Generating Test Suites/Covering Arrays
- The Test Suite Generation Problem: Optimal Instances and Their Implications. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155:15 (2007) pp. 1943-1957.
- Generating Small Combinatorial Test Suites to Cover Input-Output Relationships. With A. Dumitrescu, P. Schroeder. Proceedings of the 3rd Quality Software International Conference (QSIC ’03) (2003) pp. 76-82. This revised version contains corrections to the proceedings paper.
Declustering Schemes
- Replication and Retrieval Strategies of Multidimensional Data on Parallel Disks. With C.-M. Chen. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM ’03) (2003) pp. 32-30.
- From Discrepancy to Declustering:Near-optimal Multidimensional Declustering Strategies for Range Queries. With C.-M. Chen. Journal of the ACM, 51:1 (2004) pp. 46-73. A preliminary version of the paper appeared in the Proceedings of Principles of Database Systems, (PODS ’02) (2002) pp.29-38. Awarded “PODS 2002 Best Newcomer Paper.”
- The Multi-Spreader Crane Scheduling Problem: Partitions and Supersequences. With M. Petering and Y. Wu. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol 281, pages 207-218, January 2021.
- Balanced Matching of Buyers and Sellers in E-Marketplaces: The Barter Trade Exchange Model. With P. Haddawy, N. Rujikeadkumjorn and K. Dhananaiyapergse. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 4:4 (2005) pp. 299-314. A preliminary version of the paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC ’04), (2004).
- Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Demand Routing and Slotting Problem with Unit Demands on Rings. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 17:3 (2004) pp. 384-402. A preliminary version of the paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 2nd Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization (APPROX ’99) (1999) pp.209-220.
- SLALoM: A Scalable Location Management Scheme for Large Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. With H. Lemberg, S. Philip, E. van den Berg, T. Zhang. Proceedings of Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC ’02), (2002).
- Location Prediction Algorithms for Mobile Wireless Systems. With R. Jain and E. van den Berg. In Wireless Internet Handbook: Technologies, Standards and Applications, M. Ilyas and B. Furht (eds.) CRC Press, 2003, pp. 245-264.