.

RA   1:55:41
I, on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you pleased with the design of this digital library structure to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:55:50
Uh, I was pleased 7.

RA   1:55:53
Then on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you pleased with the design of this digital libraries features to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:56:01

RA   1:56:03
And on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you pleased with the design of this digital libraries items to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:56:12
Totally displeased.
Uh, OK, this is this is the thing.
I unfortunately you know the topics that we picked are all the materials.

RA   1:56:24

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:56:26
So I’m I’m I’m trying to sort of keep the balance.

RA   1:56:26

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:56:31
I mean, if we were to search more recent items, it would definitely have been interactive.
So but anyway it it lacks accessibility.
Uh, in many ways, so I’ll I’ll say 3.

RA   1:56:49
On the scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you pleased with the overall design of this digital library to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:56:56
Yes, seven.

RA   1:57:01

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:57:02
Yeah, it’s it’s simple.

RA   1:57:04
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find the design of this digital library structure useful to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:57:18
The search task right.

RA   1:57:21

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:57:22
UM, yeah, I heard that.
That’s seven.

RA   1:57:30
Hey, scale of 1 to 7.
To what extent did you find the design of this digital libraries features to be useful to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:57:42
Yeah, the design is good, no?
I I I would still rate it 7.

RA   1:57:49
All the scale of 1 to 7.
To what extent did you find the design of this digital libraries items to be useful to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:58:02
Hi items.

RA   1:58:03

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:58:04

RA   1:58:05
Hey, on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent did you find this digital library as a whole to be useful to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:58:15
No, it is useful, but four.

RA   1:58:20
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent is it easy for you to use this digital library structure to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:58:28
Ohh second.

RA   1:58:29
Hold on a scale of 1 to 7.
To what extent is it easy for you to use this digital libraries features to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:58:39
Yeah, 7.

RA   1:58:41
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent is it easy for you to use the social libraries items to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:58:54

RA   1:58:57
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent is it easy for you to use this digital library as a whole to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:59:07
Say that again please.

RA   1:59:09
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent is it easy for you to use this digital library as a whole to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:59:20
Yeah, I think that’s seven.

RA   1:59:22
And our next step, question 35 to 39 on a scale of 1 to 7.
To what extent did you perceive that the content in this digital library relates well to your needs?

Tedros PC (Guest)   1:59:42
Umm, the content.
I think it’s it’s relevant on the isn’t able to access umm.
Well, I think the content is I I I would say 6.

RA   1:59:58
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent were you able to acquire sufficient help when using this digital library?

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:00:08
Uh, well, the the library is intuitive, so I would say 7.

RA   2:00:13
And on a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent they should find using this digital library to be fun and enjoyable.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:00:21
Uh, yes, it is.
It’s funny, getting enjoyable.
It’s just the items are not fine.
I find myself between a rock and hard place.
OK? Yeah.
Alright, I don’t wanna be generously mean.
I’ll give them four.

RA   2:00:50
OK, generously mean.
On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent are you confident in your ability to use this digital library?

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:01:06
Call 7.

RA   2:01:08
Hey, on a scale of 1 to 7, how likely are you to continue using this digital library in the future?

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:01:17
Ohh, I would definitely use.
Actually, this is one of the libraries that I always think of digging into.

RA   2:01:23

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:01:25
So yeah, it’s it’s gonna be 7.

RA   2:01:28
So next we have the interview questions.
So first one.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:01:34
Make some simple, OK.

RA   2:01:36
What was your overall experience in using this digital library and one of the major problems that you encountered in using this digital library when completing the research task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:01:46
Yeah, the overall experience is good.
I didn’t find any unlabeled web page elements you know, such as links are controls or like buttons or headings.

RA   2:01:55

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:01:58
Everything appears to be, uh, designed in such a way that even the you know.
Uh, big in our can understand.
So that was really fun.
The just pleasing partners when it comes to the results of all the materials, so that was really daunting.
Uh, this has been the case.
Not only now, even in the past, so I had to download the materials and use, you know, OCR tools to convert to convert them to text.
So I hope you know what OCR is.
It’s optical character recognition.

