- Dr. Goršič presented the lab’s work at the Hungarian Society of Sports Science Conference on November 29 titled Artificial Intelligence in the Service of Sports and Quality of Life, with a guest lecture titled Wearable Sensors for Cardiovascular Assessment of Manual Wheelchair Users.
- Our study was mentioned on the S.C.I. Chronicles podcast hosted by one of our wheelchair user participants Jen Grosschald! You can support and listen to her experience in the recent podcast episode titled Finding Purpose in Research and Patience in Recovery. Thank you Jenny!
- Maja Goršič, Grace McClatchey, and Madisyn Adelman presented the lab’s work at the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) conference, on October 24th in Baltimore, Maryland.
- AMBL lab sponsored another WASA basketball event and conducted research with wheelchair athletes. Wheelchair athlete Jeromie just won an Olympic gold medal in Paris and participated in our study.
- Our AMBL lab partnered with WASA and showcased our research at the First and Bowl event. Thank you all wheelchair users and their families for stopping by!
- Grace Fasipe successfully defended her PhD titled “Community Mobility and Participation Assessment to Track Rehabilitation Progress in Wheelchair Users” on September 20th. Congratulations!
Ph.D. Candidate Grace Fasipe, presented her study “Wearable Sensors for Cardiovascular Assessment of Manual Wheelchair Users” at the 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, held in Orlando, Florida, USA, from July 15-19, 2024.
- Dr. Jacob R. Rammer and student Madisyn Adelman of the Advanced Mobility Biomechanics Laboratory represented UWM Biomedical Engineering at the 2024 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference in Lake Geneva, WI.
Madisyn had a poster presentation on her 2-page abstract: Comprehensive Assessment of Community Mobility and Participation of Wheelchair Users Using Wearables. The paper has been published in the conference proceedings book (pages 1222-1223).
- Dr. Maja Goršič presented the lab’s research at the GCMAS 2024 conference, at Georgia Tech University, Atlanta. Her 2-page abstract titled “Wearable Sensors For Cardiovascular Assessment of Manual Wheelchair Users” was accepted for podium presentation.
- Congratulations to our PhD Candidate Grace Fasipe for winning the Advanced Opportunity Program Fellowship Renewal for the 2024-25 academic year.
- Our SURF student Madisyn Rae Adelman received an Outstanding Presentation award at the UWM 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium:
Find her abstract here:
Comprehensive Assessment of Community Mobility and Participation of Wheelchair Users Using Wearables
- Dr. Jacob R. Rammer, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, was recently awarded Finish Line and RAF Grants from the UWM Office of Research totaling $35,000. The projects will support research into community mobility and participation assessment of manual wheelchair users, focused on evaluating the novel technologies being developed by AMBL and conducting a thorough pilot analysis to support extramural projects to better understand the impact of rehabilitation on quality of life.
- Dr. Jacob R. Rammer, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, recently gave an invited lecture to faculty, medical residents, and fellows at the University of the Philippines/Philippine General Hospital on his work with community-based mobility and participation assessments. Dr. Rammer’s Advanced Mobility Biomechanics Lab has been collaborating with UP-PGH for several years to develop the first clinical motion analysis laboratory in the country, expanding access to clinical care for underserved individuals with disabilities in the Philippines and supporting ongoing research into rare diseases, such as Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or brittle bone disease.
College of Engineering celebrates its renovated research spaces
MPS students introduced to the field of biomechanics at UWM
Congratulations to Caitlynn Owens and Thalia Manansala for graduating with their Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering in May 2023
Grace Fasipe awarded the Advanced Opportunity (AOP) Fellowship award for the 2023-2024 academic year
Caitlynn Owens and Thalia Manansala presented at the 2023 UWM Surf Undergraduate Research Symposium
Grace Fasipe awarded 2022-23 UWM Jeannette Seloover Johnson ’62 and R. Douglas Johnson Women in Science & Technology Fellowship
Congratulations to Madhuri Podugu for graduating with her Bachelor’s degree in computer science in May 2022
Grace Fasipe Presented at the 2022 UWM College of Engineering and Applied Science Student Research poster competition
Grace Fasipe Participated in the NSF I-Corps Graduate Student Bootcamp