2021 Update: New sources have been added to the bibliography ad hoc, but a more proper update is ‘on the list’!
The focus of this section is on Cypriot sculpture (or ‘Cypriot style sculpture) found abroad. Provenience studies are beginning to draw the attention they deserve (e.g., Jenkins 2000, Höckmann and Kreikenbom 2001 and Kourou 2002) and thus the question of origin for this class of sculpture is constantly being challenged. In this section you will find not only excavation reports from sites outside of Cyprus with significant assemblages of Cypriot sculpture, but also museum catalogues where they are published. You will also find references to materials and methods of sculpture production, including quarries.
Avigad 1960. N. Avigad, ‘Excavations at Makmish, 1958. Preliminary Report,’ IEJ 10, 90-6.
Blinkenberg 1931. C. Blinkenberg, Lindos I (Berlin).
Bliss and Macalister 1902. F. J. Bliss and R. A. S. Macalister, Excavations in Palestine, 1898-1900 (London).
Boardman 1967. J. Boardman, Excavations in Chios, 1952-1955: Greek Emporio (London).
Boardman 1980. J. Boardman, The Greeks Overseas2 (London), esp. p. 74.
Bounni, et al. 1979. A. Bounni, et al. ‘Rapport préliminaire sur la troisième campagne de fouilles (1977) à Ibn Hani (Syrie)’, Syria 56, 217-91.
Brijder and van Drost. H. A. Brijder and M. H. J. van Drost, ‘The Amsterdam Kouros,’ Pharos 3, 3-21.
Budde and Nicholls 1964. L. Budde and R. Nicholls, A Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Sculpture in the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge (Cambridge).
Caskey 1925. L. D. Caskey, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Catalogue of Greek and Roman Sculpture (Cambridge, MA).
Ciasca 1963. A. Ciasca, ‘Un deposito di statuette da Tell Gat,’ Oriens Antiquus 2, 45-63.
Coulson, et al. 1996. W. D. E. Coulson, et al. Ancient Naukratis. Vol. 2 pt. 1, The Survey at Naukratis and Environs (Oxford).
Counts 1998. D. Counts, “Contributions to the Study of Cypriote Sculpture: Limestone Votives from Athienou-Malloura,” (Ph.D. Dissertation, Brown University), esp. pp. 14-6.
Counts 2001. D. Counts, “Prolegomena to the Study of Cypriote Sculpture,” Cahier du Centre d’Études Chypriotes 31, esp. pp. 138-40 and 149-51.
Davis 1979. W. Davis, “Ancient Naukratis and the Cypriotes in Egypt,” GM 35, 13-23.
Davis 1980. W. Davis, “The Cypriotes at Naukratis,” GM 4, 7-19.
Davis 1981. W. Davis, “Egypt, Samos, and the Archaic Style in Greek Sculpture,” JEA 67, 61-81.
Deonna 1909. W. Deonna, Les “Apollons Archaïques.” (Geneva).
De Salvia 1989. F. de Salvia, “The Cypriots in the Saite Nile Delta: The Cypro-Egyptian Religious Syncretism,” in The Archaeology, Geography, and History of the Egyptian Delta in Pharaonic Times (Oxford), 81-118.
De Salvia 1993. F. de Salvia, “Cipro, Grecia e l” “Egittizzante Cipriota,” StEgAntPun 12, 65-75.
Di Vitta 1990. A. Di Vitta, “Chypre dans les depots votifs de Athana Ialisia,” in V. Karageorghis, ed., Civilizations of the Aegean and their Diffusion in Cyprus (Larnaca), 89-92.
Dunand 1944-1945. M. Dunand, “Les Sculptures de la favissa du temple d”Amrit,” BMusBeyr 7, 99-107.
Dunand 1946-1948. M. Dunand, “Les Sculptures de la favissa du temple d”Amrit,” BMusBeyr 8, 82-107.
Dunand 1961-1962. M. Dunand, “Les Sculptures de la favissa du temple d”Amrit,” Annales Archéologiques de Syrie 11-12, 3-12.
Dunand and Saliby 1985. M. Dunand and N. Saliby, Le Temple d”Amrith dans le Peree d”Aradus (Paris).
Durugönül 2003. S. Durugönül, “Archaic Cypriote Statuary in the Museum of Adana (Turkey), Olba VII, 94-117. See also comments on the quarries located in the Karpass with unfinished Archaic (?) statuary in situ.
Edgar 1903. M. C. C. Edgar, Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire. Greek Sculpture (Cairo).