RA   2:02:46
All right, yeah.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:02:46
It’s converting uh image, you know, with texts into readable texts.

RA   2:02:54

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:02:55
That’s what OCR is.
If there is an image, it can be like a regular text, but that’s converted into a scanned image than screen readers need to be able to access when they are, when they are OCR.

RA   2:03:05

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:03:13
You know, when they when they are converted into accessible texts.
So that’s what I used to do.

RA   2:03:18

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:03:22
Ohh so.
I mean what happens is it takes you more time to like if I’m doing some research, you know, going back to the period of World War Two or World War One, then I have to download all the materials and then, you know, convert each and every image into text.

RA   2:03:52

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:03:53
So you know I’m spending more time, I’m spending more energy, using more resources, more tools.

RA   2:04:01

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:04:03
So it’s not like, you know, a direct access.
So in that regard, there is a serious accessibility issue.

RA   2:04:12
I found that interesting because we kind of went over the image with text.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:04:14

RA   2:04:19
So in the web version in our previous research, if this option is here, the participant were more likely to be able to access the scanned document with text because they already have certain amount of text provided for the people for users to actually read the content.
Because because some of them are all documents, it’s really hard for sighted people to even read what’s in there.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:04:48
Yeah, because.

RA   2:04:48
But in mobile device I I can see that you have difficulty actually going traveling to the content itself.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:04:50

RA   2:04:57
Well, so do you also in this sense?
I don’t know the image with text is also inaccessible option for you.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:05:11
It’s it.
It wasn’t accessible.
It was telling me there was an image but I was not able to read what’s on the image.

RA   2:05:15
Umm OK.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:05:20
That’s the thing.
So I’m assuming you were able to read that text on the image, but.

RA   2:05:26
And they also transform the image to text as well, so it will just have like a Word document looking content.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:05:40
Oh, OK, well, uh in the areas that I was, I was swiping around.

RA   2:05:46
Umm, right.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:05:48
I was flicking around.
I didn’t find any text.
So, uh, I thought I clicked down enough to to where I thought I could find the text content.

RA   2:05:51
Umm. Right. Umm.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:06:02
So my.
Understanding is I could be wrong, but my understanding is uh, the text was still on the image, not in a separate section.

RA   2:06:12
Umm so and you repeated already said and the previous digital library that the design itself should be more intuitive so you understand it.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:06:27
Yeah, this one is intuitive.
This one is intuitive it it’s just the results are not good.

RA   2:06:31
Umm. Umm. OK.
Any other problems that you’ve encountered and using this digital library?

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:06:43
Oh, I I think that’s that’s the main issue.
But I I think the side is it it’s it’s not convoluted.

RA   2:06:47

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:06:50
It’s a simple site.

RA   2:06:52

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:06:52
Uh, I could still have used uh, filtering.
Uh items, but I mean the results from the general search string where also meaningful.

RA   2:07:05

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:07:05
So I didn’t have to do any filtering and what have you on this at that at this point?

RA   2:07:09
Thank you.
So among the problems that you have identified, this goes back to our next question.
How did you solve those problems?
And if not, what types of digital library features do you desire to have to help you solve these problems?

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:07:31
Well, it’s it’s always good to have a text version of of this scanned image.
I don’t want to have an image with a text or whatever.
I need to have uh it can be PDF document but I need a text version not an image.

RA   2:07:51
Welcome. Yeah.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:07:54
Or it can also be an HTML page, but all I need is a text with full information out there of that original source.

RA   2:08:03
Umm OK.
Ohm any other desired features you would like to recommend for the stitching library?

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:08:17
Well, I I think I think that’s it.

RA   2:08:26

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:08:28
You know the advantage of having a text I would I could, I could still say I’m audio format is also good for or other people if they wanna just play the audio version.
But the advantage of having a text version is that you know, even the you know, the deaf blind people can also access the information so they don’t really have to depend on any TTS or audio format.
So if it’s text they can, they can still access using a Braille display, so that becomes more inclusive.

