Principal Publications of Alan J. Horowitz
Qinfen Mei, Mazen I. Hussein, Alan J. Horowitz, “Establishing Values of Time for Freight Trucks in Order to Better Understand the Impact of Toll Policies”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Number 2344, 2013, pp 135–143.
Alan J. Horowitz and Sam Granato, “Practical Considerations in Implementing Travel Time Reliability in Regionwide Travel Forecasting”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, #2302, 2012, pp.184–191.
William J. Melendez and Alan J. Horowitz, “The Transshipment Problem in Travel Forecasting: Tour Structures Model”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, @2255, 2011, pp 48-57.
Alan J. Horowitz, Origin-Destination Table Disaggregation Using Biproportional Least Squares Estimation, Transportation, Vol. 37, pp. 689-703, 2010.
Xia Jin and Alan J. Horowitz, “Transferability of Time-of-Day Choice Modeling for Long-Distance Trips”, in Transportation Statistics, ed. Brian W. Sloboda J. Ross Publishing, Inc, 2009, pp. 249-261.
Jingcheng Wu, Xia Jin, Alan J. Horowitz and Daqing Gong, “Experiment to Improve Estimation of Vehicle Queue Length at Metered On-ramps”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, #2099, 2009, pp.38-38.
Xia Jin and Alan J. Horowitz, “Time-of-Day Choice Modeling for Long-Distance Trips,” Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, #2076, 2008, pp. 200-208.
Jingcheng Wu, Alan J. Horowitz, Xia Jin, “Methodologies for Estimating Metered On-ramp Vehicle Queue Length”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, #2047, 2008, pp. 75-82.
Alan J. Horowitz and Layali Dajani, “Tests of Dynamic Extensions to a Family of Trip Table Refinements Methods”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, #2003, 2007, pp. 27-34.
Jingcheng Wu, Alan J. Horowitz, John Corbin and Michael Hardy, “An Experimental Measurement of Diversion Owing to Ramp Meters”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2006 (in press).
Alan J. Horowitz, “Tests of a Family of Trip Table Refinements for Quick Response Travel Forecasting”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Number 1921, 2005, pp. 19-26.
Alan J. Horowitz and Minnie Patel, “The Signal Network Design Problem for Long Range Travel Forecasting”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 131, No. 3, March 2005, pp. 183-192.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Lowry-Type Land Use Models”, Handbooks in Transportation Planning, No 5, Transport Geography and Spatial Systems, 2004, pp. 167-182.
Alan J. Horowitz, K. Ian Weisser and Thomas Notbohm, “Diversion from a Rural Work Zone Owing to a Traffic-Responsive Variable Message Signage System”, Transportation Research Record Journal, #1824, 2003, pp. 23-28.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Internodal Delay Issues in Long-Range Adaptive Travel Forecasts”, Transportation Research Record Journal #1783, 2002, pp. 49-54.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Computational Issues in Increasing the Spatial Precision of Traffic Assignments”, Transportation Research Record Journal, #1777, 2001, pp. 68-74.
Alan J. Horowitz and Sam Granato, “Selection of a Traffic Control Strategy for Long-Range Travel Forecasting”, Transportation Research Record Journal, #1706, 2000, pp. 145-151.
Oliver Jan, Alan J. Horowitz, and Zhong-Ren Peng, “Using GPS Data to Understand Variations in Path Choice”, Transportation Research Record Journal, #1725, 2000, pp. 37-44.
Alan J. Horowitz and Minnie H. Patel, “Through Trip Tables for Small Urban Areas: A Method for Quick Response Travel Forecasting”, Transportation Research Record 1685, 1999, pp 57-64.
Alan J. Horowitz and David D. Farmer, “Critical Review of Statewide Travel Forecasting Practice”, Transportation Research Record 1685, 1999, pp 13-20.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Integrating GIS Concepts into Transportation Network Data Structures”, Transportation Planning and Technology, 1997, Vol. 21, pp 139-153.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Intersection Delay in Regionwide Traffic Assignment: Implications of the 1994 Update of the Highway Capacity Manual”, Transportation Research Record 1572, 1997, pp 1-8.
Dane Ismart, Paul T. Hamilton, Steven B. Gale and Alan J. Horowitz, “Technical Council Report Summary: An Informational Report: Selection and Use of Regional Transportation Microcomputer Planning Packages”, ITE Journal, Vol. 65, Number 6, June 1995, p. 19.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Assessing User Benefits of Transit System Improvements and Spatially Varying Demands”, Transportation Research Record, No. 1452, 1995, pp. 1-9.
Alan J. Horowitz and Nick A. Thompson, “Generic Objectives for the Evaluation of Intermodal Passenger Transfer Facilities”, Transportation Research Record, No 1503, 1995, pp. 104-110.
