Useful Links
I will add links to other websites to this page as the semester progresses. If you find a site that you think should be included, let me know and (if I agree!) I will put it up.
Useful (or just Fun and Interesting) Videos
- Here is a really cool video on the sum of the infinite series
. This is one video on the 3Blue1Brown channel, and they are all very good, although some of them are quite advanced.
- I will be using the Desmos online graphing calculator frequently throughout the semester. Feel free to experiment with it. There are a lot of interesting and useful demos on the site (take a look at their art gallery, all produced by students, some time!), but you can also experiment with making up your own examples, or using it to help make sense of homework problems from the textbook.
- Wolfram Alpha is an online symbolic calculator. You can use it, in particular, to find anti-derivatives of many functions.
- Wolfram Alpha will give you both the graph and a contour map of a function of 2 variables, but it is not the most sophisticated grapher, and as far as I know there is no way to rotate the graph to see if from different viewpoints. (However, it will also probably give you a lot o additional information about the function.)
- Here is a Desmos page which allows you to input a function, then manipulate the graph. (Thanks to Wesley Hines for this link.)
- Geogebra is one of the best (free, web-based) graphing technologies. (It also does algebra and geometry.) Here is a direct link to the 3-D graphing utility. (Thanks to Sierra Hansen for this link.) Possible warning: I have found that the Geogebra 3-D graphing engine does not work on some older computer systems, even though basic Geogebra seems to work on everything.
- A Desmos page in which you can evaluate integrals numerically using various numerical methods, including Simpson’s Rule.