My Name is Colin Han and I am currently pursuing a B.S. in Information Science and Technology as well as a B.A. in Music at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I am an avid learner and am always looking for opportunities to grow my knowledge and experience in the IT field. I am a highly motivated and hand­-ons learner who has a passion for both technology and customer service. I believe that the the mostimportant aspect in a fresh IT worker is not only being proficient with technology but also being teachable, attentive, and willing and hungry to learn new things.

Technical Skills and Experience:

  • Proficient using Microsoft Office Suite/Office365, Adobe Photoshop
  • Capable in Java, PHP, C#, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, WordPress, and Joomla
  • Knowledge of Network Infrastructure and Tools
  • Knowledge of Information Security Policies and Tools
  • 2 Years Customer Service Experience

Leadership Activities and Interests:

  • Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout
  • Participated in 4 BSA high adventure trips including Florida Seabase, Northern Tier Boundary Water Canoeing, and two separate trips to Philmont Scout ranch resulting in over 200 miles of Backpacking and the 50 Miler award
  • Performed in various UWM music ensembles from 2013 to present day including Concert Chorale, Men’s Chorus, and University Chorus
  • Performed in the UWM Opera Productions of Dido and Aeneas in Spring 2016 and La Perichole in Spring 2017