University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Distinguished Professor, 2013 – Present.
Chair, Department of Linguistics, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, 2009 – 2012.
Professor of Linguistics, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, 1989 – Present.
Research Professor and Associate Area Director, Second Language Acquisition, University of Maryland, Center for Advanced Study of Language (CASL), January – August 2008.
Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2003 – 2006.
Associate Professor of Linguistics, UWM, 1980 – 1989.
Assistant Professor of Linguistics, UWM, 1977 – 1980.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Indiana University, 1972 – 73.
International Appointments
Guest professor, Department of English (Anglistik III), Heinrich-Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany: Summer term 2006; Winter term 2002 – 03; Summer term 2000; Winter term 1995 – 96.
Exchange professor, Department of English, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco, Spring term 1996.
Guest Professor, Justus Liebig Universität, Giessen, Germany, Summer term 1990.
Guest-researcher, Institute for Linguistics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 1985 – 86.
Courses Taught
The Diversity of Human Language
Introduction to Linguistics
Linguistic Analysis
Introduction to Second Language Acquisition
Advanced Second Language Acquisition
Seminar in Language Acquisition
Proseminar in Linguistics
Research Grants
Research grant, “Markedness and Learnability in Second Language Phonology,” Fred Eckman, Principal investigator, Gregory Iverson, co-investigator, and with a consortium subcontract made with the Department of Communication Disorders at the Ohio State University; application 1 R01 HD046908-01A2, National Institutes of Health, August 1, 2006 – July 31, 2011. $1,390,654.
Research grant, “Learnability in Second Language Pronunciation”, National Institutes of Health 1 R15 HD/OD 34233-01A1, July 1997 – July 2000, $106,773.
Thord-Gray Memorial Fellowship for research at Stockholm University, American-Scandinavian Foundation, September 1985 – January 1986.
Research Grant for work at Stockholm University, Swedish Institute 1985 – 86.
Research Grant, “Symposium on Current Approaches to Second Language Acquisition”, National Science Foundation, August 1983 – August 1984, (with Barbara Wheatley).
Research Grant, “Language typology and language learning”, National Science Foundation, January 1983 – December 1984, $80,000 (with Edith Moravcsik and Jessica Wirth).
Distinguished Alumni Award, granted by the Department of Linguistics, Indiana University, 2006.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Distinguished Professor, 2013.
Books edited
Eckman, F., D. Highland, P. Lee, J. Mileham and R. Rutkowski Weber (eds.) 1995. Second Language Theory and Pedagogy, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Eckman, F. (ed.) 1993. Confluence: Linguistics, L2 Acquisition and Speech Pathology. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishers. 261 pp.
Corrigan, R., F. Eckman, and Michael Noonan (eds.) 1989. Linguistic Categorization. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishers. 348 pp.
Eckman, F., E. Moravcsik and J. Wirth (eds.) 1986. Markedness New York: Plenum Publishing Corporation. 343 pp.
Eckman, F., L. Bell and D. Nelson (eds.) 1984. Universals in Second Language Acquisition, (with Lawrence Bell and Diane Nelson), Rowley, Mass: Newbury House Publishers. 150 pp.
Eckman, F., and A. Hastings (eds.) 1979. Studies in First and Second Language Acquisition, (with Ashley Hastings), Rowley, Mass: Newbury House Publishers, 256 pp.
Eckman, F. (ed.) 1977. Current Themes in Linguistics: Bilingualism, Experimental Linguistics and Language Typologies. Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 277 pp.
Eckman, F. & Iverson, G. 2015. Second Language Acquisition andPhonological Change. In The Oxford Handbook of Historical Phonology,(ed.) by P. Honeybone & J. Salmons. Pp. 637 – 643. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Eckman, F., Iverson, G. & Song, J. Y. 2015. Overt and covert contrast in L2phonology. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 1, 254 – 277.
Eckman, F., Iverson, G. & Song, J. Y. 2014. Covert contrast in the acquisition of second language phonology. In Perspectives on Phonological theory and Acquisition: Papers in Honor of Daniel A. Dinnsen, (ed.) by A.Farris-Trimble & J. Barlow. Pp. 25 – 48. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: JohnBenjamins Publishers.