Alan J. Horowitz and Edward A. Beimborn, “Methods and Strategies for Transit Benefit Assessment”, Transportation Research Record, No. 1496, 1995, pp. 9-16.
Minnie H. Patel and Alan J. Horowitz, “Optimal Routing of Hazardous Materials Considering Risk of Spill”, Transportation Research A, Vol. 28A, No. 2, March 1994, pp. 119-132.
Alan J. Horowitz, “A Revised Queuing Model of Delay at All-Way Stop Controlled Intersections”, Transportation Research Record, No. 1398, 1993, pp. 49-53.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Implementing Travel Forecasting with Traffic Operational Strategies”, Transportation Research Record, No. 1365, 1992, pp. 54-61.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Convergence of Certain Traffic/Land-Use Equilibrium Assignment Models”, Environment and Planning A, Vol. 23, 1991, pp. 371-383.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Subarea Focussing with Combined Models of Spatial Interaction and Equilibrium Assignment”, Transportation Research Record, No. 1285, 1990, pp. 1-8.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Convergence Properties of Some Iterative Traffic Assignment Algorithms”, Transportation Research Record, No. 1220, 1989, pp. 21-27.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Tests of an Ad Hoc Algorithm of Elastic-Demand Equilibrium Traffic Assignment”, Transportation Research B, Vol. 23B, No. 4, pp. 309-313, 1989.
Arun Garg, Alan J. Horowitz, and Fred Ross, “Establishing Relationships between Pavement Roughness and Perceptions of Acceptability”, Transportation Research Record, No. 1196, 1989, pp. 276-285.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Assessment of Land-Use Impacts of Highways in Small and Medium-Sized Urban Areas”, Proceedings from the National Conference on Effective Planning Techniques for Small and Medium-Sized Urban Areas, December 1988, pp. 235-256.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Extensions of Stochastic Multipath Trip Assignment to Transit Networks,” Transportation Research Record, No. 1108, pp. 66-72, 1987.
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Alan J. Horowitz, “Applications of the General Network Editor”, in Microcomputer Applications in Transportation II, ed. Robert E. Stammer and Mark D. Abkowitz, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1987.
Alan J. Horowitz and Anand Pithavadian, “Generalized Computer-Aided Design of Transportation Networks”, Transportation Quarterly, Vol. 41, No. 3, July 1987, pp. 397-409.
Alan J. Horowitz and Anand Pithavadian, “Towards a Data Structure for Computer-Aided Design of Transportation Networks”, Transportation Research B, Vol. 21B, No. 4, 1987, pp. 317-321.
Patricia M. Mulligan and Alan J. Horowitz, “Expert Panel Method of Forecasting Land-Use Impacts of Highway Projects,” Transportation Research Record, No. 1079, 1986, pp. 9-15.
Alan J. Horowitz and David N. Metzger, “Implementation of Service Area Concepts in Single-Route Ridership Forecasting”, Transportation Research Record, No. 1037, 1985, pp 31-39.
Alan J. Horowitz and Lynne B. Judd, “Alternative Policies on Highway/Land-Use Impacts”, in Land-Use Impacts of Highway Projects, ed. Alan J. Horowitz, Transportation Policy Studies Institute, 1984.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Simplifications for Single-Route Transit Ridership Forecasting Models”, Transportation, Vol. 12, 1984, pp. 261-275.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Design of a Single-Route Ridership Forecasting Model”, Transportation Research Record, No. 980, 1984, pp. 112-117.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Transit Ridership Forecasting – A Microcomputer Application”, Transportation Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 2, April 1984, pp. 297-310.
Alan J. Horowitz, “A Comparison of Socioeconomic and Structural Determinants of Trip Tour Length”, Papers of the Regional Science Association, Vol. 50, 1983, pp. 185-195.
Alan J. Horowitz, “A Pure Probabilistic Model of Trip Tours by Automobile”, Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 7, 1982, pp. 99-108.
Alan J. Horowitz and Dennis Zlosel, “Transfer Penalties: Another Look at Transit Riders’ Reluctance to Transfer”, Transportation, Vol. 10, No. 3, September 1981, pp. 279-282.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Service Sensitive Indicators for Short-term Bus Route Planning”, Transportation Research Record, No. 798, 1981, pp. 36-39.
Edward Beimborn, Robert Schmitt, David Cyra, and Alan Horowitz, “Role of Outreach Activities in Transportation Education”, Transportation Research Record, No. 793, 1981, pp. 21-25.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Subjective Value of Time in Bus Transit Travel”, Transportation, Vol. 10, No. 2, June 1981, pp. 149-164.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Assessing Transportation User Benefits with Maximum Trip Lengths”, Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 6, 1980, pp. 175-182.
