FAQs: Educational Statistics & Measurement program

Educational Statistics & Measurement program: Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below information on common inquiries, such as:

  1. Am I a good candidate for admission to the program?
  2. Do you offer financial aid (scholarships, assistantships)?
  3. Can you waive the application fee?


1. Am I a good candidate for admission to the program?

Admission is based upon a review of the full application and considerations such as relevant coursework, academic records, research interests, career goals, demonstration of appropriate quantitative research skills, breadth of experience, and letters of reference. All applicants must meet minimum Graduate School requirements as well as minimum Educational Psychology requirements to qualify for admission.

2. Do you offer financial aid (scholarships, assistantships)?

  • Graduate assistantships are prioritized for eligible doctoral students because they require students to have a Master’s degree (or equivalent experience) to teach; as such, students in the Master’s program are not eligible for these positions.
  • There may be assistantships available through grants and other research projects (e.g., through CORE, the Consulting Office for Research & Evaluation).
  • We try to post any other assistantships that come our way to the Department’s various student list-servs and our Facebook or LinkedIn pages.
  •  In the School of Education the annual scholarship applications will be available in November.
  • International students are eligible for most assistantships and some scholarships. Please see the Center for International Education’s page about costs and other important information about attending UWM.
  • For more information about funding please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page
  • You may find the Grad School’s webpage on “Types of Funding” helpful: https://uwm.edu/graduateschool/types-of-funding/assistantships/

3. Can you waive the application fee?

  • Application fees and waivers are determined by the Graduate School. Individual faculty members do not have the authority to waive these fees.
  • There is a Graduate School virtual information session on October 17, 2024, 5:30-7 pm Central Time
    • No application fee waiver is provided for attending this session except under exceptional circumstances. Email Dr J (nguyen39@uwm.edu) for more information.
  • There is a Graduate School Open House on November 7, 2024, 5-7 pm Central Time
    • Instructions to register for the open house are here, along with instructions/conditions for waiving the application fee (for all who register for and attend the in-person open house).