
Members of CAN receive many benefits. Some of these include access to research, voting rights for projects, research cost reduction and access to university resources and facilities.

Concrete sheets at a construction site

Becoming a Member

Any company, federal research and development organization, or government-operated contractor laboratory can become a sponsor of the center. The annual fee schedule is as follows:

  • Full Members: Pay an annual fee of $50,000 and receive one vote on the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB). Full Members may opt to pay for two full memberships ($100,000) annually, gaining two votes on the IAB.
  • Associate Members: Pay an annual fee of $25,000 and receive one-half vote on the Industrial Advisory Board.
  • Affiliate Members: Provide an approved in-kind contribution instead of an annual fee. Affiliate Members have no voting rights and no access to royalty-free licensing of the center Intellectual Property.

For additional information on becoming a member, please contact:

  • Center Director: Dr. Sobolev – (414-229-3198)-
  • Center Industry Liaison Officer: Dr. Bruce Ramme- (414-251-6901)

Idea Submission

CAN is currently looking for idea submissions

IUCRC: Value to Industry and University Members

  • Industry relevant research projects based on industry unmet/underserved needs
  • Access to students (INTERNS or permanent hires)
  • Access to university resources/facilities (faculty, labs, others)
  • Access to IP and pre-publications
  • Voting rights (based on type of membership) for selection/funding of projects
  • Networking with peers
  • Technology transfer
  • Research cost avoidance/research cost savings/simulated R&D
  • Leveraging Research Dollars (1:33); Overhead rate fixed at 10%

PI Project Report Submission Form

All CAN-funded projects are required to submit the following reports:

  • A semi-annual progress report due by February 15 of each year.
  • A final project report due by August 15 of the following year for completed projects.
  • A year-end project progress report due by August 15 of the following year for continuing projects.