RA   2:08:59
Do you have any other features or to recommend or that all?

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:09:18
Umm well I I I don’t really have any issues with the.
Structure of elements of the SGML or the page.

RA   2:09:26

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:09:28
Everything accessible and I think even the side is lightweight so it’s not heavy.

RA   2:09:28
Umm OK.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:09:35
Uh, it’s just, you know, there the results, the items, the search items were not but not good.
So yeah, I I wish there were.

RA   2:09:44
OK. Yeah.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:09:49
I wished I spend a lot of resources in that regard.

RA   2:09:56
OK, so now you’re done with this task and the question of this digital library.
Now I will ask you a few questions about the overall search experience, but we only have few questions left.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:10:08

RA   2:10:11
So our first question after using these two digital libraries, what is your overall feedback for the digital library, which does your library do you prefer and why?

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:10:25
I would.
I would go for the for.
For the latter one because.

RA   2:10:29

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:10:30
Uh, the search feature is very intuitive.
You can, and even the general search string also gives you a very good result.
Uh, that one.
I mean, the more you become specific with your questions, the harder it becomes to navigate around.
So like you know, you were asking me specific questions last time.

RA   2:10:57

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:10:57
Like you know, MIT.

RA   2:11:02
Of course.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:11:02
Yeah, and yeah, interactive materials or courses.

RA   2:11:04

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:11:05
MIT and what have you.
Uh, of course I should have.
I should have tried.
I should have tried it with the general search string, which I didn’t, but you know the more I try to sort the filters, the more it became less.

RA   2:11:21

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:11:27
Ah, the more it became less friendly.
So yes, I would go for for the Library of Congress, and that’s that’s much easier to search for materials.

RA   2:11:47
And there’s also well goes, goes to our second question, can you talk about the major problems that you encountered in using these two digital libraries when you’re trying to complete the search task?

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:12:01
In one of them the the filters were over overwhelming that there were also unlabeled web page elements.

RA   2:12:05

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:12:12
Uh, with the other?
Uh, there were the items.
The search items were not all C ARD properly.
They were not converted into text so that it was just scanned image that I wasn’t able to interact with the content thousand to able to access the information that are off. Umm.
So yeah, both of them have their own pluses and minuses, I would say.

RA   2:12:46

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:12:49
I I I.
Yeah, this is just, you know, I’m.
I’m judging from a cursory look.
Uh, just from a first time, sort of a first time experience, but.
Library of Congress appears to be more intuitive overall.

RA   2:13:11

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:13:12
It appears to be.

RA   2:13:12
Thank you.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:13:13
User friendly.

RA   2:13:16
OK, so there’s also the question I asked you three times.
So how did you solve this problem?
And if not, what types of digital library features do you desire to have to help you solve these problems?

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:13:31
So OK, with the first website what I did is instead of trying to filter I I I thought it was throwing me down to the rabbit hall.

RA   2:13:42
All right, yeah.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:13:42
You know, when I when I tried to sort out with like, you know to sort with filters, mom.

RA   2:13:49

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:13:50
So what I did was he was just a general search string and then just do you know, uh, a general search instead of going into specific subjects or categories that way, I found some results which I thought were more or less relevant with the other one.

RA   2:13:58
Right, right.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:14:15
I didn’t have to do any any filtering because the general search string did a very good job of coming up.
You know, with good results.

RA   2:14:24

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:14:25
Uh, so as I mentioned earlier, so with the Library of Congress, the materials I would go, I would use my PC to convert them to.

RA   2:14:31

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:14:40

RA   2:14:41
Ohh, not by more mobile device but.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:14:44
No, I I mobile device, uh.
So what happens is with mobile device I still have to use third party application to convert it to text.
But if I use my PC.
All I have to do is just invoke the OCR feature that’s embedded in the screen reader, which is not also available in Talkback.

RA   2:15:16

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:15:18
So OK, they literally are destroying this building.
They still continue to work only pipelines and we don’t have water now.

RA   2:15:32
Ohh no.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:15:34
Uh, yeah, so that’s why I usually prefer to use my PC because the screen reader on the PC is more customizable and has more features.

