Data-Driven Machine Learning in Computer Vision
We are interested in cutting-edge deep learning technologies to study various computer vision problems in bio-medicine, including but not limited to:
- Learning features from 2D/3D imaging data
- Learning shape descriptors from 3D models (point clouds, meshes, etc.)
- Learning motion (deformation) characteristics from 3D dynamic models
Computational Tools for 3D SEM/TEM
In this project, we develop a number of algorithms and software tools to reconstruct 3D models from a series of scanning or transmission electron microscopy images:
- GPU-accelerated 3D surface reconstruction from 2D SEM imaging data
- 3D surface characteristics analysis of SEM
- Automated particle detection from 2D cryo-EM images
- 3D atomic modeling from reconstructed cryo-EM volumes of molecular complexes
Image Processing and Analysis
We are interested in a broad range of image processing and analysis problems. Of our particular interest are:
- Image interpolation and registration on serial sectioning data
- Mesh generation from 3D images
- Image segmentation (graph-based, level sets, and deep learning methods)
- 3D surface reconstruction from multi-view 2D images
Geometric (Mesh) Modeling and Processing
This project involves a number of mesh generation and processing problems:
- Feature-preserving surface mesh smoothing (reducing mesh bumpiness)
- Quality-guaranteed surface mesh smoothing (improving angle distribution)
- High-quality tetrahedral mesh generation from surface meshes
- 3D shape descriptor and shape retrieval
Molecular Shape Modeling
In this project we aim to explore the following specific problems:
- High-quality surface and volumetric mesh generation from molecules
- Effective geometric measurements and analysis of molecular surfaces
- Non-rigid molecular shape matching
Scientific Computing and Visualization
We are interested in scientific computing and 3D visualization, including:
- Radial basis functions in interpolation and eigenanalysis of 3D point clouds
- GPU-based parallel computing in biomedical simulations
- Efficient visualization of 3D images and simulated data