I have scheduled a practice session in Collaborative Ultra for tomorrow morning, Friday, March 27, at 11:00 AM. The link is in a module on the Canvas class home page, but I have also sent it to you in an e-mail, and you should be able to access it here. I recommend you try to join the sesszion through the Canvas link, and in at least one other way. We can discuss, going forward, whether I need to provide links to sessions in all these different ways.
Please make sure you read carefully the letter I e-mailed to the class today. if you did not receive a copy of the letter, you can read it here. (Also, if you did not receive a copy of the letter, please contact me so that we can find out why.) Here is a summary of the most inportant points.
- all course materials will be on Canvas. If you’re unfamiliar with Canvas please go to the UWM Canvas Student Help Page for a quick guide. I will also upload a copy of all materials (except videos) to this website, but Canvas will be our primary means of communication for the rest of the semester.
- Whether or not you’ve been to Canvas before, to be sure you’re getting all of my updates, please take a moment to go to Canvas, click on “Account” in the left vertical menu, then click on “Notifications”. You will see a list of different course activities, with options for whether to receive various kinds of course updates immediately, daily, or weekly. I recommend you request immediate notifications (the checkmark next to each item), or at least daily (the clock icon), according to your preference: if an announcement is made or an assignment created, you don’t want to wait a week to find out. You do not have to hit save to record your preferences.
- On canvas, I have created a module called “Class Modifications due to Pandemic UPDATE module”. I have posted this letter in that module. I may be posting more information there, regarding our communication and assessment plans, so please check it regularly for new information.
- I will be creating a module in Canvas for each week of classes; they will appear as the semester progresses, much as the week’s assignments appeared on this website (and the assignments will still be posted here, in the usual way.) Each module will contain the following information:
- The week’s readings from the textbook, suggested problems for you to work, and a smaller number of problems for you to hand in;
- A short summary of each section you are asked to read;
- Links to online videos;
- Links to Collaborate Ultra sessions for each clsss period (4 sessions per week), at our usual class time, 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM.
If you cannot attend these Collaborate Ultra sessions, please contact me to discuss possible alternatives for showing that you are keeping up with the class readings and discussions.
- I have reduced the number of projects from 3 to 2, and the grading policy for the course has slightly changed as a result. (See the Syllabus page for more details.)
As always, please contact me if you have any questions about any of this.
Most of this is a repeat of what I already mentioned in class this morning, but please let me know if you have questions about anything here–or anything else you hear about the situation. You can also keep yourself informed as to the campus situation at the UWM coronavirus information page.
- Most important for now: there is no change to classes this week, so we will still have the midterm exam tomorrow (March 12).
- After the extended break, our class will move online for at least 2 weeks. Thank you for the helpful suggestions this morning. I will work to implement them as well as I can over the break, and I will keep you informed as to progress.
- One new piece of information (which was already relevant to the previous paragraph): campus administrators are apparently going to review the online situation every 2 weeks, so it is possible that we will be allowed to go back to the in-class format after 2 weeks–or after 4. (My personal guess, however, is that once we move online we will end up sticking with that format.)
- Having heard no objections, I will post Project 2 before the official return from break. (It will probably be after the original 1-seek spring break, so as not to disadvantage people who had spring break plans already.) The due date will likely be 2.5 weeks following the break (so you will have up to 3.5 weeks to complete it if you start as soon as it is posted).
Again, please let me know if you have any questions about any of this.