Idea Submission Idea Intake Form Project Title * Submission Contact Information Name * Name First Name First Name Last Name Last Name Position / Title * Email * Phone Affiliation/Membership Status Please select your affiliation or membership status: * IAB Member (Industry Advisory Board Member) University Partner Collaborative Sites Academic (Non-site Institution) Industry (Non-member) OtherOther List of Co-Investigators/Collaborators: University Partners University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Oregon State University Industry Partners Concrete Sealants USG CRH Elastizell Corporation of America Jensen Infrastructure Locke Solutions Sika Tindall Detailed Collaborator Information Name Name First Name First Name Last Name Last Name Position Email plus1 Add Collaborator minus1 Remove Collaborator Industry and University Partners (if any) Provide details of any industry and university collaborators involved. Research Thrust Areas Please select one of the following thrust areas relevant to your research idea * Thrust Area 1: [Concrete durability, longevity, and life-cycle modeling] Thrust Area 2: [Carbon reduction, sequestration, and carbonated binders] Thrust Area 3: [Multi-functional cementitious and UHPC materials] Thrust Area 4: [Digital concrete and additive manufacturing] Thrust Area 5: [Increased recyclability, off-spec materials, and by-product utilization] Thrust Area 6: [Molecular and thermodynamic modelling] Thrust Area 7: [Smart concrete: embedded sensors, conductivity, piezo-response] Executive Summary (Max 300 words) Executive Summary * 0 of 300 max words Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Project Process Diagram, click to enlarge. Become a MemberAny company, federal research and development organization, or government-operated contractor laboratory can become a sponsor of the center. Learn More