Idea Submission

Idea Intake Form

Submission Contact Information

First Name
Last Name

Affiliation/Membership Status

Please select your affiliation or membership status:
Note: If you selected an affiliation other than 'University Partner,' you must select at least one University Partner from the list below.

List of Co-Investigators/Collaborators:

University Partners
Industry Partners

Detailed Collaborator Information

Note: Please provide details of any industry and university collaborators involved.
First Name
Last Name
0 of 100 max words

Research Thrust Areas

Please select one of the following thrust areas relevant to your research idea

Executive Summary (Max 300 words)

0 of 300 max words

Industry Need Statement (Max 100 words)

0 of 100 max words

Acknowledgment of Disclosure & Confidentiality Policy

Permission to Review

Consent to Review and Data Sharing

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Project Process Diagram (Click to Enlarge)

Become a Member

Any company, federal research and development organization, or government-operated contractor laboratory can become a sponsor of the center.