Jake Luo Publications
Luo J, Erby C, Friedland D (in press): Unique Clinical Language Patterns among Expert Vestibular Providers Can Predict Vestibular Diagnoses. Otology and Neurotology 2018.
Zhao Y, Fesharaki NJ, Liu H, Luo J*: Sublanguage Pattern Mining to Induce Knowledge Model: Application in Medical Image Reports Knowledge Representation. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2018. 18(61). 2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12911-018-0645-3
Tang, T., Zhao, S., & Luo, J. A new support vector selection strategy and a local-global regularization method for improving online SVM learning. Electronics Letters (2018), 54 (12):735. DOI: 10.1049/el.2018.0765
Zhao, Y., Fesharaki, N. J., Li, X., Patrick, T. B., & Luo, J*. (2018, April (2nd Quarter/Spring)). Semantic-Enhanced Query Expansion System for Retrieving Medical Image Notes. Journal of Medical Systems, 42(6), e105. (PMID: 29696548)
Tang T, Chen S, Zhao M, Wei H, Luo J: Very large-scale data classification based on K-means clustering and multi-kernel SVM. Journal of Soft Computing, 2018, ISSN1433-7479: pp1-9. DOI: 10.1007/s00500-018-3041-0
*Luo J, Chen W, Wu M, Weng C: Systematic data ingratiation of clinical trial recruitment locations for geographic-based query and visualization. International journal of medical informatics (IJMI) 2017, 108:85-91. (PMID: 29132636, PMCID: PMC5866921)
*Luo J, Wu M, Chen W: Geographical Distribution and Trends of Clinical Trial Recruitment Sites in Developing and Developed Countries. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries (JHIDC) 2017, 11(1). Link: http://www.jhidc.org/index.php/jhidc/article/view/157
*Luo J, Wu M, Gopukumar D, Zhao Y: Big Data Application in Biomedical Research and Health Care: A Literature Review. Biomedical Informatics Insights 2016, 8:1. (Most Downloaded Paper of the Journal in 2016) (PMID: 26843812, PMCID: PMC4720168)
*Luo J, Eldredge C, Cho CC, Cisler RA: Population Analysis of Adverse Events in Different Age Groups Using Big Clinical Trials Data. JMIR Medical Informatics 2016, 4(4). (PMID: 27751983) (Cited by the Yearbook of IMIA) (PMID: 27751983, PMCID: PMC5088342)
*Luo J, Cisler RA: Discovering Outliers of Potential Drug Toxicities Using a Large-scale Data-driven Approach. Journal of Cancer Informatics 2016, 15:211. (Cited by the Yearbook of IMIA) (PMID: 27812279, PMCID: PMC5083124)
*Luo J, Zhang G-Q, Wentz S, Cui L, Xu R: SimQ: Real-Time Retrieval of Similar Consumer Health Questions. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015, 17(2):e43. (PMID: 25689608, PMCID: PMC4376128)
*Luo J, Wu M, Zhao Y: Big Data in Medical Informatics. Journal of Medical Informatics (Chinese Journal) 2015(5):2-9. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-6036.2015.05.001
*Luo J, Pelfrey C, Zhang GQ: Visualizing and Evaluating the Growth of Multi-Institutional Collaboration Based on Research Network Analysis. Proceedings of AMIA Clinical Research Informatics Summit; San Francisco. 2014: 112-117. (Outstanding Paper Finalist) (PMID: 25954579 PMCID: PMC4419767)
Luo J, Apperson-Hansen C, Pelfrey CM, Zhang G-Q: RMS: a platform for managing cross-disciplinary and multi-institutional research project collaboration. BMC Journal of Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2014, 14(1):106. (PMID: 25433526, PMCID: PMC4264263)
Nambison P, Luo Z, Patrick T, Cisler R: Social Medical, Big Data and Public Health Informatics: Towards a Systematic Detection of Depression from Tweets. Proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS); 2015: 2906-2913. DOI: 10.1109/HICSS.2015.351
Sahoo SS, Tao S, Parchman A, Luo Z, Cui L, Mergler P, Lanese R, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Meropol NJ, Zhang G-Q: Trial Prospector: Matching Patients with Cancer Research Studies using an Automated and Scalable Approach. Journal of Cancer Informatics 2014, 13:157-166. (PMID: 25506198, PMCID: PMC4259509)
Cui L, Xu R, Luo Z, Wentz S, Scarberry K, Zhang G-Q: Multi-topic assignment for exploratory navigation of consumer health information in NetWellness using formal concept analysis. BMC Journal of Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2014, 14(1):63. (PMID: 25086916, PMCID: PMC4131492)
Wu M, Luo Z, Weng C: Discussion and Research on Personalized Medicine – A Literature Review. Journal of Medical Informatics (Chinese Journal) 2013, 34(10):2-7. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-6036.2013.10.001
