Rules for the Makerspace
- Agree to the rules via this online form, then renew each semester.
- Have fun and be safe.
- Never work alone in the lab. Focus on the work.
- Wear appropriate clothing and shoes for your tasks. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Be aware of all exits, fire extinguishers, available PPE*, Spill Kit location, and your readiness to work safely.
- Be respectful of the other people in the lab. Be professional.
- Access to the lab is restricted to those who acknowledge these rules.
- Do not use tools until you have received proper training in their use and safety precautions.
- Respect equipment & tools. Keep them clean. Return them to their proper location.
- Do not consume food or beverages in the lab.
- Do not install any software on the computers in the lab. They are for course use only.
- Please report broken or malfunctioning equipment to the Instructor / TA / Lab Manager.
- Clean your workspace after use. Replace tools, equipment, and furniture to their home position.
- Do not use mobile phones in the lab. Do not use ear buds or a headphone.
- Do not leave personal items in the lab.
- A video surveillance system is operating at all times.
After you complete the form, your PANTHERCARD will allow you access to the Makerspace during EMS building hours.