MATH 102 – Homework Assignments

Section 008, Spring 2016

Homework Assignments

  1. Complete your preparation for the Final Exam, which will be given in room EMS E159 next Monday, May 16, from 7:30–9:30 AM. Here are a semester Skill and Concept Check, essential vocabulary, and vocabulary answers. You should also review all four module exams, and make sure you are truly comfortable with every question on each of them. Remember: I will be the NWQ at our usual class time (9:30–10:45 AM) on Thursday to answer questions. You can also e-mail me, or make an appointment to meet with me at any mutually convenient time.
  1. Complete OCE 8.4.
    Due Midnight, 05/02.
  2. Complete your preparation for the Module 8 Assessment, which will be given in class this Tuesday, April 3. Here are the Module 8 Skill and Concept CheckPractice Exam Problems, and Practice Exam Solutions.
  1. Complete OCE 8.3 and PNL 8.3.
    Due Midnight, 04/27.
  2. Begin preparing for the Module 8 Assessment, which will be given in class next Tuesday, May 3. You should continue to use the 7 steps from last semester’s reviews to prepare for each module assessment this semester. Note that step (7) involves making a plan to get help from a colleague or instructor, for topics you need to understand more deeply, so (as always!) don’t leave your review until the last minute. (I will post a concept check and practice exam soon.)
  1. Complete OCE 8.2 and PNL 8.2.
    Due Midnight, 04/25.
  1. Complete OCE 8.1 and PNL 8.1.
    Due Midnight, 04/20.
  1. Complete PNL 7.7.
    Due Midnight, 04/18.
  1. Complete OCE 7.7.
    Due Midnight, 04/13.
  2. Complete your preparation for the Module 7 Assessment, which will be given in class this Thursday, April 14.
  1. Complete OCE 7.6 and PNL 7.6.
    Due Midnight, 04/11.
  2. If you have not done so already, e-mail me your assignment on the practice standards.
    Due 04/11.
  3. Begin preparing for the Module 7 Assessment, which will be given in class next Thursday, April 14. You should continue to use the 7 steps from last semester’s reviews to prepare for each module assessment this semester. Note that step (7) involves making a plan to get help from a colleague or instructor, for topics you need to understand more deeply, so (as always!) don’t leave your review until the last minute. (I will post a concept check and practice exam soon.)
  4. (Updated 04/10) Here are the Module 7 Skill and Concept Check,
    Practice Exam Problems, and Practice Exam Solutions.
  1. Complete OCE 7.5 and PNL 7.5.
    Due Midnight, 04/06.
  2. Choose one of the last 4 practice standards, then find a class summary powerpoint which has that standard on the final slide. Reflect on why I might have selected that standard to align with that lesson.
    Send me an e-mail by next Monday evening, including the following:

    • The practice standard you selected;
    • The lesson you found;
    • One or more reasons why you think that standard is aligned to that lesson (or, if you disagree with me, reasons why you don’t see a connection). Be as explicit as possible here: describe the activities in the lesson in which you had to engage in specific parts of the standard, and describe why those parts of the standard are present in the activities.

    Due 04/11.

  1. Complete OCE 7.4 and PNL 7.4.
    Due Midnight, 04/04.
  2. Read the final 4 Standards for Mathematical Practice. Make notes of anything that you agree with especially strongly, and of anything that is unclear and that you would like to discuss in class. (We should have time to discuss all of the practice standards on Tuesday, so make sure you have questions ready.)
  1. Complete OCE 7.3 and PNL 7.3.
    Due Midnight, 03/30.
  1. Complete OCE 7.2 and PNL 7.2.
    Due Midnight, 03/28.
  2. Read the first 4 Standards for Mathematical Practice. Make notes of anything that you agree with especially strongly, and of anything that is unclear and that you would like to discuss in class.
  3. Choose one of those first 4 practice standards, then find a class summary powerpoint which has that standard on the final slide. Reflect on why I might have selected that standard to align with that lesson.
    Send me an e-mail by Monday evening, including the following:

    • The practice standard you selected;
    • The lesson you found;
    • One or more reasons why you think that standard is aligned to that lesson (or, if you disagree with me, reasons why you don’t see a connection). Be as explicit as possible here: describe the activities in the lesson in which you had to engage in specific parts of the standard, and describe why those parts of the standard are present in the activities.

    Due 03/28.