*Luo Z, Zhang G-Q, Xu R: Mining Patterns of Adverse Events Using Aggregated Clinical Trial Results. Proceedings of AMIA Joint Summit on Translational Science San Franciso. 2013: 112-116. (PMID: 24303317, PMCID: PMC3814483)
Luo Z, Miotto R, Weng C: A human-computer collaborative approach to identifying common data elements in clinical trial eligibility criteria. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2013, 46(1):33-39. (PMID: 22846169, PMCID: PMC3524400)
Weng C, Wu X, Luo Z, Boland MR, Theodoratos D, Johnson SB: EliXR: An Approach to Eligibility Criteria Extraction and Representation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) 2011, 18:i116-i124. (Distinguished Paper Award) (PMID: 21807647, PMCID: PMC3241167)
Miao X-f, Luo Z, Hong L: Routing protocol simulation research based on SUMO. Journal Computer Engineering (Chinese Journal) 2011, 37(1):107-109. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3428.2011.01.037
Luo Z, Yetisgen-Yildiz M, Weng C: Dynamic categorization of clinical research eligibility criteria by hierarchical clustering. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2011, 44(6):927-935. (PMID: 21689783, PMCID: PMC3183114)
Luo Z, Johnson SB, Lai AM, Weng C: Extracting Temporal Constraints from Clinical Research Eligibility Criteria Using Conditional Random Fields. Proceedings of American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium 2011; Washington, DC. 2011: 843-852. (PMID: 22195142, PMCID: PMC3243135)
Luo Z, Duffy R, Johnson S, Weng C: Corpus-based Approach to Creating a Semantic Lexicon for Clinical Research Eligibility Criteria from UMLS. Proceedings of AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc 2010, 2010:26-30. (PMID: 21347142, PMCID: PMC3041551)
Luo Z, Johnson SB, Weng C: Semi-Automatically Inducing Semantic Classes of Clinical Research Eligibility Criteria Using UMLS and Hierarchical Clustering. Proceedings of American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium; Washington, DC. 2010: 487-491. (PMID: 21347026, PMCID: PMC3041461)
Graham C, Bell D, Luo Z: Multi-agent reinforcement learning–an exploration using Q-learning: Springer; Springer Book of Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVI, 2010. DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-983-1_21
Wu Q, Huang X, Bell DA, Qi G, Luo Z: Incremental Knowledge Base for Uncertain Reasoning. Proceedings of Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2008 FSKD’08. IEEE 2008: 187-192. DOI: 10.1109/FSKD.2008.117
Luo Z, Bell DA, McCollum B: Discover Relevant Environment Feature Using Concurrent Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the 23rd national conference on Artificial intelligence – Volume 3 (AAAI’08). 2008: 1816-1818 Link: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1620368
Luo Z, Bell D, McCollum B, Wu Q: Learning to select relevant perspective in a dynamic environment. Proceedings of Neural Networks, 2008 IJCNN 2008(IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence) IEEE International Joint Conference on. IEEE 2008: 666-673. DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN.2008.4633866
Wu Q, Bell DA, Khokhar RH, Qi G, Luo Z: Autonomous Robot Control Using Evidential Reasoning. Proceedings of Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2007 FSKD 2007 Fourth International Conference on. IEEE 2007: 550-554. DOI: 10.1109/FSKD.2007.200
Luo Z, Bell D, McCollum B: Skill combination for reinforcement learning. Proceedings of Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning-IDEAL 2007. 2007: 87-96. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-77226-2_10
Jennifer Fink Publications
Magnan E., Bolt, D., Greenlee, R., Fink, J., Smith, M. (2018) Stratifying Patients with Diabetes into Clinically Relevant Groups by Combination of Chronic Conditions to Identify Gaps in Quality of Care. Health Services Research. doi:10.1111/1475-6773.1260 (2 citations as of February 14, 2018)
Walker, R., Kusch, J., Fink, J.T., Nelson, D.A., Morris III, G., Skalla, J., Cisler, R.A. (2018) Facilitating Factors and Barriers to Weight Management in Women: Physician Perspectives. Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews. doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.1495. (1 citation as of Feb 7, 2018)
King, C.C., Bartels, C.M., Magnan, E.M., Fink, J.T., Smith, M.A., Johnson, H.M. (2017) The importance of frequent return visits and hypertension control among US young adults: a multidisciplinary group practice observational study. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension. Doi: 10.1111/jch.13096.
