Invitation to Participate in Research on Evaluating Accessibility and Usability Guidelines – Scholars and Experts
- Are you a scholar who has conducted research on accessibility, usability, and/or utility of information systems or digital libraries for at least three years?
- Are you an expert who has conducted accessibility or usability tests to support the needs of blind and visually impaired users for at least three years?
- Are you a screen reader developer with at least three years development experience?
If you are age 18 or older and your response is yes to one of the above questions, you can earn $100 for participating in a research study.
A research team comprising blind and sighted scholars at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is developing design guidelines to improve the accessibility and usability of digital libraries (DLs) for users who are blind or visually impaired.
Volunteers chosen as study participants will be invited to complete an online survey soliciting your input and feedback on these design guidelines. Participation may take between two to four hours at a time convenient to the participant. You will first be asked to review guidelines and then rate the guidelines based on various criteria, in addition to providing feedback and recommendations for improvement. Upon completion of the study, the participant will receive a $100 electronic gift card as a token of appreciation.
If you are interested in participating, or have a question, please contact Research assistant, Shengang Wang (email: Please reference project title: “Creating digital library (DL) design guidelines for blind and visually impaired (BVI) users – Expert/Scholar” (IRB#:18.302) in the subject line of the email. Please pass on this information to other suitable candidates who you think may be interested.