McKaela Schmelzer

“Insects, worms, and other small animals that carry out vital functions for life on earth have declined by 45 percent average over 35 years, threatening human, water quality and food supplies…”

-Steve Connor, “Vital invertebrates decline 45 percent, study finds,”, July 2014


I created a home for multiple insects to increase the number of beneficial insects in the garden. My motel has different sections of various materials to provide and efficient environment for the insects.


People who own gardens realize the struggle of unwanted insects ruining their vegetation. Aphids, spider mites, beetles, caterpillars, etc., are harmful. The plus side of having a motel is to house insects that will eat away at the non-wanted insects. Things that attract the good bugs include: dead wood, holes in wood, straw, hay, dry leaves, loose bark, crevices. The “good bugs” include; ladybugs, bees, butterflies, etc. Creating an environment for these bugs will not only help you with your garden, but will also contribute to their conservation, because they are declining in numbers.


I was asked to design a motel that addresses issues related to maintaining a healthy bug population, while effectively considering sculptural design and aesthetic qualities. The motel was to be made of wood, which I have never worked with. In order to work with the tools, I had to learn how to use each machine. I was inspired by the city of Milwaukee when it came to my design. I wanted each insect to have their own home. My layout includes a variety of structures next to each other to create the “city” feel.From this project, I learned how to properly use wood shop tools and how to create a specific environment.


For my motel, the materials inside each home will eventually need to be switched with fresh materials. For the bee section, the wood log can easily be removed and cleaned with a smaller utensil that fits in the holes. For the sections with mesh wire, I left corners unstapled, so the wire could be easily bent in order to replace the materials.


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