These comments were submitted anonymously by 624 students on the course evaluation forms several years ago. They have not been edited in any way.
- Do homework for each chapter after you learn it in class. If you don’t understand, GET help.
- Make sure you attend class. Handouts are very helpful! Take advantage of instructor & use for individual help.
- My suggestion for future students is that, if you find the handouts helpful, use them to understand the material and AVOID reading the book!
- Read the chapters and follow examples in the book when doing homework.
- Make sure you know all the formulations throughout the class and what they mean.
- Don’t miss a class, they are more helpful than the reading.
- Have at least some background in statistics. I didn’t & I think it would be helpful.
- Read chapters before class, do homework as given.
- If you are confused about subject matter get help right away DON’T WAIT.
- Take good class notes and you should be fine!
- Do homework as it is assigned and taught in class. The homework assignments can get very large and doing them as you go will be very helpful.
- Come to class and do homework the week that she lectures on. Don’t leave all assignments until night before they are due.
- Ask questions in class, most people feel the same way.
- Go to class! I never missed & did well becuase of this. Use your handouts & take notes you will understand. Don’t worry — Dr. Azen is fabulous & really knows her stuff! Don’t read the book — Dr. Azen’s stuff/formulas is easier to follow!
- Do assignments as sson as they’re given lest you forger about it!
- Do assignments weekly. Read chapters ahead of presentations in class.
- Don’t hand in late work!!
- Keep up with the weekly assingments, don’t be afraid to ask questions.
- Students need to come to class so they can receive Razia’s handouts — her handouts & lecture really solidify the content.
- The book and Prof Azen’s lectures were not always in synchrony. Prof Azen was much clearer and concise. The book was often confusing. Read the book only as much as necessary to supplement the lectures.
- Do not put things off!
- Keep up w/ homework!
- Read the handouts!
- I generally found it was most effective to read the text after participating in Prof. Azen’s lecture. Do not miss lecture!
- Finish the homework whenever the topic is finished. Otherwise, several cummulated assignment will take time.
- Big advantage to do homework weekly otherwise it would be difficult to keep up. Material builds important to keep up.
- Follow the intstructor’s handout. Not the book!
- Study, study, study. Keep up with the work. Study daily.
- Taking your own notes in stats course may be more helpful.
- Focus on lecture, take notes in class the book is confusing.
- Staying focused is the hardest part. The math isn’t difficult.
- Do the homework each week – do not get behind. Don’t read the book before class.
- The handouts & attending lecture consistently help the most in understanding the course material & doing well in the course. Normally, this subject is “painful” for me – this time I felt I learned a lot!
- Read/buy the book it really helps to reiterate the material.
- Regardless of whether you read the book or follow the handouts — the in-class lecture is the most comprehensive way to learn the material.
- Follow the notes to answer homeworks not the book.