Roy Wittenberg
The Utilization of Off-spec Fly Ash in Concrete PhD, Spring 2021
Roy Wittenberg received undergraduate and graduate degrees in Civil/Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Colorado at Denver. He his also a licensed professional engineer in Wisconsin and several other states.
Roy Wittenberg is a Principal Engineer with Natural Resource Technology, Inc. an OBG Company with 30 years of experience in civil/environmental engineering for soil and groundwater treatment, bench and pilot scale testing for in situ and ex situ technologies, and civil engineering applications for site restoration. A significant potion of this experience includes the application and development of in situ solidification/stabilization technologies combining beneficial use byproduct materials (e.g., ground granulated blast furnace slag) with Portland cement to encapsulate and reduce contaminant migration and toxicity.
Roy Wittenberg is in the Ph.D. Civil Engineering Program pursuing research in expanding innovative applications for beneficial use of byproducts with Portland cement. Current research initiatives include collaboration between UWM, power industry sponsors, his company and other interested stakeholders in developing civil engineering applications for composite pavement systems using “off-spec” coal combustion residual (CCR) materials (e.g., spray dryer adsorber ash, impoundment ash and CCR with high organic content). Integration of “off-spec’ materials presents attractive possibilities for reducing the use of Portland cement, which is a major contributor to global carbon emissions due its high energy demands to produce. He also intend to expand this research into other areas such as environmental solidification /stabilization for remediation and commercial applications for coastal restoration (e,g. shoreline stabilization and levies).
Behrouz Farahi
Nano-seed Admixtures for High-Performance Concrete PhD, Spring 2021
Aparna S. Deshmukh
Clayton J. Cloutier