21st Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology (2004)
- Front Matter
- Principal Lecture—Peter Teichner
- Unique path lifting and the shape group—Hanspeter Fischer, Andreas Zastrow
- A construction of rigid Cantor sets in R3 with simply connected complement—Hanspeter Fischer, Andreas Zastrow
- A stabilization theorem for open manifolds—Craig R. Guilbault
- S4 admits no ucsd into shape S1’s?—David F. Snyder
- Plethora of one-sided cobordisms—Frederick C. Tinsley
- Planes in 3-manifolds of finite genus at infinity—Bobby Neal Winters
- Problem Session
26st Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology (2009)
Expository Article by the Princial Speaker: : “PL Morse Theory”, by Mladen Bestvina, Mathematical Communications 13(2008), 149-162
Contributed Article: TimSchroeder, “On the three-dimensional Singer conjecture for Coxeter groups”
Contributed Article: Jason DeBlois, “Rank gradient and the JSJ decomposition”
Problem List: In preparation
Acknowledgement: The organizers of the annual Workshops in Geometric Topology wish to thank the National Science Foundation for providing financial support.
31st Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology (2014)
Website for 31st Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology: June 12-14, 2014