EQUITY Research Group

Equity Clinic

The EQUITY Clinic is the clinical arm of the EQUITY Research Group. Our training clinic is housed within the Departmental Clinic of the UWM Psychology Department Program of Clinical Psychology.

New clients interested in receiving care at the EQUITY Clinic can call (414)229-5521.

Services Available to the Community

The EQUITY Clinic is guided by the belief that high quality, culturally attuned mental health care is a basic right. Yet, we understand that access to such care is often limited, and this is especially true for communities that have been most directly affected by discrimination, lack of investment, and marginalization. Taking this reality into account, our training clinic focuses on increasing access to affordable, evidence-based mental health care to members of our community who face many barriers to receiving mental health care such as individuals who are under- or un-insured, have limited financial resources, have limited English ability*, and/or are members of communities that have been especially targeted by discrimination (for example, people of color, immigrants and refugees, LGBTQ+ individuals, individuals who have been persecuted for their religious beliefs, and individuals living with disabilities, among others).

We offer time-limited treatment (on average, 12 sessions) to maximize our ability to meet the needs of a large number of clients in the local community. We operate from a “stepped model of care” framework. The care we provide can sometimes be a first step to mental health care, and we will work with each individual client to connect them with longer-term care and to community resources, as needed.

Our services are provided on a sliding fee scale basis, with costs per session ranging from $10 – $75. However, given our equity mission, we have some limited “scholarships” available to offset the costs associated with treatment for clients who may not otherwise be able to afford treatment at our clinic. You may inquire about this directly to the Clinic Director, Dr. Nagy at ganagy@uwm.edu or(414)251-6608.

To learn more about the clinic, please visit the UWM Psychology Department Clinic website.

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What You Can Expect at the EQUITY Clinic

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Process-Based CBT:

The EQUITY Clinic provides psychotherapy guided by contemporary cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBTs). Our clinical work is deeply informed by science, and as such, all of the therapeutic approaches that we utilize are evidence-based – that is, they have been rigorously tested in numerous clinical trials. To tailor treatment to each client that is seen by our team, the assigned clinician (under the mentorship of Dr. Nagy) selects and applies CBT strategies that map onto particular areas of concern for each client, for example: avoidance or rumination (repetitive thinking). Treatment is developed collaboratively with clients and guided by an in-depth case conceptualization.

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Cultural Assessment:

To ensure that the care offered through the EQUITY Clinic is culturally attuned and responsive, treatment always starts by conducting a cultural assessment. We develop a rich and nuanced understanding of each client’s perspectives (how they see the problems for which they are seeking care), their culture (whether any aspects of their identities and backgrounds are related to the problem for which they are seeking care), and their context (their day-to-day experiences).

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Social Needs Assessment:

Because we understand that our social environments can sometimes worsen or improve our emotional wellbeing, the EQUITY Clinic is focused on identifying any community resources that may be helpful to augment the work that occurs in the therapy room. This may include, but is not limited to, resources for housing, food, transportation, and healthcare. We work with each client to curate a personalized list of recommended resources that may be helpful to their unique circumstances.

Contact Us

EQUITY Research Group
UWM Psychology Department
PO Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201
(414) 251-7979