  1. Complete OCE 7.1 and PNL 7.1.
    Due Midnight, 03/23.
  1. Complete OCE 6.9 and PNL 6.9.
    Due Midnight, 03/09.
  2. Complete your preparation for the Module 6 Assessment, which will be given in class on Thursday.
  1. Complete OCE 6.8 and PNL 6.8.
    Due Midnight, 03/07.
  2. Begin preparing for the Module 6 Assessment, which will be given in class next Thursday, March 10. In addition to the Module 6 Skill and Concept test posted in the last homework, you should continue to use the 7 steps from last semester’s reviews to prepare for each module assessment this semester. Note that step (7) involves making a plan to get help from a colleague or instructor, for topics you need to understand more deeply, so (as always!) don’t leave your review until the last minute. Here is a set of sample problems to help you check your understanding of the material. I will post solutions to these problems soon.
  3. (Added 03/06) Here are solutions to the module 6 sample problems.
  1. Complete OCE 6.6, OCE 6.7, and PNL 6.7.
    Due Midnight, 03/02.
  2. Finish writing up your solutions to questions 8 and 9 in Lesson 6.5, and be prepared to present them in class on Thursday.
    Due 03/03.
  3. Complete this Module 6 Skill and Concept Summary as a first step in your preparation for the Module 6 assessment (which will be given in class, one week from Thursday).
  1. Complete OCE 6.5, PNL 6.5 and PNL 6.6.
    Due Midnight, 02/29.
  2. If you have not already done so, complete your reflection on the Module 5 assessment. Hand it in, together with the assessment, at the start of class on Tuesday.
    Due 03/01.
  3. (Added after class) Write up careful solutions to questions 8 and 9 in today’s lesson, Lesson 6.5, and be prepared to present them in class next Thursday.
    You may do this either individually, or with the group you were working with in class today. Your solution should include each of the following:

    • Your bar graph with 3 (or more) “bins”;
    • A 2-4 sentence “opinion” as to who should be taxed to keep the federal government running; and
    • A description of your tax policy, including the tax rate (percentage) for each income category,
      and a computation showing that your policy raises the necessary $1.4 trillion.

    You can have some fun with this, if you like. The “opinion” and tax policy do not have to be yours. What might Donald Trump do? Or Bernie Sanders? Or one of this year’s other presidential hopefuls?
    Due 03/03.

  1. Complete OCE 6.3, OCE 6.4 and PNL 6.4.
    Due Midnight, 02/24.
  2. Complete your reflection on the Module 5 assessment, and hand in a physical copy at the start of class next Tuesday. You will also need a copy of the Additional Handout. (These are the same documents that were handed out in class, so you only need to download them from the website if you missed class, or would prefer to have electronic copies.)
    Due 03/01.
  1. Complete OCE 6.1, OCE 6.2, PNL 6.2 and PNL 6.3.
    Due Midnight, 02/22.
  1. If you have not already done so, download and print the Module 6 materials (available on the class D2L site, or from MyQuantway). You must have a copy of
    the new module with you in class on Thursday.
  2. Complete PNL 5.10 and PNL 6.1.
    Due Midnight, 02/17.
  1. Complete OCE 5.9 and OCE 5.10.
    Due Midnight, 02/15.
  2. Continue your preparation for the Module 5 Assessment. Here are solutions to the sample problems I posted earlier. (I have also reposted the original problem sheet, with a corrected version of Problem 3.)
  1. Complete OCE 5.7, OCE 5.8, PNL 5.8, and PNL 5.9
    Due Midnight, 02/10.
  2. Begin preparing for the Module 5 Assessment, which will be given in class next Tuesday, February 16. There are no module reviews in your text this semester, as there were for Modules 1 through 4, but you should still use the 7 steps from last semester’s reviews to prepare for each module assessment this semester. Note that step (7) involves making a plan to get help from a colleague or instructor, for topics you need to understand more deeply, so (as always!) don’t leave your review until the last minute. Here is a set of sample problems to help you check your understanding of the material. I will post solutions to these problems soon.
  1. Complete OCE 5.5, OCE 5.6, PNL 5.6, and PNL 5.7
    Due Midnight, 02/08.
  2. Write up careful and complete solutions to OCE 5.5, Question 3, and OCE 5.6, Question 1, and hand these in at the start of class next Tuesday. I will assess these solutions based on the clarity of your presentation and reasoning, as well as the degree of correctness of your answer, so remember the writing principle!
    Due 02/09.
  1. Complete OCE 5.3, OCE 5.4, PNL 5.4 and PNL 5.5.
    Due Midnight, 02/03.As always, please do not leave this homework until the last minute. For problems that ask you to write a response, remember the writing principle from Lesson 1.2 in MATH 092:Writing Principle: Use specific and complete information. Readers should understand what you are trying to say even if they have not read the question or writing prompt. This includes

    • information about context, and
    • quantitative information.
  1. Complete OCE 5.2, PNL 5.2, and PNL 5.3
    Due Midnight, 02/01.Again, you should expect to spend some time on this homework, so budget your time carefully, and don’t leave it until the last minute.
  1. Complete OCE 5.1 and PNL 5.1
    Due Midnight, 02/01. (Note that in Quantway II, PNL 5.1 is the PNL that prepares you for Lesson 5.2; this is a different numbering convention from Quantway I last semester.) In particular, make sure you have read and understood Scenarios 1 and 2 in PNL 5.1, in preparation for Thursday’s discussion.You should expect to spend some time on this homework, so budget your time carefully, and don’t leave it until the last minute.
  2. Make sure you are completely prepared for the semester before Thursday’s class;
    • Set up your Carnegiehub account and register for our class.
    • Take the Carnegiehub introductory tutorial.
    • Print out the in-class materials from D2L (preferably all 4 modules,
      but at least all of Module 5), and organize your class binder.

    Due 02/02.