Fourrier 1999. S. Fourrier, “Petite plastique chypriote de Délos,” BCH 123, 373-88.
Fourrier 2001. S. Fourrier, “Naucratis, Chypre, et la Grèce de l’Est: le commerce des sculptures ‘chypro-ioniennes,’ in Höckmann and Kreikenbom 2001, 39-54.
Gardner 1888. E. Gardner, Naukratis II (London).
Henke 2019. J.-M. Henke, “Cypriot Terracotta Figurines in the East Aegean as Evidence of Technological and Cultic Innovation Transfer.” British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 24: 248–80.
Henke 2017. J.-M. Henke, Die zyprischen Terrakotten aus Milet. Neue Überlegungen zur Einordnung der archaischen zyprischen Terrakotten aus ostägäischen Fundkontexten und ihrer werkstattspezifischen Zuweisung. Milesische Forschungen 7. Berlin: W. de Gruyter.
Hermary 1990. A. Hermary, “Petite plastique archaïque de Cnide,” RLouvre 5, 359-69.
Hermary 1991. A. Hermary, “Sculptures `chypro-ioniennes’ du Musée de L”Ermitage à Leningrad,” RDAC, 173-7.
Hermary 2001. A. Hermary, “Naucratis et la sculpture égyptisante à Chypre,’ in Höckmann and Kreikenbom 2001, 27-38.
Höckmann and Kreikenbom 2001. U. Höckmann and D. Kreikenbom, Naukratis: Die Beziehungen zu Ostgriechenland, Ägypten und Zypern in archaischer Zeit (Paderborn).
Höckmann 2004a. U. Höckmann, “Rezeption und Umbildung einiger ägyptischer Motive an den zyprisch-griechischen Kouros-statuetten aus Naukratis: Eine Fallstudie zu Kulturkontakten,” in W. Bisang, et al. Kultur, Sprache, Kontakt (Würzburg), 231-43.
Höckmann 2004b. U. Höckmann, “Ägyptisierende Motive an den zyprisch-grichischen Kourosstatuetten aus Naukratis,” Städel Jahrbuch NF 19, 71-84.
Höckmann 2004c. U. Höckmann, “Werke zyprischer Bildhauer im griechischen Naukratis. Eine Kourosstatuette in Oxford,” R. Bol and D. Kreikenbom (eds.), Sepulkral- und Votivdenkmäler östlicher Mittelmeergebiete (7. Jh. v. Chr. – 1. Jh. n. Chr.): Kultur begegnungen im Spannungsfeld von Akzeptanz und Resistenz (Mainz), 61-72.
Höckmann 2007. U. Höckmann, Zyprisch-griechische Kleinplastik: Kouroi, andere Figuren und plastisch verzierte Gefässe ( Worms ).
Holloway 1986. R. Ross Holloway, “A Kouros-Statuette from Egypt in the Field Museum,” AJA 90 (1986), 33-4.
Jacopi 1932. G. Jacopi, Clara Rhodos VI-VII (Rhodes).
Jeffery 1915. G. Jeffery, “Rock-cutting and Tomb-architecture in Cyprus during the Graeco-Roman Occupation,” in Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity of the Society of Antiquaries, London 66, 159-78. For some interesting observations on quarrying in Cyprus
Jenkins 2000. I. Jenkins, “Cypriote Limestone Sculpture from Cnidus,” in G. R. Tsetskhladze, et al. eds., Periplous: Papers on Classical Art and Archaeology Presented to Sir John Boardman (London).
Jenkins 2001. I. Jenkins, “Archaic Kouroi in Naucratis: The Case for Cypriot Origin,” AJA 105, 163-79.
Karageorghis 1999. V. Karageorghis, et al., The Art of Ancient Cyprus in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (Nicosia).
Karageorghis 2001. V. Karageorghis, et al., Ancient Cypriote Art in Copenhagen (Nicosia).
Karageorghis et al. 2001. V. Karageorghis, et al. “Provenance Investigation of Archaic Cypriot Type Limestone Figurines by EPR Spectroscopy,” in Y. Bassiakos, et al. eds. Archaeometry Issues in Greek Prehistory and Antiquity (Athens), 213-222.
Karageorghis et al. 2009. V. Karageorghis, N. Kourou, V. Kilikoglou, and M. D. Glascock, M. D., eds. Terracotta Statues and Figurines of Cypriote Type Found in the Aegean: Provenance Studies. Nicosia: A. G. Leventis Foundation.
Kaulen 1967. G. Kaulen, Daidalika (Munich), 55-9.