Eckman, F., Iverson, G. & Song, J. Y. 2013. The role of hypercorrection inthe acquisition of L2 phonemic contrasts. Second Language Research, 29, 257 – 283.
Eckman, F. & Iverson, G. 2013. The role of the native language in the acquisition of L2 phonemic contrasts. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 35. 67 – 92.
Eckman, F. 2012. Generative L2 phonology. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, (ed.) by C. A. Chapelle. Wiley-Blackwell. Published online:DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal0450
Eckman, F. 2012. The Markedness Differential Hypothesis (MDH). In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Second Language Acquisition, (ed.) by P.Robinson, 409 – 411. New York: Taylor Francis/Routledge.
Eckman, F. 2012. Second language phonology. In The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, (ed.) by S. Gass & A. Mackey, 91 – 105.London & New York: Taylor Francis/Routledge.
Eckman, F., G. Iverson, R. A. Fox, E. Jacewicz, & S. Lee. 2011. Explicit training and implicit learning of L2 phonemic contrasts. In Implicit and Explicit Conditions, Processes and Knowledge in SLA Bilingualism (ed.)by C. Sanz & R. P. Leow, 159 – 174. Washington, DC: GeorgetownUniversity Press.
Eckman, F. 2011. Spanish-English and Portuguese-English Interlanguage Phonology. Second Language Research, 27, 273 – 282.
Eckman, F. 2011. Language typology and second language acquisition. In Handbook of Linguistic Typology (ed.) by Jae Song, 618 – 633. Oxford:Oxford University Press.
Eckman, F., G. Iverson, R. A. Fox, E. Jacewicz, & S. Lee. 2009. Perception and production in the acquisition of L2 phonemic contrasts. In Recent Research in Second Language Phonetics/Phonology: Perception and Production. (ed.) by M. A. Watkins, A. Rauber & B. O. Baptista.Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Fox, R. A., E. Jacewicz, F. Eckman, G. Iverson & S. Lee. 2009. Perception versus production in Korean L2 acquisition of English sibilant fricatives. In Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages, (ed.) by ManGhyuPak, pp. 2661-2680 (CD-ROM version). Seoul: The LinguisticSociety of Korea.
Eckman, F., G. Iverson, R. A. Fox, E. Jacewicz & S. Lee. 2008. Perception and production in the acquisition of L2 phonemic contrasts. In New Sounds 2007: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech. (ed.) by A. Rauber, M. A.Watkins & B. O. Baptista. Florianopolis, Brazil: Federal University ofSanta Catarina. Available at
Eckman, F. 2008. Typological markedness and second language phonology. In Phonology and Second Language Acquisition, (ed.) by J. Hansen & M.Zampini, 95 – 116. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Eckman, F. 2007. Hypotheses and methods in second language Acquisition: Testing the Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy on relative clauses. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 29, 321 – 327.
Eckman, F. 2007. Review of Handbook of Second Language Acquisition (ed.) by C. Doughty and M. Long. Language, 83.
Eckman, F. 2004. Optimality Theory, markedness, and second language syntax: The case of resumptive pronouns in relative clauses. Studies in Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology 10, 89 – 110.
Eckman, F. 2004. From phonemic differences to constraint rankings: Research on second language phonology. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 26, 513 – 549.
Eckman, F. 2004. Universals, innateness and explanation in second language acquisition. Studies in Language 28, 682 – 703.
Eckman, F. 2004. ’External’ universals and explanation in SLA.” Studies in Language 28, 707 – 709.
Eckman, F., A. Elreyes and G. Iverson. 2003. Some principles of second language phonology. Second Language Research 19. 169 – 208, 2003.
Eckman, F. A. Elreyes, and G. Iverson. 2001. Allophonic Splits in L2 Phonology: The Question of Learnability. International Journal of English Studies, 1.1, p. 21-51.
Eckman, F. & Iverson, G. 2000. Contrast and hypercontrast in interlanguage. The Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea 6, 213 – 247.
