Diversity, equity, and inclusion

We conduct heart-driven science.

Our lab is committed to ensuring that we improve the field of mental health by increasing access to needed care for groups who have been historically and presently underserved, as well as increasing representation in our workforce.


Equity is Central to Our Work:

We strive to be equity-minded in all of the efforts in which we are engaged – research, clinical, training, and partnerships with local community organizations. To this end, we work to understand the upstream social drivers of health that have downstream effects that disproportionately, systematically, and adversely affect communities who are disenfranchised, marginalized, and underinvested in. To describe the concept of equity, we have really liked the graphics put forth by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (right).

Commitment to Social Justice:

We believe the mental health care is a human right. We are keenly attuned to ways in which power, privilege, and wealth/resources are unfairly distributed in our society, in ways that systematically benefit some communities while systematically disenfranchising and marginalizing others. These systems include, but are not limited to, racism, xenophobia, sexism, religious persecution, heterosexism/LGBTQ+ intolerance, classism, ableism, and ageism, among others. Our research and advocacy work aims to contribute to the redistribution power, privilege, and wealth/resources so that all members of our society have access to high-quality, culturally-conscious mental health care as well as can live, work, and play in communities that promote resilience and health.

Efforts to Diversify the Mental Health Workforce:

To reach our ultimate goal of supporting the mental health of communities that have been underinvested in, we are devoted to training and supporting individuals from backgrounds that have been underrepresented in psychology as mental health care providers and educators so that our field can more accurately reflect all members of society. As such, the majority of our team members are from minoritized racial/ethnic backgrounds, are first-generation students, and come from low-income homes. By receiving training with the EQUITY Research Group, our team members are competitive applicants to institutional, regional, and national awards and fellowships that further support their ability to advance academically, professionally, and personally.

Contact Us

EQUITY Research Group
UWM Psychology Department
PO Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201
(414) 251-7979