Grants Associated with Teaching and Student Research
2002-05 National Science Foundation: Office of Polar Programs; Collaborative Research: Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic Fauna, Environment,climate, and basinal history:Beardmore Glacier area, Transantarctic Mountains; P.I.’s; John Isbell (UWM) and Molly Miller (Vanderbilt University). Grant supported 6 undergraduate research projects (NSF REU support) 3 M.S. theses and 1 Post Doc.
2008-12 National Science Foundation: Office of International Science and Engineering; Research Grant: Collaborative IRES: Integrated Research & Educational Training of GeoscienceStudents in Deep-Time Paleoclimatology, Western South America. P.I.s Isabel Montañez, (Univ. of California Davis), John Isbell (UWM), and Margaret Fraizer (UWM).
2010-2013 National Science Foundation: Office of Polar Programs: Collaborative Research: Antarctic Ecosystems across the Permian−Triassic boundary: Integrating Paleobotany, Sedimentology, and Paleoecology. Co-PIs; Edith Taylor (University of Kansas), Thomas Taylor (University of Kansas), and John Isbell (UWM).
2010-2013 National Science Foundation: Office of Polar Programs: Collaborative Research: Application of detrital zircon isotope characteristics and sandstone analysis of Beacon strata to the tectonic evolution of the Antarctic sector of Gondwana. Co-PIs; David Elliot (The Ohio State University) and John Isbell (UWM).
2010–UWM Sedimentary Geology in Montana.
Pictured are (L to R) Ross Hartwick (B.S.), Ellie Stapleton (B.S.), Dylan Wilmeth (B.S.), Mike Kennedy (M.S.), Jenny Ulbricht (B.S.), and Sarah Survis (B.S.)
2008 – UWM Montana Field Team
(L to R) Lori Voelker (RET participant, MPS), John, and Quintin Bendixen. in Makoshika S.P., Near Glendive, Montana
2010 – Patagonia Field Team
(L to R) Arturo Taboada (CONCEIT, Esquel Argentina), Oscar Limarino (CONCEIT, Univ. of Buenos Aires), Ruben Cuneo (CONCEIT, MEF, Trelew, Argentine), Ashley Dineen (UWM), Ignacio (CONCEIT, MEF, Trelew, Argentina), Alejandra Pagani (CONCEIT, MEF, Trelew, Argentina), John Isbell (UWM), Patricia Ciccioli (CONCEIT, Univ. of Buemoes Aires), Margaret Fraiser (UWM), Erik Gulbranson (Univ. of Calif.-Davis), Jenny Ulbricht (UWM), Kyle Meyer (Univ. of Calif-Davis) and Clara Hull (Univ. of Calif.-Davis).