King, C.C., Bartels, C.M., Magnan, E.M., Fink, J.T., Smith, M.A., Johnson, H.M. (2017). The Relationship of Ambulatory Visit Frequency and Hypertension Control Among Young Adults. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.
Mullen T.A., Greer D.M., Fink J.T., Walker R.E. (2017) Sensitivity of current methods for diagnosing and documenting metabolic syndrome within a large community-based health care system. Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews.
Morris III, G., Chapman, K., Nelson, D., Fink, J., Walker, R., Cisler, R. A. (2016) Physician use of electronic health records in obesity management. WMJ : Official Publication of the State Medical Society of Wisconsin. (1 citation as of February 14, 2018) https://www.wisconsinmedicalsociety.org/_WMS/publications/wmj/pdf/115/3/140.pdf
Smith, M., Bednarz, L., Nordby, P., Fink, J., Greenlee, R., Bolt, D., & Magnan, E. (2016). Increasing Consumer Engagement by Tailoring a Public Reporting Website on the Quality of Diabetes Care: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. Doi: 10.2196/jmir.6555
Fink, J.T., Rich, J., Smith, D.R., Singh, M., Sutton, K., Mueller, G., Ihrke, D.M. (2016) Weight loss associated with employee income in an incentivized employee wellness program. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine. Doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000000893
Fink, J.T., Smith, D.R., Singh, M., Ihrke, D.M., Cisler, R.A. (2016) Obese employee participation patterns in a wellness program. Population Health Management. Doi: 10.1089/pop.2015.0021 (1 citation as of Feb 9, 2018)
Magnan, E. M., Palta, M., Mahoney, J. E., Pandhi, N., Bolt, D. M., Fink, J., Greenlee, R.T., Smith, M. A. (2015) The relationship of individual comorbid chronic conditions to diabetes care quality. BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. Doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2015-000080 (14 citations as of February 14, 2018)
Fink, J.T., Havens, K., Schumacher, J.A., Walker, R.E., Morris III, G.L., Nelson, D., Singh, M., Cisler, R.A. (2015) Impact of the Heart WATCH program on patients at risk of developing metabolic syndrome, prediabetes or cardiovascular disease. Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews. (1 citation as of Feb 9, 2018)
Fink, J., Smith, D., Singh, M., Ihrke, D., Cisler, R. (2014) Employee wellness program: participation rates among obese employees and selection patterns of available alternative activities. Aurora Research Institute.
Khatri, B. O., Foley, J. F., Fink, J., Kramer, J. F., Cha, C., You, X., Warth, J.D., Foulds, P. (2014). The TRUST (Evaluation of Bladder Function in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients Treated with Natalizumab) Observational Study. International Journal of MS Care. Doi: 10.7224/1537-2073.2013-003 (2 citations as of February 14, 2018)
Fink, J.T., Morris III, G.L., Singh, M., Nelson, D.A., Walker, R.E., Cisler, R.A. (2014) Discordant documentation of obesity body mass index and obesity diagnosis in electronic medical records. Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews. Doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.1037 (3 citations as of February 14, 2018)