Larry G. Martin’s research and publications have explored complex urban-related problems, trends and issues that inhibit the participation of adult learners in adult education programs. His involvement with welfare reform culminated in a co-authored text that informs adult literacy professionals on how to more effectively serve adult learners. His most noted book was published by Jossey-Bass and focuses on urban adult education: Adult Education in an Urban Context: Problems, Practices, and Programming for Inner-city Communities. His current publication effort involves a co-edited 500 page text with Drs. Alan Knox and Simone Conceição, Mapping the Adult and Continuing Education Field: An International Compendium. This will be a co-publication of Stylus Publishing and the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) which will produce 4 printed volumes, and one comprehensive electronic volume.
Martin received his Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and he is currently an Emeritus Professor of Adult and Continuing Education Leadership, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
He can be contacted via email: