A situation that arises from difficulty ascertaining whether search results are available due to a lack of system feedback.
Factors Leading to the Situation
- Inadequate feedback: insufficient DL status
- Inadequate feedback: insufficient dynamic applications/features/content
- Ensure that a change in DL status is accompanied by instant notification.
Rationale for Suggesting the above Guidelines
BVI (text with tooltip) The acronym for Blind and Visually Impaired. It refers to BVI users who rely on screen readers to interact with digital libraries (DLs). users rely on screen readers (text with tooltip) A software program that reads textual information through synthesized speech and offers specialized keyboard commands to operate a computer interface. to get feedback about search status and search results. Without appropriate feedback conveyed through screen readers, BVI users cannot perceive any update for their searches as they use a DL (text with tooltip) The acronym for digital library (DL) . The suggested guideline ensures that instant feedback will be provided to keep BVI users informed about updated search results (e.g., whether searches are done, how many search results are found).
Techniques and Methods to Comply with a Specific Design Guideline
1.1. Apply aria-live (text with tooltip) An HTML attribute that allows assistive technology to receive notifications when error messages are added to a Live Region container. attribute (polite or assertive) to search results when a search is completed.
Features Suggested for Users
1.1.1. Search status and search results (See example 1.1.1.a1., 1.1.1.a2. and 1.1.1.a3.)
Examples of Best Practice
1.1.1.a1. Search status and search results
(text with tooltip)
The acronym for Blind and Visually Impaired. It refers to BVI users who rely on screen readers to interact with digital libraries (DLs).
users conduct a search in HathiTrust using their iPhones, VoiceOver will inform them by “webpage loaded,” meaning that the search is finished (RED1 Figure a1). BVI users subsequently can use the gesture “Two-finger swipe up” to “Speak the entire screen from the top” to the search results.
RED1 Figure a1. An example of search status feedback
1.1.1.a2. Search status and search results
Using Android, TalkBack will inform BVI users of “full-text search results, HathiTrust digital library, page loaded” after conducting a search. TalkBack also reads the number of search results when a user swipes to that section (RED1 Figure a2).
RED1 Figure a2. An example of search status feedback with a search result summary
1.1.1.a3. Using aria-live attribute on JavaScript
After the search is completed, the aria-live (text with tooltip) An HTML attribute that allows assistive technology to receive notifications when error messages are added to a Live Region container. attribute announces the content of the status element with a message indicating that the search results are ready. In the RED1 Figure a3, the screen reader (text with tooltip) A software program that reads textual information through synthesized speech and offers specialized keyboard commands to operate a computer interface. will inform users when a search has finished loading, and also the number of retrieved items.
View and Copy code
<!-- Search Results -->
<div id="search-results">
<!-- Dynamically filled with search results -->
<!-- ARIA Live Region for Status Updates -->
<div id="search-status" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true" style="position:
absolute; left: -9999px;"></div>
async function performSearch(event) {
const searchStatus = document.getElementById('search-status');
const searchResults = document.getElementById('search-results');
const query = document.getElementById('search-input').value;
// Notify user that the search is in progress
searchStatus.textContent = 'Searching...';
try {
// Simulate an API call to fetch search results (replace with actual API call)
const response = await fetch(`${query}`);
const data = await response.json();
// Assuming data.results is an array of search results
const numberOfResults = data.results.length;
// Display search results
searchResults.innerHTML = => `<p>${result.title}</p>`).join('');
// Update ARIA live region with the number of results
searchStatus.textContent = `Search complete. ${numberOfResults} results found.`;
} catch (error) {
// Handle errors and notify user
searchStatus.textContent = 'An error occurred while searching. Please try again.';
RED1 Figure a3. An example code for aria-live attribute
Examples of Poor Practice
1.1.1.b. Difficulty recognizing the availability of search results
(text with tooltip)
The acronym for Blind and Visually Impaired. It refers to BVI users who rely on screen readers to interact with digital libraries (DLs).
users submit a search in the mobile DL, VoiceOver only announces “submit search” when search results are returned (RED1 Figure b1). The lack of feedback becomes a challenge for them in knowing whether the search results are available or not. “So it wasn’t intuitive, so whether is there a time I hit search, it would go back to the search field like it didn’t search. … It didn’t say that it searched even though it did.” (IP9-LA)
RED1 Figure b1. Screenshot of difficulty recognizing the availability of search results
- Digital Accessibility. (n.d.). Technique: Status messages.