12/04 |
- Prepare for Wednesday’s exam, which will cover material from Chapters 5 and 6 (through 6.4).
- Exercises 6.4: 1, 2.
11/29 |
- Read Section 6.4 for discussion on Monday. Send me a question on the reading by Sunday evening. Due 12/03.
- Exercises 6.3: 1, 2.
11/27 |
- Read Section 6.3 for discussion on Wednesday.
- Exercises 6.3: 1, 2.
- Hand in Exercises 6.2: 1; Exercises 6.3: 1. Due 12/04.
11/20 |
- Re-read Section 6.2 for discussion next Monday.
- Exercises 6.2: 1, 2.
- Have a good Thanksgiving!
11/15 |
- Re-read Section 6.1 in light of today’s discussion, and start reading Seection 6.2. Send me a question on the reading by Sunday evening. Due 11/19.
- Exercises 6.1: 4.
- Do an Internet search for combinations and permutations, and find as many applications as you can of these counting principles. Bring your examples to class on Monday.
11/13 |
- Re-read Section 6.1 in light of today’s discussion.
- Exercises 6.1: 1, 2, 3.
- Hand in Exercises 5.3: 2; Exercises 6.1: 1(a)(c)(e), 3. Due 11/20.
11/08 |
- Read the introduction to Chapter 6, and Section 6.1. Send me a question by Sunday evening. Due 11/12.
- Exercises 5.3: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
11/06 |
- Re-read Section 5.3 if necessary to be prepared for class discussion on Wednesday. If you have not done so already, send me a question by Tuesday evening. Due 11/07.
- Hand in Exercises 5.2: 1, 2. Due 11/13.
11/01 |
- Read Sections 5.2 and 5.3. Send me a question by Sunday evening.
Due 11/05.
- Exercises 5.2: 1, 2; Exercises 5.3: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
10/30 |
- Read Section 5.1 and send me a question by Tuesday evening. Due 10/31.
- Exercises 5.1: 1, 2.
- Hand in Exercises 5.1: 1, 2. Due 11/06.
10/18 |
- Re-read Subsection 4.4.2 in light of today’s discussion.
- Complete Homework Exercises 7, 8, 9 from Section 4.4.2.
- Begin preparation for the midterm exam (to be given one week from today). Come to class on Monday ready with questions.
10/16 |
- Re-read Subsection 4.4.1 in light of today’s discussion, and read as far as you can through the rest of Section 4.4. You may find some of this reading challenging; we will discuss random variables, in particular, next time.
- Hand in Subsection 4.4.1: 1, 3. Due 10/23.
10/11 |
- Read the introduction to Section 4.4 (Independence) and Subsection 4.4.1 (Checking for Independence of Two Events). Send me a question on the reading by Sunday evening. Due 10/15.
- Complete Exercises 1 through 5 from Subsection 4.4.1 (page 104 in the textbook).
10/09 |
- Read Section 4.3 (Inverse Probability), bearing today’s discussion in mind.
- Complete Homework Exercises 1, 2 from Section 4.3.
- Hand in Section 4.2: 1, 2; Section 4.3: 1. Due 10/16.
10/04 |
- Re-read Section 4.2 (Conditional Probability using Tables) of the textbook in light of today’s discussion (or finish reading it if you did not complete it before class). You do not have to send me a question but—as always—you should do so if anything in the reading is not yet clear.
- Complete Homework Exercises 1, 2, 3 from Section 4.2.
10/02 |
- Read as much as you can of Section 4.2 (Conditional Probabilities Using Tables). This is a long section, so do not worry if you don’t get all the way through it, but make as much progress as you can in order to be prepared for Wednesday’s class discussion. Send me a question on the reading by Tuesday evening. Due 10/03.
- Hand in Section 4.1: 3; Your Chapter Project. Due 10/09.
09/27 |
- Re-read Section 4.1 (Tree Diagrams Revisited) of the textbook in light of today’s discussion (or finish reading it if you did not complete it before class). You do not have to send me a question on the reading, but please do so if anything is still not clear.
- Complete Homework Exercises 1, 2, 3 from Section 4.1.
- Hand in Section 3.3: 5; Section 3.4: 3. Still due 10/02.
- Hand in Your Chapter Project. Due 10/09.
09/25 |
- Read Section 4.1 (Tree Diagrams Revisited) of the textbook. You do not have to send me a question on this reading, but feel free to do so if you encounter anything that is not clear. (This is quite a long section, and there are some subtle ideas in it, but please persevere and be ready with questions for the class discussion on Wednesday.)
- Complete Homework Exercises 1, 2, 3 from Section 3.4.
- Complete the Chapter Project (on page 64 of the 2009 version of the textbook, at the very end of the chapter). You should design the project for a Grade 7 class, however, rather than Grade 8 as stated in the text. As you are designing your project, keep in mind the Grade 7 Statistic and Probability standards from the Common Core (follow the link on the class website to find those standards). Your project obviously does not need to address every Grade 7 standard, but it should be aligned to at least one, and you should indicate in your write-up which standard or standards you are addressing. Have fun!
- Hand in Section 3.3: 5; Section 3.4: 3. Due 10/02. Your Chapter Project. Now due 10/09.
09/20 |
- Read Section 3.4 (Beginnings of Inference) of the textbook
- Send me an e-mail question on the reading by Sunday evening. Due 09/24.
- Complete Homework Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 from Section 3.3.
09/18 |
- Read Section 3.3 of the textbook. You do not have to send me a question on this reading,
but feel free to do so if you encounter anything that is not clear.
- Complete Homework Exercises 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 from Section 3.2.
- Hand in Section 3.1: 5, 7; Section 3.2: 1, 5. Due 09/25.
09/13 |
- Read Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of the textbook.
- Send me a question on the reading by Sunday evening. Due 09/17.
- Complete Homework Exercises 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 from Section 3.1.
09/11 |
- Read Chapter 2 of the textbook. (The tables and histograms are not as formidable as they seem at first; study them carefully, and try to relate them to today’s examples with the committee data.)
- Send me a question on the reading by Tuesday evening. Due 09/12.
- Complete the odd-numbered Homework Exercises from Chapter 2.
- Hand in Homework Exercises 3 and 7. Due 09/18.
09/06 |
- Read the syllabus carefully, and bring any questions to class on Monday.
- Read Chapter 1 of the textbook.
- Read the other Standards for Mathematical Practice in Appendix B.
- Choose one of the SMPs, other than 1 and 6, and write a paragraph answering the appropriate homework question from Chapter 1. Bring your paragraph to our next class. (You will discuss it with a partner, but you do not need to hand it in to me.)
- Send me an e-mail question on the reading, either Chapter 1 or the SMPs, by Sunday evening. Due 09/10.