RA   2:15:39
Umm so.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:15:47
If I were to use an iPhone, an iPhone has, you know, the the screen reader on the iPhone is called voice over and it has its own image detection feature.

RA   2:15:47
OK. Mm-hmm.
All right, they do.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:16:05
Yeah, but still, I mean it, if I wanna just read the material, then that’s probably be helpful.

RA   2:16:06

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:16:14
But if I wanna keep a copy of it, the best way to do that is just I I I find myself more efficient using the PC.

RA   2:16:25

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:16:27
Yeah, you know, given all the customizability and the flexibility of the screen reader on the PC.

RA   2:16:33
Thank you.
Carl’s on any other desired features you would like to recommend for digital libraries.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:16:44
Ohh yes, improve your accessibility.

RA   2:16:46

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:16:47
And adhere to the WC, GA uh.

RA   2:16:52

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:16:53
It’s called WCG, H point or standards and like I think they have 2.1 now it’s this.
This is the world wide World Wide Web consortium.
Uh accessibility guideline, yes, WCA G.

RA   2:17:07
Alright, WCG there. Umm.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:17:09
Yes, like you see a G2 point or 2.1 accessibility guidelines time cards.

RA   2:17:15

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:17:15
So if any any, any, any web developer adheres to the standards than the website becomes accessible.
But when they fail to meet this standard stand, there always are some issues.

RA   2:17:29
Ah, thank you.
And our next question would be also rating on a scale of 1 to 7.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:17:38
I thought that was OK.

RA   2:17:41
Sorry, this is like almost like the end of the session.
Ohh all the scale of 1 to 7.
How likely are you to continue using digital library in general and the future and also justify your ratings after your rate them?

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:17:56
Well, we are left with no other choice.
What else can you do?
I mean, digital libraries are overall good for uh blind screen reader users.
The reason being that most materials in the war in in our, in the pre Internet era where inaccessible, you have to depend on people.

RA   2:18:24

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:18:28
You have to ask for sighted assistance.
You know whether you are a lawyer, whether you are a journalist, whether you are in every field, you still have to depend on some kind of uh.
Assistance, whether that’s from France, from family members or what have you.
The fact that the technology has advanced and we have share abundance of information on the Internet has made it, uh way simpler for screen reader users is for the blind in general.
So I I I don’t wanna look back.
You know the digital library is the best way for us to access information.

RA   2:19:18

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:19:19
It’s just, you know, we need to work on improving the accessibility of of digital libraries.

RA   2:19:25
Uh, the ratings for 127.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:19:35

RA   2:19:36

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:19:40

RA   2:19:41

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:19:42
I was, I think.

RA   2:19:46
Our last question, what are the challenges?
And benefits of using digital library thinking kind of sets a few.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:19:53
The challenges are all the related to accessibility.

RA   2:19:58

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:19:59
If inmates are not properly tagged, if web page elements are not properly tagged, or if not if they are not properly labeled, and if the materials they’re too are not made accessible in such a way that you know they become usable by everyone, than the concept of inclusive digital library is.

RA   2:20:03

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:20:26
Is not fulfilled.
So it’s the the IT it, it all has to do with accessibility.
So there is a lot of accessibility issues with digital libraries, but they still are useful.
There is a lot to draw from them.

RA   2:20:49

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:20:51
There is a lot a lot of materials that you know.
I have taken advantage of without any sighted assistance.

RA   2:20:58

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:20:58
So I am grateful and at the same time there are a lot of wishes that I would like to make just improve accessibility.

RA   2:21:06

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:21:11
You know, it’s it.
All comes to one umbrella, which is the accessibility.

RA   2:21:19

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:21:20
Whether that’s video or that’s image, whether that’s, umm, any interactive element.

RA   2:21:26
Umm, no, no, that’s true.

Tedros PC (Guest)   2:21:29

RA   2:21:30
Well, thank you.
That was end of our post search questions and I’m I will turn off the recording now ahtic calling.

RA stopped transcription