This is a curated section with various links to Urban Studies related platforms.


The City: An investigative podcast from USA TODAY that tells true stories about how power works in urban America.

Invisible City: An award-winning podcast about city design with Jennifer Keesmaat. Invisible City seeks to reveal the city that lurks beneath the surface of our everyday lives.

UWM Center for 21st Century Studies (C21) Podcasts Program: C21 has long been interested in public and digital humanities projects, with podcasts fitting between the two.

Happy Doc Student Podcast: The Happy Doc Student Podcast delivers weekly inspiration through academic wisdom and esoteric insight.

The Happiness Lab: In “The Happiness Lab” podcast, Yale professor Dr Laurie Santos will take you through the latest scientific research and share some surprising and inspiring stories that will forever alter the way you think about happiness.

UWM Resources:

Urban Studies Library Research Resources:

A-Z Databases: Urban Studies:

Milwaukee Environmental Justice Lab (BLC):

The Buildings-Landscapes-Cultures (BLC) Field School:

Milwaukee Links:

Milwaukee Department of City Development – Plans & Studies:

Milwaukee Notebook | The people and events that shaped a city:

Urban Milwaukee, an online daily focused on the city of Milwaukee:

191 Milwaukee Neighborhoods (by Urban Anthropology Inc.):

Urban Anthropology Inc.:


Urban Theory

Urban Theory Lab, builds upon Lefebvre’s approach to investigate emergent sociospatial formations under early twenty-first century capitalism:

Urban Land Institute, the oldest and largest network of cross-disciplinary real estate and land use experts in the world:

NextCity, a journalism centers marginalized voices while amplifying solutions to the problems that oppress people in cities:

CityLab, reporting on the world’s cities, communities, and neighborhoods:


Map & GIS

Mapping Inequality, Redlining in New Deal America:

UW-Milwaukee Digital Collections

The American Geographical Society Library Digital Map Collection contains over 14000 maps, ranging from early maps of Asia to historical maps of Wisconsin and Milwaukee, and other American cities, states, and national parks:

Digital Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Online: Fire insurance maps date from 1867 to the present and depict tens Hubbard Park Beer Gardenhe commercial, industrial, and residential sections of tens of thousands of cities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Spatial History Project – Stanford University:

UWM Geographic Information Systems Council

Researchers at the UW-Milwaukee are pursuing a wide range of basic and applied research studies and projects using a myriad of GIS applications. Here are some examples of UW-Milwaukee interdisciplinary research centers doing GIS research applications:


Urban History

Global Urban History | a Blog both global and urban history:

The Metropole | the Official Blog of the Urban History Association:

Historical Abstracts (Log in with UWM id): Complete reference guide to the history of the world from 1450 to the present

Spatial History Project – Stanford University, a project specifically designed to support iterative and exploratory processes where new questions and challenges arise:


Urban Policy

Center for Urban Policy Research provides Basic and applied research on a broad spectrum of public policy issues.

Brookings Institute Metropolitan Policy Program, a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Our mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level.


Housing Policy

The Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, this center advances understanding of housing issues and informs policy.

National Housing Conference, the oldest and broadest coalition of affordable housing leaders in America:

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), a nonpartisan research and policy institute that advances federal and state policies to help build a nation where everyone:


Urban Spaces

Places Journal is an essential and trusted resource on the future of architecture, landscape, and urbanism:

Urban Land Institute is the oldest and largest network of cross-disciplinary real estate and land use experts in the world:

Flaneur is a site-specific, independent magazine focusing on one street per issue:

Greater Places, a new platform to showcase the best in community design: placemaking, planning, policies and public participation:


Urban Environment

Cities Today, a global magazine to contain analysis, comment and best practices on sustainable urban development, connecting local governments with public and private sector solutions:

Urban Ecology, to provide information and encourage dialogue on issues related to the urban environment, city and regional planning, and metropolitan affairs:


Urban Culture

Urban Culture Institute, an award-winning initiative, works with diverse communities to transform civic spaces into meaningful, dynamic places:

Urban Cultural Studies Blog

an interdisciplinary, multi-authored blog dedicated to the culture(s) of cities…space, time and urban everyday life the world over:

Urban Communication Foundation:

Urban Omnibus, The Architectural League’s online publication dedicated to observing, understanding, and shaping the city:


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Urban Institute, a nonprofit research organization that provides data and evidence to help advance upward mobility and equity:

Brown University Diversity and Disparities Project:


Lists of academic journals in Urban Studies

Some of the most frequently cited scholarly journals related to urban affairs and urban studies topics are below:


Annals of the Association of American Geographers:

Annual Review of Sociology:


City & Society (the Journal of the Society for Urban Anthropology):

City, Culture and Society:

City & Community:

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems:

Cultural Geographies:

Economic Development Quarterly:

Environment and Urbanization:

European Planning Studies:

European Urban and Regional Studies:

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research:

Journal of Planning Education and Research:

Journal of the American Planning Association:

Journal of Urban Economics:

Journal of Urban Affairs:

Race, Ethnicity and the City:

Regional Science and Urban Economics:

Space and Culture:

Urban Affairs Review:

Urban Geography:

Urban Policy and Research:

Urban Studies:


Classic Texts in Urban Studies:

American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation’s Drive to End Welfare by Jason DeParle

The Changing Face of Inequality: Urbanization, Industrial Development, and Immigration in Detroit, 1880-1920 by Olivier Zunz

The City Assembled: The Elements of Urban Form through History by Spiro Kostof

City Reading by David Henkin

Close-Up: How to Read the American City by Grady Clay

The Condition of Postmodernity by David Harvey

Crabgrass Frontier by Kenneth Jackson

Culture of Cities by Sharon Zukin

The Death and Life of great American Cities by Jane Jacobs

Discipline and Punish by Michel Foucault

Discovering the Vernacular Landscape by John Brickenhoff Jackson

Everything in its Place: Social Order and Land Use in America by Constance Perin

Fantasy City: Pleasure and Profit in the Postmodern Metropolis by John Hannigan

Free to All by Abigail VanSlyke

Going Out: The Rise and Fall of Public Amusements by David Nasaw

Inventing Times Square: Commerce and Culture at the Crossroads of the World by Betsy Blackmar

Landscape of Power: From Detroit to Disney World by Sharon Zukin

Making a New Deal by Lizabeth Cohen

The Making of the American Landscape by Michael Conzen

Making the Second Ghetto by Arnold Hirsch

The Modernist City by James Holston

Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West by William Cronon

The Near Northwest Side Story: Migration, Displacement, and Puerto Rican Families by Gina M. Perez

Origins of the Urban Crisis by Thomas Sugrue

Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History by Dolores Hayden

The Practice of Everyday Life by Michel de Certeau

The Production of Space by Henri Lefebvre

Regime Politics: Goveming Atlanta, 1946-1988 by Clarence N. Stone

Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord

Streets: Critical Perspectives on Public Space by Zeynep Celik

Sustainable Communities and the Challenge of Environmental Justice by Julian Agyeman

Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages by Saskia Sassen

Urban Crucible by Gary Nash

Urban Fortunes: The Political Eonomy of Place by Logan and Molotch

Voices of Decline: The Postwar Fate of U.S. Cities by Robert Beauregard

Women Adrift by Joanne Meyerowitz