Eckman, F. and G. Iverson. 2000. Principles of L2 Phonology: The question of learnability. In Working Papers in Linguistics: Proceedings of GASLA IV, (ed.) by Alan Juffs, Tim Talpas, Greg Mizera & Brian Burtt. pp. 85 – 105. University of Pittsburgh.
Eckman, F. and G. Iverson. 1999. Learnability in L2 Pronunciation: Splitting NL Allophones into TL Phonemes. Representation and Process: Volume I, (ed.) by P. Robinson, 175 – 190. Tokyo: PacSLRF. 1999.
Eckman, F. and G. Iverson. 1998. Structure Preservation in Interlanguage Phonology, (with Gregory Iverson). In Phonological Acquisition, (ed.) by S. J. Hannahs & M. Young-Scholten, 183 – 207. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Eckman, F. and E. Hoff-Ginsburg. 1997. Learning More Than One Language: Second Language Learning and Bilingual Development. In Language Development, by E. Hoff-Ginsburg, 334 – 379. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
Eckman, F. 1996. On Evaluating Arguments for Special Nativism in Second Language Acquisition Theory. Second Language Research 12, 4.398 – 419.
Eckman, F. A Functional/typological Approach to Second-language Acquisition. In Handbook of Language Acquisition, (ed.) by W. C. Ritchie & T. K. Bhatia, 195 – 211. New York: Academic Press.
Eckman, F. and G. Iverson. 1996. Onset and Coda Preferences in Korean-English Interlanguage. In Essays in Honor of Ki-Moon Lee, (ed.) by Jae-Ki Shim et al., 916 – 938. Seoul: Shin-gu Publishing Company.
Eckman, F. and G. Iverson. 1994. Pronunciation Difficulties in ESL: Coda Consonants in English Interlanguage. In First and Second Language Phonology, (ed.) by Mehmet Yavas, 251 – 265. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group.
Eckman, F. 1994. The Competence-Performance Issue in Second-Language Acquisition Theory: A Debate. In Research Methodology in Second-Language Acquisition, (ed.) by E. Tarone, S. Gass and A. Cohen, 3 – 15. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Eckman, F. 1994. Local and Long Distance Anaphora in Second-Language Acquisition In Research Methodology in Second-Language Acquisition, (ed.) by E. Tarone, S. Gass and A. Cohen, 207 – 225. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Eckman, F. and G. Iverson. 1993. Sonority and Markedness among Consonant Clusters in the Interlanguage of ESL Learners. Second Language Research9, 234 – 252.
Eckman, F. 1993. Introduction: One Approach to the Interaction of Linguistics, Second-language Acquisition and Speech-language Pathology. In Confluence: Linguistics, L2 Acquisition and Speech Pathology, (ed.) by F. Eckman, vii – xv. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishers.
Eckman, F. 1993. On the Natural Domain of Linguistic Universals. In Principles and Predictions: The Analysis of Natural Language. Papers in Honor of Gerald Sanders, (ed.) by M. Eid and G. Iverson, 45 – 72. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Eckman, F. 1991. The Structural Conformity Hypothesis and Consonant Clusters in the Interlanguage of ESL Learners, Studies in Second Language Acquisition 13, 23 – 41.
Eckman, F., E. Moravcsik and J. Wirth. 1989. Implicational Universals and Interrogative Structures in the Interlanguage of ESL learners. Language Learning 39, 173 – 205.
Eckman, F. 1988. Typological and Parametric Views Of Universals in Interlanguage. In Linguistic Theory in Second Language Acquisition, (ed.) by S. Flynn and W. O’Neil. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Eckman, F., L. Bell and D. Highland. 1988. On the Generalization of Relative Clause Instruction in ESL. Applied Linguistics 9, 1 – 20.
Eckman, F. 1987. On the reduction of word-final consonant clusters in interlanguage. In The Sound Pattern of Second Language Acquisition, (ed.) by A. James & J. Leather. Dordrecht: Foris Publications. 143 – 162.
