Beth Herbel-Eisenmann (Principal Investigator)
Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, a former junior high school mathematics teacher, is an associate professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University. She is involved in collaborative professional development of secondary mathematics teachers, particularly in long-term work with teachers to become more purposeful about their classroom discourse. She also draws on linguistics and discourse literatures to examine mathematics classroom discourse, mathematics curricula, and some of the hidden ‘rules’ and assumptions that underlie mathematics classroom practices.
Michelle Cirillo (Principal Investigator)
Michelle Cirillo, a former high school mathematis teacher, is an associate professor of mathematics education in the department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Delaware. Her resesarch interests include: teachers’ facilitation of discourse, teachers’ use of curriculum materials, and teaching disciplinary practices such as reasoning and proving and mathematical modeling.
Michael Steele (Principal Investigator)
Michael Steele is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the school of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Michigan State University, with mathematics education doctoral students at Michigan State University, and with practicing teachers and administrators across the Midwest. His research focuses on supporting secondary math teachers in developing mathematical knowledge for teaching, integrating content and pedagogy, through teacher preparation and professional development.
Samuel Otten is an assistant professor of mathematics education at the University of Missouri. His primary research interests are in secondary students’ engagement in reasoning-and-proving and attending to precision. He is also interested in the discourse of flipped secondary classrooms.
Kate Johnson is an assistant rofessor in the Department of Mathematics Education at Brigham Young University. Her research focuses on the identities of mathematics teachers as both people who have races, genders, religions and so on that affect their practices but also their developing identities as mathematics teachers (e.g., what their conceptions are of mathematics teaching and learning). Her research focuses particularly on teachers’ identities in the context of teaching mathematics for social justice (teaching mathematics in ways that illuminate social inequity and empower students to seek social change).
Graduate Assistants
Heather Bosman
Jillian Cavanna
Dan Clark
Kathleen (Taffy) McAneny
Alexandria Theakston-Musselman
Jennifer Nimtz
Heejoo Suh
Shannon Sweeny
Advisory Board Members
Ryota Matsuura, Valerie Mills, Randolph Phillpp, David Pimm, Mary Schleppegrell, Edward Silver, Magaret (Peg) Smith
Evelyn Gordon, Daniel Heck, & Kiira Campbell (Horizon Research)