Anglo-Saxon Penitentials – the database and the manuscripts

Source: Allen J. Frantzen, Anglo-Saxon Penitentials – A Cultural Database (This is an extract from the Introduction.)

About the database website

One page of an Internet site no longer available (5 December 2023): Allen J. Frantzen, Anglo-Saxon Penitentials – A Cultural Database. Archived at:

Introduction to the website, with images of the manuscripts:

One page of an Internet site no longer available (5 December 2023): Allen J. Frantzen, Anglo-Saxon Penitentials – A Cultural Database. Archived at:


About the manuscripts in the database:

Taken from one page of an Internet site no longer available (5 December 2023): Allen J. Frantzen, Anglo-Saxon Penitentials – A Cultural Database. Archived at:

[These are the manuscripts cited in this database:]



There are 5 penitentials, each translated below; note that some have been translated from more than one manuscript.


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 About Allen

Allen J. Frantzen, professor emeritus at Loyola University Chicago, has written eight books, most recently Food, Eating, and Identity in Early Medieval Britain (2014), and edited or co-edited eleven others, including Teaching Beowulf in the Twenty-first Century (2014).

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