11/24 |
- Complete OCE 4.2, OCE 4.3 and PNL 4.4.
Due Midnight, 11/30.
- Have a good Thanksgiving!
11/19 |
- Complete OCE 4.1 and PNL 4.3.
Due Midnight, 11/23.
11/17 |
- Complete PNL 4.1 and PNL 4.2.
Due Midnight, 11/18.
11/12 |
- Complete OCE 3.7 (if you have not already done so) and OCE 3.8.
Due Midnight, Sunday 11/15.
Note: this is one day earlier than usual, so that I will have time to grade it and provide you with feedback before the module 3 assessment.
- Begin preparing for the Module 3 Assessment, which will be given in class next Tuesday, November 17. You should use the Module 3 Review in your in-class workbook to check your understanding accurately. Be sure to go through each of the suggested review steps, (1) through (7), carefully. Note that step (7) involves making a plan to get help from a colleague or instructor, for topics you need to understand more deeply. You could be thinking about that plan even as you are completing the earlier steps. (Once you have completed the review, you can also work on the Module 3 Checkpoint in MyQuantway.)
- Here is a set of practice problems and solutions for the Module 3 assessment.
11/10 |
- Complete OCE 3.6 and PNL 3.8.
Due Midnight, 11/11.
- OCE 3.7 and OCE 3.8 will be due by midnight next Sunday, 11/15. (Note: this is one day earlier than usual, so that I can grade them and provide you with feedback before the Module 3 assessment). They are available for you to start already, if you wish to do so.
11/05 |
- Complete OCE 3.3 and OCE 3.4, if you have not already done so.
- Complete OCE 3.5 and PNL 3.7.
Due Midnight, 11/09.
11/03 |
- Complete OCE 3.3, OCE 3.4, PNL 3.5 and PNL 3.6.
Due Midnight, 11/04.
10/29 |
- Complete OCE 3.2, PNL 3.3 and PNL 3.4.
Due Midnight, 11/02.
10/27 |
- Complete OCE 3.1 and PNL 3.2.
Due Midnight, 10/28.
10/22 |
- Complete PNL 3.1.
Due Midnight, 10/26.
10/15 |
- Complete OCE 2.7 (if you have not already done so) and OCE 2.8.
OCE 2.7 Due Midnight, 10/19. OCE 2.8 Due Midnight, 10/20.
- Begin preparing for the Module 2 Assessment, which will be given in class next Thursday, October 22. You should use the Module 2 Review in your in-class workbook to check your understanding accurately. Be sure to go through each of the suggested review steps, (1) through (7), carefully. Note that step (7) involves making a plan to get help from a colleague or instructor, for topics you need to understand more deeply. You could be thinking about that plan even as you are completing the earlier steps. (Once you have completed the review, you can also work on the Module 2 Checkpoint in MyQuantway.)
10/13 |
- Complete OCE 2.6, OCE 2.7 and PNL 2.8.
Due Midnight, 10/14.
- Complete your reflection paragraphs for the Module 1 assessment.
Due in class, 10/15.
10/08 |
- Complete OCE 2.4, OCE 2.5, PNL 2.6 and PNL 2.7.
Due Midnight, 10/12.
- Start work on your reflection paragraphs for the Module 1 assessment. (This will be due in class next Thursday.)
10/06 |
- Complete OCE 2.3 and PNL 2.5.
Due Midnight, 10/07.
- Review your Module 1 assessment, and make sure you understand what you got wrong, and why it was wrong. (There will be a reflection assignment later in the week, so you could treat this as a warm-up for that exercise.)
10/01 |
- Complete OCE 2.1, OCE 2.2, PNL 2.3 and PNL 2.4.
Due Midnight, 10/05.
09/29 |
- Complete PNL 2.1 and PNL 2.2.
Due Midnight, 09/30.
09/24 |
- Complete OCE 1.8 and OCE 1.9.
Due Midnight, 09/28.
- Prepare for the Module 1 Assessment, which will be given in class next Tuesday, September 29. You should use the Module 1 Review (which follows Lesson 1.9 in your in-class workbook) to check your understanding accurately. Be sure to go through each of the suggested review steps, (1) through (7), carefully. Note that step (7) involves making a plan to get help from a colleague or instructor, for topics you need to understand more deeply. You could be thinking about that plan even as you are completing the earlier steps.
09/22 |
- Complete OCE 1.5, if you have not already done so.
Complete OCE 1.6, OCE 1.7, PNL 1.8 and PNL 1.9.
Due Midnight, 09/23.
- Note: The module 1 assessment is one week from today, on Tuesday, September 29.
09/17 |
- Complete OCE 1.4, OCE 1.5, PNL 1.6 and PNL 1.7.
Due Midnight, 09/21.
In your open-ended answers, pay attention to the writing principle from Lesson 1.2:
Writing Principle Use complete and specific information. Readers should understand what you are trying to say even if they have not read the question or prompt. This includes
- Information about context, and
- Quantitative information.
Update (09/20) I have extended the due date for OCE 1.5 to midnight on Wednesday, 09/23. This will give you time to get help from myself or Sahadeb if you are having trouble with the assignment–especially the Excel questions. I have also uploaded an Excel file with Brian’s charges to the Content page of the D2L site (under “Additional Notes”) and to the Additional Notes page of my personal site, in case you find it useful. Please do get help outside of class for this topic if you need it: we will not have time to go over it in class on Tuesday.
09/15 |
- Complete OCE 1.3 and PNL 1.5.
Due Midnight, 09/16.
09/10 |
- Complete OCE 1.2, PNL 1.3 and PNL 1.4.
Due Midnight, 09/14.
- Complete the Pre-course Math Quiz.
09/08 |
- Complete OCE 1.1 and PNL 1.2
Due Midnight, 09/09.You should expect to spend at least 3 hours on this homework, so budget your time carefully, and don’t leave it until the last minute.As you are working on the homework, remember what we learned in class. In Quantway, you are going to be doing problems that stretch you beyond what you know. This may feel uncomfortable at times, but we do it so that you can learn. When you feel stretched, it’s not a sign that you can’t cut it; usually, it is a sign that you are learning.
It is important to realize that the way that you probably thought about math in the past—that getting the right answer means you are smart and getting it wrong means you aren’t—just isn’t true in Quantway. Instead, we will work on problems that take three things: effort, a good strategy, and help from others. If you get it right, it’s because of one of those three things, and if you get it wrong you know what you have to do: change your effort, change your strategy, or ask for more help.
09/03 |
- Make sure you are completely prepared for the semester before next Tuesday’s class;
- Set up your Carnegiehub account and register for our class.
- Take the Carnegiehub introductory tutorial.
- Complete the Carnegie student background survey.
- Print out the in-class materials from D2L (preferably all 4 modules, but at least all of Module 1), and organize your class binder.
Due 09/08.