

  • Graduate student Sara Adibfar has been let go due to performance.
  • Dr. Cheng welcomed Dr. Weizheng Wang to join our lab.


  • Dr. Cheng welcomed Dr. Priyanshu Shukla to join our lab.


  • Dr. Cheng’s proposal, entitled “Automated High Throughput Screening of the Effect of Low-Dose Radiation on Breast Using Fibroblasts Incorporated Mammographic Density Models, was awarded $793K from the Department of Energy.


  • Dr. Cheng’s proposal, entitled “Screening Molecules from the Secretome of CD36+ Fibroblasts for Breast Cancer Treatment”, was awarded $50K from the UWM Research Foundation.
  • Dr. Cheng welcomed Dr. Aakash Gupta to join our lab.
  • Dr. Cheng welcomed graduate student Sara Adibfar to join our lab.
  • Dr. Cheng welcomed Brianna Geurtz to continue her graduate study in our lab.


  • Dr. Cheng’s proposal, entitled “Integration of Onsite Monitoring and Treatment of Waterborne Pathogens for Agriculture Return Flow and Recycle Wastewater”, was awarded $649K from the USDA’s Water Quality and Quantity Program.


  • Dr. Cheng’s proposal, entitled “Elucidating the effect of microgravity on breast cancer”, was awarded $81K from the UWM’s Office of Research.


  • Dr. Cheng’s proposal, entitled “Investigation of Genetic and Transcriptomic Expression of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells under Radiation Exposure“, was awarded $10K from the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium.


  • Undergraduate Researchers Se Jin Lee, Brianna Geurts, and Mohith Kumar presented their research products at the UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium and UWM CEAS Research Poster Competition.


  • Dr. Cheng attended the NSF CBET Nanoscale Interaction Program’s Review Panel.


  • Dr. Cheng was part of the team led by Dr. Xiaoshan Zhu of UNR. The team’s proposal, entitled “NSF Convergence Accelerator Track L: Smartphone Time-Resolved Luminescence Imaging and Detection (STRIDE) for Point-of-Care Diagnostics” was awarded $650K as a Convergence Accelerator Track L grant from NSF TIP.
  • Dr. Cheng welcomed Jinwei Fang to join our lab.


  • Congratulations Aishwarya on successfully defending her Master’s Thesis and new job at Northwestern Mutual!


  • Graduate student Aishwarya Shrestha attended BMES 2023 to present her work on AI.


  • Dr. Cheng welcomes undergraduate researchers Se Jin Lee, Brianna Geurts, and Mohith Kumar to join our lab.
  • Dr. Cheng welcomed graduate student Sana Sheybanikashani to join our lab.


  • Dr. Cheng attended the NASA HRP Review Panel.
  • Dr. Cheng’s proposal, entitled “Evaluate Breast Cancer Risks during Long-Term Space-Travel by Using Mammographic Density Model“, was awarded $175K from the Human Research Program of NASA.


  • Dr. Cheng welcomed graduate student Aishwarya Shrestha to our lab.
  • Dr. Cheng started his position at UWM.