Project List

Current Projects
New Supplementary Cementitious Materials using Nano-SiO₂ or Nano-Al₂O₃ for Enhancing Alkali-Silica Resistant Concrete Mixtures – PI: Jason H. Ideker (OSU), Co-PI: Jason Weiss (OSU)
Rheology of Cement-Based Materials with Cellulose Nano Materials – PI: Jason Weiss (OSU), Co-PIs: Burkan Isgor (OSU), Konstantin Sobolev (UWM)
Off-spec Ash-Based Binders for Eco-Concrete – PI: Habib Tabatabai (UWM), Co-PIs: Marina Kozhukhova (UWM), Roy E. Wittenberg (UWM), Konstantin Sobolev (UWM)
Superhydrophobic, Icephobic, and Photocatalytic Modification of Concrete – PI: Marina Kozhukhova (UWM), Co-PIs: Michael Nosonovsky (UWM), Krishna Pillai (UWM), Konstantin Sobolev (UWM), Surendra Shah (UTA)
Planned Projects
- Planned Project 1
- Planned Project 2
- Planned Project 3
- etc
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