1. Contrast Agent Transport Simulation using 4D PC-MRI Derived Flow Fields
Main problem and approach:
Aneurysmal disease of blood vessels, causing a local vessel dilatation, presents a danger of vessel rupture resulting in severe blood loss (hemorrhage). Previous studies showed that blood flow residence time is an important biomechanical factor affecting aneurysm growth and thrombus deposition (clotting).
Traditionally, contrast agent injection is the most common method for estimation of the filling and washout times in aneurysms.Another approach is patient-specific Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modeling based on non-invasive MR imaging data.
In this Project, the boundary conditions required for numerical solution were obtained from phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI), which provided velocity measurements in the arteries supplying the aneurysms.
A novel approach was used, where the contrast transport is simulated by solving the advection-diffusion equation using velocities measured in patients with time-resolved, phase-contrast MRI velocimetry (4D Flow MRI).
Flow residence time can be assessed by modeling transport of a virtual contrast agent. In order to compute the concentration of virtual contrast, the advection-diffusion equation is solved, using three-dimensional velocity field measured with 4D PC-MRI.
This method can be categorized into three steps:
1. Pre-processing (Segmentation):
4D PC-MRI dataset obtained from in-vivo measurements provides velocity values on a Cartesian mesh.
2. Numerical solution of the equations
- A third-order, quadratic upwind differencing scheme (QUICK) was employed to interpolate velocities on the walls of each voxel using two neighboring voxels in each direction. A first-order UPWIND scheme was used for the voxels at the boundaries.
- A second-order Crank-Nicolson scheme was used for the time discretization. This scheme is implicit which provides stability to the numerical solution.
3. Post-processing (Visualization of the results).
A sine function was used to simulate the heart pulse for the artificial velocity data. (as shown in video Below)
The virtual contrast quickly fills the center of the vessel, where the velocities are relatively high, while its flow near the walls is substantially slower, due to the lower velocities in the near-wall region.