MATH 222 Notes

Additional Notes and Files

Any additional course materials or notes will be posted on this page. Class exercise handouts will be kept at the top of the page.

Class Exercise Handouts

(02/04) Some Important Infinite Series.

(01/28) Introduction to Sequences and Series.

Additional Notes

(02/24) Differentiability of Power Series.

(02/03) Convergence (and Divergence) of the p-series.


(01/29) Project 1: Planetary Motion.
(01/29) Notes on the geometry of an ellipse.

“Solutions” for Project 1.

(03/29) Project 2: Fourier Series.

Solutions for Project 2.

Study Guides

(03/03) Here is a list of study topics and practice problems for the midterm exam.

Final Exam

(05/02) Here is the final exam.