Kinch 1914. K. F. Kinch, Vroulia (Berlin).
Kourou 2002. N. Kourou, et al. Limestone Statuettes of Cypriote Type in the Aegean: Provenience Studies (Nicosia).
Kyrieleis 1989. H. Kyrieleis, “New Cypriote Finds from the Heraion of Samos,” in V. Tatton-Brown, ed., Cyprus and the East Mediterranean in the Iron Age (London), 52-67.
Kyrieleis 1991. H. Kyrieleis, “The Relations between Samos and the Eastern Mediterranean: Some Aspects,” in V. Karageorghis, ed., Civilizations of the Aegean and their Diffusion in Cyprus (Larnaca), 128-31.
Lembke 2004. K. Lembke, Die Skulpturen aus dem Quellheiligtum von Amrit: Studie zur Akkulturation in Phönizien (Mainz am Rhein).
Lembke 2004. K. Lembke, “Akkulturation in Phönizien am Beispiel der Skulpturen aus dem Quellheiligtum von Amrit,” R. Bol and D. Kreikenbom (eds.), Sepulkral- und Votivdenkmäler östlicher Mittelmeergebiete (7. Jh. v. Chr. – 1. Jh. n. Chr.): Kultur begegnungen im Spannungsfeld von Akzeptanz und Resistenz (Mainz), 15-22.
Martelli 1988. M. Martelli, “La stipe votiva dell”Athenaion di Jalysos: un primo bilancio,” in S. Dietz and I.Papachristodoulou, eds. Archaeology in the Dodecanese (Copenhagen), 104-20.
Mylonas 1999. D. Mylonas, Archaische Kalkensteinplastik Zyperns (Diss. Mannheim).
Nick 2001. G. Nick, “Typologie der Plastik des zyprischen und des ‘Michstils’ aus Naukratis,” in Höckmann and Kreikenbom 2001, 55-68.
Nick 2004. G. Nick, “Die zyprische Kleinplastik archaischer Zeit aus Ägypten,” in W. Bisang, et al. Kultur, Sprache, Kontakt (Würzburg), 321-35.
Nick 2006. G. Nick, Zypro-ionische Kleinplastik aus Kalkstein und Alabaster (Möhnesee)
Petrie 1886. W. M. F. Petrie, Naukratis I (London).
Pryce 1928. F. N. Pryce, Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities of the British Museum I.1 (London).
Pryce 1931. F. N. Pryce, Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities of the British Museum I.2 (London).
Riis 1989. P. J. Riis, et al. Catalogue of Ancient Sculptures I: The National Museum of Denmark (Copenhagen).
SCE. E. Gjerstad, et al. Swedish Cyprus Expedition (Stockholm, 1934-1972).
Schmidt 1968. G. Schmidt, Samos VII: Kyprische Bildwerke aus dem Heraion von Samos (Bonn).
Senff 1994. R. Senff, “Zyprische und Ostgriechische Statuetten aus Milet,” in R. Laffineur and F. Vandenabeele, eds. Cypriote Stone Sculpture (Brussels-Liege, 1994), 63-9.
Sørensen 1978. L. W Sørensen, “Early Archaic Limestone Statuettes in Cypriote Style: A Review of their Chronology and Place of Manufacture,” RDAC, 111-21.
Stern 1975. E. Stern, “A Group of Cypriot Limestone Sculptures from the Gaza Region,” Levant 7, 104-7.
Stern and Sharon 1993. E. Stern and I. Sharon, ‘Tel Dor, 1992: Preliminary Report,’ IEJ 43, 15-150.
Stucky 1993. R. Stucky, Die Skulpturen aus dem Eschmun-Heiligtum bei Sidon (Basle).
Vermeule 1979. C. Vermeule, “An Imperial Commemorative Monument Never Finished: A Possible Memorial of Trajan’s Eastern ‘Conquests,’ in Studies Presented in Memory of Porphyrios Dikaios (Nicosia), 188-93.
Walter-Karydi 1989. E. Walter-Karydi, “Nothing to do with Crete: Towards Defining the Character of East Dorian Art,” in V. Karageorghis and N. Stampolides, eds. Eastern Mediterranean: Cyprus-Dodecanese-Crete, 16th-6th Cent. BC (Athens), 287-300.
Wooley 1938a. C. L. Wooley, “The Excavations at Al Mina, Sueidia, I,” JHS 58, 1-30.
Wooley 1938b. C. L. Wooley, “The Excavations at Al Mina, Sueidia, II,” JHS 58, 133-70.