Jane Gallop is Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee, where she has taught since 1990. Before that, she was Herbert S. Autrey Professor of Humanities at Rice University, where she founded the Women’s Studies program. At the beginning of her career, she taught in the French Department at Miami University in Ohio (she earned a PhD in French Literature in 1976). She is the author of nine books, and nearly a hundred articles. She has written on a wide range of topics: psychoanalysis, especially the work of Jacques Lacan; French feminism; psychoanalysis and feminism; the Marquis de Sade; feminist literary criticism; pedagogy; sexual harassment; photography; queer theory; close reading. While the topics vary, her writing can be understood as the consistent application of a close reading method to theoretical texts. She has been teaching this close reading of theory to her students for the past 40 years.
Current Book Project
“I’m currently working on a book on adult-onset disability, middle-aging, and sexuality. The project brings together crip theory, feminist aging studies, queer temporality, psychoanalysis, and anecdotal theory. I consider how disability that begins in midlife and/or the entrance to middle age are lived as a threat to one’s sexuality and one’s gender, but also how these perspectives can supply us with alternative models of sexual temporality. This book in progress is contracted with Duke University Press and hopes to see the light of day by 2018.”
–Jane Gallop
Jane Gallop’s new book project has received a contract with Duke University Press and has a tentative publication date of 2018.
Jane Gallop has three scheduled talks in 2017, which will be focused on her current book in progress: Click here to view
Jane Gallop’s contribution to the Age and/as Disability forum for Age, Culture, Humanities, titled “The View from Queer Theory,” has been published in print and online, and is available here.
Jane Gallop has recently published an article in Feminist Formations: “The Twentieth-Century Orgasm,” Feminist Formations, vol 28, no. 2 (summer 2016) {pp. 139-142].
Jane Gallop’s book chapter, “The Work of Writing” was published in the edited collection The Future of Scholarly Writing, edited by Angelika Bammer and Ruth-Ellen Boetcher Joeres, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp. 29-39.
Jane Gallop delivered two talks in 2016 on her current book project at the University of Western Ontario and Wellesley College. Click here to view.
Gallop visited Turkey in November 2014 following the publication of the Turkish translation of Feminist Accused of Sexual Harassment, Cinsel Tacizle Suçlanan Feminist (Dipnot Yayinlari, 2013). The Turkish edition translated by Alev Özkazanç includes a new introduction by Gallop.
Most Recent Book
The Deaths of the Author: Reading and Writing in Time
Duke University Press, 2011