Articles and Papers in Academic and Professional Journals
Martin, L. G., Martin, F. A., & Southworth, E. (2015). A Critical Review of Concept Mapping Research Literature: Informing Teaching and Learning Practices in GED Preparation Programs. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 27(3), 27-45. doi: 10.1002/nha3.20109
Martin, L. G., Smith, R. O. (2011). Pre-apprenticeship urban workforce training programs. Adult Learning Quarterly, 22(1), 23-27.
Alfred, M. V. and Martin, L. G. (2007). The development of economic self-sufficiency among former welfare recipients: lessons learned from Wisconsin’s welfare to work program. International Journal of Training and Development. 11:1, 2 – 20.
Fisher, J.C. and Martin, L.G. (2001). The welfare to work transition in the United states: Implications for work-related learning. International Review of Education.
Martin, L.G. (1995). Effects of increased GED score requirements: The Wisconsin experience. Adult Education Quarterly. 45 (3), pp. 124-141.
Martin, L.G. (1993). Cultural diversity: Fracture-lines in adult education practice. P.A.A.C.E. Journal of Lifelong Learning, 2, 21-26.
Martin, L.G. (1990). Dropout, persistence, and completion in adult secondary and pre-vocational education programs, Adult Literacy and Basic Education, 14 (3), pp. 159-174.
Martin, L. G. (1987). Life‑style classifications of adult high school noncompleters. Adult Education Quarterly, 38(1), 32‑45.
Martin, L. G. (1986). Social and economic transformations: Contributions to the professionalization of adult education. Lifelong Learning: An Omnibus of Practice and Research, 9(6), 22‑24 & 28.
Martin, L. G. (1986). Students’ life‑style classifications: Key to improved literacy programs. Lifelong Learning: An Omnibus of Practice and Research, 10(1), 12‑15.
Martin, L. G. (1985). Adult high school noncompleters: Toward a typology of psychosocial development. Adult Literacy and Basic Education, 8(1), 1‑20.
Boyd, R. D. and Martin, L. G. (1984). A methodology for the analysis of the psychosocial profiles of low‑literate adults. Adult Education Quarterly, 34(2), 85‑96.
Martin, L. G. (1983). Achievement motivation in training‑‑Effects on ABE/ASE students’ psychosocial self‑perceptions. Adult Literacy and Basic Education, 7(2), 86‑93.
Martin, L. G. (1982). Innovative educational technologies: Assets to adult educators. Lifelong Learning: The Adult Years, 5(8), 18‑20 & 23.