Inserting Data Containing Dates and Times in SQL-Developer

Data can be inserted into tables using SQL-Developer using either the:

To insert data via the datagrid, simply open up the table by expanding the Tables  > TABLENAME  options in the Connections tab on the left portion of the window.  You should now see the column definitions for this table on the right side.  Click on the Data tab to view the data currently in the table.   You can add new rows by clicking on the green + button.

In case you need to add data that includes times into columns formatted via a DATE data type, you will need to indicate to SQL Developer that time information needs to be accepted as input as well as displayed as output.  In order to accomplish this, at the start of the session, you need to alter the session to reformat the dates.  This can be accomplished by running the following SQL command:


This to be run in the orcl tab.  If the command executed correctly, then you should receive a ‘session SET altered’ message, and all dates will now be displayed using the format mask selected.

If you wish to set the date display back to the standard NLS format, then you can run the following:


Using Oracle 21c