Eckman, F. 1985. Some theoretical and pedagogical implications of the Markedness Differential Hypothesis. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 7, 289 – 307.
Eckman, F. 1985. The Markedness Differential Hypothesis: Theory and Applications. In Current Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, (ed.) by B. Wheatley et al. Bloomington, IN: IULC. 3 – 21.
Eckman, F. 1984. Universals, Typologies and Interlanguage. In Language Universals and Second Language Acquisition, (ed.) by W. Rutherford. John Benjamin Publishers. 79 – 107.
Eckman, F. 1983. The Importance of the NL and TL in Interlanguage Phonology: A Response from Eckman. Language Learning 33, 383 – 387.
Eckman, F. and W. Washabaugh. 1983. The Acculturation Model and the Problem of Variation in Second Language Acquisition, (with William Washabaugh). In Pidginization and Creolization as Language Acquisition, by R. Andersen, Rowley, Mass: Newbury House Publishers. 275 – 289.
Eckman, F. 1983. Some Empirical Evidence on the Nature of Interlanguages. In Proceedings of the First Delaware Symposium on Language, by R. DiPietro, W. Frawley and A. Wedel, University of Delaware Press. 201 – 214.
Eckman, F. 1981. On Predicting Phonological Difficulty in Second Language Acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 4, 18 – 30.
Eckman, F. 1981. On the Naturalness of Interlanguage Phonological Rules. Language Learning 31, 195 – 216.
Eckman, F. 1981. Markedness and Degree of Difficulty in Second Language Acquisition. In Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics, (ed.) by J-G Savard and L. LaForge. Les Presses de l’Universite Laval. 115 – 126.
Eckman, F. 1980. On the Ordering of Verbal Prefixes and Particles. Studies in Language 4, 65 – 86.
Eckman, F. 1980. A problem in contrastive analysis. Innovations in Linguistic Education 1, 61 – 27.
Eckman, F. 1979. On arguing about phonological theories. In Current Approaches to Phonological Theory, (ed.) by D. A. Dinnsen. Bloomington, Ind: Indiana University Press. 266 – 271.
Eckman, F. and D. Dinnsen. 1978. Some substantive universals in atomic phonology. Lingua 48, 1 – 14.
Eckman, F. 1977. Markedness and the contrastive analysis hypothesis. Language Learning 27, 315 – 330.
Eckman, F. 1977. Contrastive analysis and universal grammar. In Proceedings of the 1976 Mid-America Linguistics Conference, 69 – 79. University of Minnesota.
Eckman, F. and D. Dinnsen. 1977. The Atomic Character of Phonological Processes. In Phonologica 1976, (ed.) by W. U. Dressler and O. E. Pfeiffer. Innsbruck, Austria: Innsbruck Beitrage zur Sprachwissenschaft. 133 – 138.
Eckman, F. 1977. On the Explanation of Some Typological Facts about Raising. In Current Themes in Linguistics: Bilingualism, experimental linguistics and language typology, (ed.) by F. Eckman. Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation. 195 – 214.
Eckman, F. 1975. Empirical and non-empirical generalizations in linguistics. In Assessing Linguistic Arguments, (ed.) by J. Wirth, Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation. 35 – 48.
Eckman, F. and D. Dinnsen. 1975. A functional explanation of some phonological typologies (with D. A. Dinnsen). In Functionalism, (ed.) by R. Grossman et al., Chicago Linguistic Society. 126 – 134.
Eckman, F. 1975. Optional rules and inclusion relations. Theoretical Linguistics 2.45 – 60.
Eckman, F. 1974. Agentive and agentless passives. Working Papers on Language Universals, 14, 59 – 74.
Eckman, F. 1974. On subordinate deletion. Glossa 8, 63 – 82.
Eckman, F. 1974. On constraining pronominalization. In Towards Tomorrow’s Linguistics, (ed.) by R. Shuy and C. J. Bailey. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press. 72 -89.
Eckman, F. 1970. Gapping, deletion and derived constituent structure. Chicago Linguistic Society 6, 210 – 219.