Teaching and Mentoring

A Passion for Teaching

Growing up with grandparents who were math and language teachers instilled in me a profound love for teaching and interacting with students. For the past ten years, I have consistently taught undergraduate and graduate courses every semester, earning top evaluations within my college. I am honored to have received the Teachers Excellence Award from the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, a recognition made even more special by the fact that it was nominated by my students.

Teaching and Mentoring Philosophy

My teaching and mentoring approach is characterized by being hands-on, tech-oriented, and inquiry-driven. I emphasize practical applications, particularly in courses such as big data and programming. This philosophy not only engages students but also equips them with industry-relevant skills. Numerous students have shared that the knowledge they gained from my courses directly led to job offers in their fields, particularly in data processing.

Mentoring Future Scientists and Engineers

I have had the privilege of mentoring ten PhD students and the primary advisor, six of whom have gone on to become faculty members themselves. Additionally, my graduate students have secured positions at leading tech companies such as Google, Tesla, Facebook, and GE. Their success is a testament to the effectiveness of my mentoring approach.

Commitment to STEM Education

I am deeply passionate about improving STEM education at the K-12 level. As the lead of the data science education initiative within the SEPA program, I have worked with over 30 public schools and more than 23,000 middle and high school students, fostering data science and technology education among young learners.

Leading the Master of Health Care Informatics Program

As the director of the Master of Health Care Informatics program, I have driven significant growth and development. Under my leadership, program enrollment has surged by 700%, from 13 students to over 90 students. This growth reflects our program’s strong reputation and the value it offers to students pursuing careers in healthcare informatics.