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The broad, general theme of the conference is the formulation, validation, analysis and simulation of mathematical models for the spatiotemporal dynamics of biological populations. A special emphasis at this eighth conference will be placed on multiple scale dynamics in ecology, epidemiology, and systems biology; many biological systems operate on multiple spatial and temporal scales and the incorporation of these scales may be essential for capturing system dynamics. Specific topics include, but are not limited to:

Immuno-epidemiological and vector-host systems
Molecular-cellular modeling in systems biology and oncology
Biological invasions and persistence
Adaptation and evolutionary dynamics
Biological systems operating on multiple spatial or temporal scales

ICMA-IX aims to accomplish at least three broad tasks: scientific progress, scientific collaboration, and the training of a future generation of mathematical biologists. The conference will thus have a significant impact, both nationally and internationally, on future research in biomathematics and mathematical biology. The collaborative opportunities provided to researchers at all points of the career path from undergraduate and graduate students, to early-career faculty, to established senior researchers will establish new directions and avenues for the national and international research community.

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