Who Will Save the Planet? (with Marieke Louis), December 10, 2018. An introduction to a special issue of Public Books and La vie des idées/Books & Ideas on climate change and capitalism.
Why Markets Can’t Cool the Planet. Project Syndicate, April 16, 2018 (also available in Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, German, Indonesian, French, Russian, Spanish, Hungarian and Portuguese)
Donald Trump, Wolf of Wall Street? Progress in Political Economy January, 2017. (Reprinted in Radical Political Economy. French translation by Nicolas Bouleau available here.)
The Subprime Subject of Ideology. After Capitalism. Ed. Petro, Patrice S., and Ferguson, Kennan. (2016).
Critical Exchange. Specters of Weber: Science as a Vocation in the Age of Neoliberalism. Contemporary Political Theory 14.4 (2015).
‘Moneybags Must Be So Lucky’: Inside the Hidden Abode of Prediction. Political Theory 44. (2015): 4-25.
Capitalism. Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Ed. Gibbons, Michael, Coole, Diana, Ellis, Elisabeth, and Ferguson, Kennan. Wiley-Blackwell, (2014): 430-441.
We Are All ‘Occasional Politicians: For a New Weberian Conception of Politics. Constellations 20.1 (2013): 138-149.
Max Weber and the ‘Spirit’ of The Protestant Ethic. Journal of Classical Sociology 10.2 (2010): 99-108.
Difference Theories. Encyclopedia of Political Theory. Ed. Bevir, Mark. SAGE Publications, Inc., (2010).
Deciding on the Borderland: The Ukrainian Elections of 2004. Theory & Event 8.2 (2005).