Man-Feng Chang and Alan J. Horowitz, “Estimates of Fuel Savings Through Improved Traffic Flow in Seven U. S. Cities”, Traffic Engineering and Control, Vol. 20, No. 2, February 1979, pp. 62-66.
Alan J. Horowitz and Roger L. Tobin, “The Influence of Urban Trip Characteristics on Vehicle Warm-up: Implication for Urban Automobile Fuel Consumption”, Society of Automotive Engineers Publication, No. 790656.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Review of Behavioral Travel Demand Models”, Regional Science Perspectives, Vol. 9, No. 1, Spring 1979.
Alan J. Horowitz, “The Subjective Value of Time Spent in Travel”, Transportation Research, Vol. 12, 1979, pp. 385-393.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Developable Area and Trip Distribution in Residential Location: A Detroit Case Study”, Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 18, No. 3, December 1978, pp. 429-446.
Alan J. Horowitz, “The Evaluation of Transportation Model Random Error in Social and Environmental Indices”, Environment and Planning A, Vol. 9, April, 1977, pp. 385-394.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Review of Environmental Factors in Transportation Planning”, Transportation, Vol. 2, No. 3, October 1973.
Monographs and Software
Alan J. Horowitz, “Quick Response System II”, Version 9, software distributed by AJH Associates, 2015.
CDMSmith, Alan Horowitz, Thomas Creasy, Ram Pendayala, Mei Chen, Analytical Travel Forecasting Approaches for Project Level Planning and Design, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report #765, 2014.
Alan J. Horowitz, Statewide Travel Forecasting Models, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis #358, 2006.
Cambridge Systematics, Reebie Associates, Harry Cohen, Alan Horowitz, and Ram Pendyala, Forecasting Statewide Freight Toolkit, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report #606, 2008.
Alan J. Horowitz, “General Network Editor”, Version 8, software distributed by McTrans (University of Florida) and PC-Trans (University of Kansas), 2007.
Dane Ismart, Paul T. Hamilton, Steven B. Gale and Alan J. Horowitz (ITE Technical Council Committee 6F-47), “An Informational Report: Selection and Use of Regional Transportation Microcomputer Planning Packages”, Institute of Transportation Engineers Publication No. IR-079, 1995.
Alan J. Horowitz and Anand Pithavadian, “General Network Editor”, Versions 1.3 and 3.0, software distributed by McTrans (University of Florida), PC-Trans (University of Kansas) and the Federal Highway Administration, 1987-92.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Highway Land-Use Forecasting Model II+”, Version 5.1, software distributed by McTrans (University of Florida) and PC-Trans (University of Kansas), 1996.
Alan J. Horowitz (with contributions from Helen Johnson, John Corbin and Edward Beimborn), “Route Evaluation and Location Computer Aided Instruction Course,” Center for Urban Transportation Studies, distributed by McTrans (University of Florida) and PC-Trans (University of Kansas), September 1, 1985, Revised for Windows, February 1997.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Highway Land-Use Forecasting Model”, a computer package for Apple II microcomputers, distributed by the Center for Urban Transportation Studies, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, July 1985.
Alan J. Horowitz, ed., Land-Use Impacts of Highway Projects, Transportation Policy Studies Institute, 1984.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Transit Ridership Forecasting Model”, a computer package for Apple II microcomputers, distributed by the Center for Urban Transportation Studies, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, June 1983.
Alan J. Horowitz, “The Effectiveness of Transportation Based Environmental Models”, Ph.D Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, December 1974.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Optimization of Water Quality Systems by Nonlinear Programming”, Master’s Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, 1970.
William J. Melendez and Alan J. Horowitz, “The Transshipment Problem in Travel Forecasting: Tour Structures Model”, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Paper No. 10-3, National Center for Freight & Infrastructure Research & Education, September 30, 2010.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Freight Planning Topics: Setting Goals and Objectives for the Freight System”, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Paper No. 10-2, National Center for Freight & Infrastructure Research & Education, April 28, 2010.
William Melendez-Melendez and Alan J. Horowitz, “The Transshipment Problem in Travel Forecasting: Tour Structures from the Ontario Commercial Vehicle Survey”, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Paper No. 09-3, National Center for Freight & Infrastructure Research & Education, December 4, 2009.
William Melendez-Melendez and Alan J. Horowitz, “The Transshipment Problem in Travel Forecasting: Preliminary Analysis of the Ontario Commercial Vehicle Survey”, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Paper No. 09-2, National Center for Freight & Infrastructure Research & Education, May 15, 2009.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Origin Destination Disaggregation Using Fratar Biproportional Least Squares Estimation for Truck Forecasting”, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Paper No. 09-1, National Center for Freight & Infrastructure Research & Education, Department, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, February 13, 2009.
