Sukanya Banerjee

Sukanya Banerjee is Associate Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She works at the intersection of Victorian Studies and Postcolonial Studies with a focus on the 19th-20th century British Empire. She is the author of Becoming Imperial Citizens: Indians in the Late-Victorian Empire (2010) and co-editor of New Routes for Disaspora Studies (2012). Her most recent journal and book chapter contributions include “Routing Diasporas in the Twenty First Century” in the collection Routing Diasporas (2012), “Troubling Conjugal Loyalties: The First Indian Novel in English and the Transimperial Framework of Sensation” in Victorian Literature and Culture (2014) and the chapter “Colonial and Postcolonial Literature” in the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature (2015). She is currently working on a book titled Loyalty and the Making of the Modern.