Papers & Proceedings

I am not allowed to post the PDF of some (in fact, most published versions of) journal articles on the open internet. When you click the link next to the article, you will see the abstract or be redirected to another webpage for the full-length article. If you are not able to access a specific article, please email me. Google Scholar page; ResearchGate

Oh, S. & Park, H. (2024). The impact of native language on second language rhythm acquisition: Insights from a cross-linguistic and intra-language corpus study. Linguistic Research, 41(3), 391-429. [Link]

Lee, J. & Park. H. (2024). Acoustic cue sensitivity in the perception of native category and their relation to nonnative phonological contrast learning. Journal of Phonetics, 104, 1-34. [Link]

Lee, J., Kim, D. J., & Park, H. (2024). Native listeners’ perceptual assessments of native and foreign-accented speech and their associations with various speech properties. Linguistic Research, 41(1), 27-63. [Link]

Kim, D. J., Kim, O., & Park, H. (2023). Prosodic realization of identificational and contrastive focus in Korean multiple accusative construction. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. [Link]

Albuarabi, S. & Park, H. (2023). Production and perception of consonant clusters in nonwords by Southern Iraqi and Najdi speakers. In M. Azaz (Ed.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics 34 (pp. 57-78), Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. [Link]

Han, J.-I., Park, H., & Lababidi, Z. (2020). Orthography effects on L2 phonetic categorization and lexical encoding. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 45(3), 703-724. [Link]

Lee, J., Kim, D. J., & Park, H. (2019). Native listeners’ evaluations of pleasantness, foreign accent, comprehensibility, and fluency in the speech of accented talkers. In J. Levis, C. Nagle, & E. Todey (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, ISSN 2380-9566, Ames, IA, September 2018 (pp. 168-178). Ames, IA: Iowa State University. [pdf]

Aldholmi, Y. & Park, H. (2019). Interactions between Temporal Acoustics and Indexical Information in Speech Rate Perception. In A. Khalfaoui & Y. A. Haddad (Eds.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics 31 (pp. 235-261). Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. [Link]

Park, H. & de Jong, K. (2017). Perceptual category mapping between English and Korean obstruents in non-CV positions: Prosodic location effects in second language identification skills. Journal of Phonetics, 62, 12-33. [Link]

Lababidi, Z. & Park, H. (2017). Perceptual Mapping between Arabic and English Consonants. In H. Ouali (Ed.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics 29 (pp. 89-126). Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. [Link]

Lababidi, Z. & Park, H. (2016). L1-English tense-lax vowel system influence on L2-Arabic short and long vowel learning. In Y. A. Haddad & E. Potsdam (Eds.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics 28 (pp. 63-88). Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. [Link]

Darcy, I., Park, H., & Yang, C.-L. (2015). Individual Differences in L2 acquisition of English Phonology: The relation between cognitive abilities and phonological processing. Learning and Individual differences, 40, 63-72. [Link]

Park, H. (2013). Detecting foreign accent in monosyllables: The role of L1 phonotactics. Journal of Phonetics, 41, 78-87. [Link]

de Jong, K. & Park, H. (2012). Vowel epenthesis and segment identity in Korean learners of English. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34(1), 127-155. [Link]

Heo, Y. & Park, H. (2012). American learners’ identification of Korean vowel categories. Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XIV (pp. 77-84). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University. [pdf]

de Jong, K., Hao, Y.-C., & Park, H. (2009). Evidence for featural units in the acquisition of speech production skills: Linguistic structure in foreign accent. Journal of Phonetics, 37(4), 357-373. [Link]

de Jong, K., Silbert, N., & Park, H. (2009). Generalization across segments in second language consonant identification. Language Learning, 59(1), 1-31. [Link]

Park, H. & de Jong, K. (2008). Perceptual category mapping between English and Korean prevocalic obstruents: Evidence from mapping effects in second language identification skills. Journal of Phonetics, 36(4), 704-723. [Link]

Park, H. (2008). Limits to the role of perception in Korean loanwords: English anterior obstruents in various prosodic locations. Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XII (pp. 264-277). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University. [pdf]

de Jong, K., Hao, Y.-C., Park, H., & Silbert, N. (2008). Novel-category biases in second language perception and production. IULC Working Papers – Online (vol. 08-09). Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Linguistics Club. [Link]

Park, H. (2008). Phonological information and linguistic experience in foreign accent detection. Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University, Bloomington. [pdf]

Park, H. (2007). Varied adaptation patterns of English stops and fricatives in Korean loanwords: The influence of the P-map. IULC Working Papers – Online (vol. 07-01). Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Linguistics Club. [Link]

Park, H. & de Jong, K. (2006). Native Koreans’ perception of voicing in VC position: Prosodic restructuring effects on consonant identification. IULC Working Papers – Online (vol. 06-04). Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Linguistics Club. [Link]

Silbert, N., de Jong, K., & Park, H. (2005). Linguistic generalization in L2 consonant identification accuracy: a preliminary report. IULC Working Papers – Online (vol. 05-01). Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Linguistics Club. [Link]