“White Paper: Statewide Travel Demand Forecasting”, Prepared for: Meeting Federal Surface Transportation Requirements in Statewide and Metropolitan Transportation Planning: A Conference, Transportation Research Board, Atlanta, September, 2008.
Alan J. Horowitz , “Microsimulation of Freeway Work Zones to Assess Flow and Capacity”, Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative, August 21, 2008.
Alan J. Horowitz, Xia Jin and Yi Zhu, “An Evaluation of the Business Attraction Module in Montana’s Highway Economic Analysis Tool”, Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, Project 07-03, November 2007.
Alan J. Horowitz and Thomas Notbohm, “Testing Temporary Work Zone Rumble Strips”, Midwest Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative, March 4, 2005,
Xia Jin and Alan J. Horowitz, “Guidebook on Incident Management Planning in Work Zones”, Midwest Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative, September 2005,
Vikas Lachhwani and Alan J. Horowitz, “Criteria for Portable ATIS in Work Zones”, Midwest Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative, October 2005,
Alan J. Horowitz, Jingcheng Wu and Juan P. Duarte, “Evaluation of Ramp Meter Effectiveness for Wisconsin Freeways, A Milwaukee Case Study: Part 1, Diversion and Simulation”, Prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, October 2003.
Alan J. Horowitz and Thomas Notbohm, “Evaluation of Intellizone: A System for Providing Speed Advisories to Drivers Entering Work Zones”, Center for Urban Transportation Studies, Prepared for Midwest Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative, November 2003.
Alan J. Horowitz and Thomas Notbohm, “Evaluation of the Paddle Pad, a Device for Increasing the Visibility of Flagger Paddles”, Center for Urban Transportation Studies, Prepared for Midwest Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative, October 2003.
Three evaluations for the Midwest Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative:
- “Evaluation of Rumbler, Preformed Rumble Strips” (Alan J. Horowitz)
- “Travel Time Prediction System (TIPS)” (Thomas Notbohm, Alex Drakopoulos, Alan J. Horowitz)
- “Evaluation of Rollup Sign Holder” (Alan J. Horowitz), (2002)
Alan J. Horowitz, Juan Duarte and Andrew Cross, “Long Range Deployment of ITS Strategies: Concept Definition”, Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, Project 02-04, February 2003.
Kurt Ian Weisser and Alan Horowitz, “A Literature and Best Practices Scan: Perspectives and Expectations of Drivers”, Project 0092-02-12, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, May 2002.
Alan J. Horowitz, et al., Guidebook for Statewide Travel Forecasting, prepared for the Federal Highway Administration. June 1999.
Edward Beimborn, Alan Horowitz, Smitha Vijayan, and Melissa Bordewin, An Overview: Land Use and Economic Development in Statewide Transportation Planning, Federal Highway Administration, 1999.
Alan J. Horowitz and Edward A. Beimborn, “Workshops for Advanced Travel Demand Forecasting Course”, Federal Highway Administration, September, 1997.
Several Authors, “The Quick Response Freight Manual”, Federal Highway Administration, September 1996.
Alan J. Horowitz and Nick A. Thompson, “Evaluation of Intermodal Passenger Transfer Facilities”, Federal Highway Administration, DOT-T-95-02, September 1994.
“Measurement of Transit Benefits”, University Research and Training Program, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, DOT-T-93-33, June 1993.
Alan J. Horowitz, “Delay/Volume Relations for Travel Forecasting, Based on the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual”, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-PD-92-015, March 1991.
Dane Ismart, et al., “Calibration and Adjustment of System Planning Models”, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-ED-90-015, December 1990.
Proceedings of the Metro 2020 Conference on Urban Mobility, Center for Urban Transportation Studies, prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, November 1990.
Edward Beimborn and Alan Horowitz, “A QRS II/GNE Primer”, National Highway Institute, FHWA-HI-89-053, October 1989.
Arun Garg and Alan Horowitz, “Establishing Relationships between Pavement Roughness and Perceptions of Ride Quality and Acceptability”, College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, July 1987.
Alan J. Horowitz, Patricia M. Mulligan, and Eric R. Hansen, “Assessment of Land-Use Impacts of Highways in Small Urban Areas”, Center for Urban Transportation Studies, prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, July 31, 1985.
Alan J. Horowitz, William S. Meisel, and David C. Collins, “The Application of Repro-Modeling to the Analysis of a Photochemical Air Pollution Model”, Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring Series, EPA-650/4-74-001, December, 1973.
Alan J. Horowitz and William S. Meisel, Freeway Noise in Simi Valley: A Status Report and Future Projection”, Technology Service Corporation, Santa Monica, May 1, 1973.
“Facing the Future: Five Alternatives for Mammoth Lakes”, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles, 1972 (several authors).